
I am writing an API at the moment and am doing so with some success. I can build it all fine, however i am wondering in my project file, is there a way to specify where the lib or application should be installed. So i don't have to specify the TARGET and build with super user permissions.

I want people to be able to complile my library anywhere with the following
Qt Code:
  1. qmake
  2. make
  3. sudo make install
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

So yea, not sure how to specify the install path. Just as an example project file. I may have something like the following

Qt Code:
  1. TEMPLATE = lib
  2. TARGET = example
  3. DEPENDPATH += .
  5. DESTDIR = build
  7. VERSION = 1.0.0
  9. MOC_DIR = mocs
  10. OBJECTS_DIR = obj
  12. # Input
  13. HEADERS += example.h
  14. SOURCES += example.cpp
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

So the created .so is found in the build directory. So if i now execute make install i wish to install the .so into /usr/lib/ as libexample.so

Any advice
