Quote Originally Posted by Krippy View Post
Is there a method of partially raising a marker, so that it can reveal a marker beneath it?
If you want to modify the position of the marker text in widget coordinates:
Qt Code:
  1. class YourMarker: public QwtPlotMarker
  2. {
  3. virtual void drawLabel( QPainter *painter,
  4. const QRectF &canvasRect, const QPointF &pos ) const
  5. {
  6. const QPointF &translatedPos = ...;
  7. QwtPlotMarker::drawLabel( painter, canvasRect, translatedPos );
  8. };
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Secondly, I have a set of symbols to denote different phases on the plot. I would like to include them in the legend even when they are absent from the graph.
legend and plot are synchronized by QwtPlot::legendDataChanged() and QwtAbstractLegend::updateLegend(). The second is virtual and would be a candidate for appending extra entries.

But there is also nothing wrong with inserting a dummy item. But if you don't want to insert real markers you can create a dummy QwtPlotItem, where you set the QwtPlotItem::Legend flag and overload QwtPlotItem::legendData(). Note that an item can have more than one entry ( f.e QwtPlotMultiBarChart ).
