Hello all,
My system is Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit machine with LXDE, XFCE, Gnome2 and Cinnamon desktop environments.

I have a basic application with toolbar and right-click context menu. Actions are set from the UI in Action Editor. Those actions are used for toolbar and also in right-click context menu. What I want is some icons on those Actions. I have used QStyle StandardPixmaps
Qt Code:
  1. action->setIcon(style->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_FileDialogInfoView))
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
and also used setIcon() method for my icons.

The problem I have is when I implement and check in LXDE environment as well as on Windows 7 machine, that icon is displayed both in the toolbar and the right-click context menu. However, the same code in Gnome/XFCE environment, that icon is invisible in the context menu. It displays correctly in the toolbar.

Is this a problem with the OS or Qt? Help needed seriously.
