I have an odd issue in QT3.3.5.

I have windows XP and Solaris (SunOS 5.8) platforms for testing on.

My app has a toolbutton which creates a new window, further pushes of the toolbutton create new copies of the same window.

In solaris I can do this many times (I've tested up to around 25 windows). However in windows after creating three windows, the system appears to give up drawing the windows. Within a debugger I can see all the memory (about 8-9MB) being allocated and objects created, etc. All seems fine with the internal data structures, there is simply no window drawing going on. All that happens is that each time the button is pushed the system appears to stall for a few seconds and then the entire screen flickers for a few seconds. This flicker also shows when I exit the application.

Is there any known issue with window drawing in Windows XP versus Solaris that I should be aware of?

Sorry for no code snippet, but I couldnt come up with a small enough snippet to demonstrate the issue.