consider the following scenario, there's a list view on the left side of the window, so each clicked item in the list would lead to an associated page in the stackedPage widget on the right side. This window is setup to take care of camera settings. There are two things which I would like to discuss with you about how the process should go on when the user clicks the APPLY button; to apply the new settings:

1. Each time this window pops on, the user may not be able in setting all the options of the list view items, so from a general point of view, It's better that I know which list views has the user clicked to change the setting!

2. For each list item, as I said there is a few group box items on the stackedpage containing radiobuttons. I exactly need to know which radio buttons have new settings so that I can only configure those when the user clicks on the APPLY button.

what I am looking for is exactly how I can implement this scenario minimizing the code ?