View Full Version : General Discussion

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  1. I am the first!!!
  2. Hello Qt Centre
  3. Indian Companies Using Qt
  4. Intro - Warning: BBBOORRRIINNGGG!!!!!
  5. Qt and windows vista
  6. Qt License Q: Joint software and hardware distribution
  7. Hey everyone - new member
  8. People prefer old forum.
  9. How to migrate my qtforum statistics (rating) into this site?
  10. Apache Portable Runtime
  11. Rack Mounted Servers...
  12. Is there a relation between Qt and Quick Time?
  13. Qt + Barcode Reader
  14. What's TT got up its sleeves?
  15. A Qt4 editor part with syntax highlighting and stuff?
  16. Qt/Qtopia Chinese Forum is opened
  17. Intro/Rambles
  18. Contest
  19. Qt related questions and thoughts about getting job
  20. Hi @ll
  21. Qt newbie
  22. Recompiling on Windows with BCC -- help
  23. Qt-Wiki ???
  24. Interviewing QT Developers
  25. about this site
  26. Visual Studio 2003 and .vcproj files
  27. Qt4 IDE
  28. Fed up with M$ Window$ !!! Why is Tux leaving me alone???
  29. Hey :: I am a new Member,
  30. Did you people get the unsolicited mail? - "Release of Makedoc"
  31. Printing a PRN file on an NDPS printer
  32. QtCentre vs. Qt-Interest mailing list vs. QtForum?
  33. How to get qtdemo with reasonable speed?
  34. The Methods of quick search...
  35. Useful tip for MS Windows
  36. Qt Open Source License :: Mixing GPL and closed-source license
  37. Qt 3.3.6 open source mac
  38. Open source program
  39. Qt vs. Eclipse RCP
  40. HDD & BIOS : why the hell is that so badly designed???
  41. Xp
  42. Crosscompile Qt in Linux
  43. QSA tutorials/books
  44. Running application on Mac OS X
  45. mac "open" command
  46. weird repaint() behaviour
  47. brief discussion IProjectcomponent
  48. UI Idea please
  49. Newbie - experiences with Qt
  50. Qt us Builder and Delphi
  51. Unresolved External Symbol
  52. Fix: QT app won't run under Oracle Standard Client install
  53. Experts, what IDE are you using ?
  54. How to create a install file ?
  55. Question
  56. Scripting questions
  57. Is Qt Cute?
  58. SVD decomposition when using rotation and scaling pivots?
  59. What if not Signal/Slot
  60. What is your coding style ??
  61. RSS feeds? Or RSS like formats...
  62. Want to get trained in Qt
  63. Motif to Qt migration
  64. Vote for Qt
  65. Qt Quarterly mistake
  66. Qpl ?
  67. Design Patterns in Qt
  68. Database example
  69. Both Qt 4 books delayed?
  70. Happy 4th of July
  71. Licencing issue with Qt Open source
  72. Other Programming Libraries
  73. Auto update module
  74. Qt-like php
  75. need help about calibrating scanned maps.
  76. Ideas about how to implement Undo and Redo actions?
  77. Is this 'programmable' with Qt ?
  78. Azimuth and elevation widgets?
  79. space left command?
  80. Which UML tool do you use?
  81. We'll need a QT Jambi section!
  82. Happy B'Day Wysota
  83. problem with gdb debugging
  84. Cell Computer Project
  85. Standardization on libraries
  86. Trolltech's own phone.
  87. How to find out the earliest compatible version of a library?
  88. Who is going to visit Trolltech Developer Days in Munich
  89. Qt Jambi pre-released. Does it allow to make embedded java applets ?
  90. a non-QT-related question.
  91. doxygen config like qt docs
  92. CMake and pthreads
  93. using Qt plugin for Eclipse
  94. Experience using KDevelop with Cygwin under windows
  95. Googling Qt forum does not yeild Qt Centre
  96. Any opinions of other Qt book?
  97. Programmer's Editor
  98. binding
  99. Can GPLed Icons be used in Commercial softwares ?
  100. Math help please.
  101. ActiveX control
  102. Digg Qt 4.2
  103. subversion revision number
  104. C code linux to windows
  105. GreenPhone, QtJambi, D-BUS, VC++ Integration... want to see more?
  106. To run automatically at boot time on SuSE 10.1
  107. Requirement for versatile image viewer
  108. Image Converter
  109. Trolltech Devdays 2006 files?
  110. Distributing apps on a CD
  111. Help to install Qt in Windows Xp
  112. What's new in Qt4.3
  113. Database access from Qt
  114. 2d and 3d graphics in QT4
  115. New to QT..need help guys..sorry for the trouble
  116. opengl documents
  117. create custom widgets
  118. Creating universal binary
  119. Creating an evaluation version or trial version
  120. Writing a simple Draw program
  121. which is better QCanvas or graphics view?
