Hello guys,
I create simple designer application.
in which i implemeted a filedialog to retreive the file.

I followed the documentation, and did it .
It compiled & ran properly
and when i click the button , it just access the floppy drive and then nothing happens

void VRML2MVRDlg:n_Browse_clicked()
// QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( QString::null, "VRML Files (*.wrl)", this, "file open", "VRML File Open" );
QFileDialog* fd = new QFileDialog(this);
fd->setFileMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile);
fd->setFilter("VRML Files (*.wrl)");
QStringList filenames = fd->selectedFiles();
QString filename;
if (!filenames.isEmpty())
filename = filenames[0];

Looking forward for your reply.