Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum and fairly new to Qt.

I'm running Windows 7 x64. I have Visual Studio 2010 installed and also Windows SDK v7.1. I've installed Debugging Tools for x86 and x64.

To install Qt, I downloaded the source for 4.7.1 and compiled for x86 and x64. I am using Qt Creator 2.1 RC.

I can switch between compiling 32-bit and 64-bit by switching between my Qt 4.7.1 folders. This works great.

I'm not expecting to be able to debug 64-bit apps with the 32-bit Qt Creator, but I think I should be able to debug 32-bit apps.

When I try to debug, everything looks right, but my breakpoints don't get hit. I can put my breakpoint at the first line of code in my main function and nothing -- it flies right by.

I tried setting the option to automatically break on exceptions and then put a throw in my code. This breaks, however, it doesn't break in my code; it breaks in the thread window.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much.