  122. extra database features available in Qt4 than QT3
  123. Generating random characters
  124. QT 4.2 is free or licensed one?
  125. word wrapping in QTable Cell
  126. how to create resource fork & data fork
  127. Does anyone know google earth?
  128. Linux/Bash: Run a command as another user
  129. Qt Developers in Namibia
  130. any good books for QT 4.2?
  131. Qt-Apps.org
  132. problem with include files
  133. best version of q4
  134. dynamic linking on mac
  135. hello. happy new year
  136. Links to Qt Road show presenstation
  137. Video Links to Dey Days 2006
  138. Legal question about QT free edition
  139. FreeBSD tester
  140. Hope you're all hard at work on your competetion entries..
  141. Hello Qt Centre all !
  142. Regarding QtForum
  143. S/W to check memory leakeage in QT on mac
  144. Is the ebook of GUI Design Handbook available to download?
  145. Links to Trolltechs knowledge base - Hidden
  146. Pasting code from code tag in emacs
  147. Happy New Year!!!
  148. is myspace the paris hilton on the internet?
  149. "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4" book example code
  150. Cryptography : is it me ???
  151. Where do I can download mingw compiler?
  152. Best way to learn Qt
  153. Qt FAQ
  154. Google Custom Qt Search Engine
  155. QtCentre slogan
  156. Lets build a network
  157. QDevelop QT Tutorial for beginners (Linux)
  158. How do I use MinGW Compiler in Windows
  159. .app file Issue in MAC
  160. OpenOffice Output
  161. Problem with a python script and the date command at a *nix terminal
  162. recommendation of program other than kdesu/gksu to access the X server as root
  163. How to I get read of the message
  164. Cant open Qt Designer
  165. Hi from my side too !!
  166. MySQL starting problem
  167. I want to get a job
  168. Basics of Encryption and decryption
  169. C/C++ forum
  170. C++ Forum
  171. QMatrix
  172. hello qt graphics
  173. Any Jobs on Qtopia
  174. Win32 UML generator from C++ .h files?
  175. Need help
  176. Qt DLL Pack for Windows
  177. Thank goodness for Qt Center
  178. Elegant Qt's future?
  179. libQGLViewer mailing list?
  180. G3D with Qt 4?
  181. History proves global commerce is good
  182. Qt IDE Windows - still searching...
  183. Poll: Windows IDE
  184. C++Builder 2007
  185. Qt commercial version
  186. Making source code available
  187. support of LVM in Mac Os X??????
  188. Provide feedback about Qt and win GPS System or other great prizes
  189. Just in time compiler question
  190. qt forum
  191. Why C++?
  192. When to use pimpl ?
  193. How you distribute the application? Dynamic or static linking?
  194. Choosing a qt4 book
  195. .NET programming
  196. Trolltech Task Tracker on Linux does not work?
  197. Collaboration in open source
  198. anyone used sata/ide to usb converters on Linux?
  199. Editor in turboc
  200. qt portable?
  201. wich is the best IDE for my aims for windows?
  202. I need a project opinion.
  203. svn problem: help me clear the repository
  204. bootable cd/DVD on Mac
  205. Trolltech Developer Days 2007
  206. Trolltech devdays Munich
  207. Python or ruby or lua
  208. Firewire Camera driver
  209. Compiler's calculation on memory/address
  210. Need Qt IDE with Debugger
  211. stray character in gcc output
  212. Linux distributions
  213. BSD Systems
  214. A.I. test. A.I. test.
  215. How was DevDays?
  216. Font issues: Qt3 Vs Qt4
  217. Small task for Windows programmers
  218. Learning by doing
  219. Qt 4.2 on Mac Os 10.5?
  220. Are you a professional programmer?
  221. Qdevelop question
  222. create self-extracting zip file thru Cygwin?
  223. skins idea
  224. Multithread in multicore CPU
  225. Group Memberships
  226. there is agood Qt IDE?
  227. Mandriva Linux question
  228. Wouldn't be better to concentrate on developing one IDE, than many similar?
  229. DevDays - 2007
  230. Re: Linux question
  231. Signal and slot connection graph
  232. Downhill with 4.3.2
  233. Qt Consulting and Traning companies in Germany and EU?
  234. C++ best tutorial / training
  235. what are the new features in Qt Commercial Version?
  236. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008
  237. Marry Christmas and a A Happy new year from the QtCentre.org team! :-)
  238. Contributing translations
  239. How did you learn QT 4 ?
  240. Happy anniversary!
  241. QT "Remoting" and D-Bus questions
  242. creation of installable file
  243. QT programming on Mac os x
  244. Qt in the future and Career opportunity
  245. How do you pronounce Qt?
  246. Eclipse question
  247. Looking for a specific webcam...
  248. Trolltech newsgroup in Thunderbird
  249. Nokia to acquire Trolltech
  250. ctags & gdb.exe problem