hi, I put at begin of paintGL that code but print strange things.......

Qt Code:
  1. cout << " size.width() " << size().width() << " " << " size.height() " << size().height() << endl;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Qt Code:
  1. // at start of app
  2. size.width() 101 size.height() 31
  3. paintGL
  4. size.width() 101 size.height() 31
  5. paintGL
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Qt Code:
  1. //after a rotation or traslation
  2. size.width() 320 size.height() 340
  3. paintGL
  4. size.width() 447 size.height() 363
  5. paintGL
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
why this change of values printed?? thanks