Hi All,

I want to learn how to use Qt on the Beaglebone Black. I used the steps outlined on “embedded.von-kannen.net”. I created a vm using the recommended version of lubuntu and followed all of the instructions to download and build Qt Creator and install Qt on the BBB. I was having great success and able to build a simple Helloworld app. I setup the debugger and it reported that it could connect to the target( the BBB ). Then the issue.

I tried to deploy the app to the target and got the following error: “The remote file system has 0 megabytes of free space, but 5 megabyte are required” . When I examine the BBB using “free -m” it reports that I have 372 megabytes of free space available.

Is there some process that should be running on the BBB and if so what is it?
