Problem on Print Graphicsscene with OpenGL
I wanted to print OpenGL scene which is implemented with QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene. but i can't print OpenGL scene. Rendering on display works well. Any idea on this problem? Please give me a solution.

I put OpenGL native code in QGraphicsScene:drawbackground() as follows:

void View3D::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) // View3D inherited QGrphicsSene
m_WindowWidth = rect.width();
m_WindowHeight = rect.height();

Render(m_WindowWidth, m_WindowHeight); // OpenGL code

painter->drawText(20, 40, "Show Text");

And core print code is

void OnRealPrint(QPrinter* printer)
QPainter painter(printer);



this code only print "Show Text" text. On my tests, GrphicsItem works well on Printing. Only OpenGL code does not work.