- Qt/Embedded over PocketPC
- QTE on Palm handhelds
- Video Format
- Signalling Protocol
- drawText (QT/E 2.3.10)
- Qtopia
- Interaction between QT/Embedded and LCD display device
- KDevelop with Qtopia
- Qtopia install
- How can I add any other language
- is the Qtopia support animated GIF file...
- Qtopia 4 and Zaurus (Qtopia 1.5) compatibility issue
- Qtopia-opensource error
- Latest PDA's features...
- pim library for arm
- how to export images of Qt/Embedded on Device
- lidstdc++.so.5
- Execution of a qt application on an arm linux device...
- Modifying the Display on Device
- how to detect key pad events???
- curious: where all is Qtopia deployed??
- Deployment of Application to freescale board
- How Qt/Embedded detects the keypad input from device?
- how to create a driver plug-in?
- drawText problem
- Image for Board
- Program error : [9;0] [?1cCreating mouse "Auto"
- why qte2.3.1 can kill tty? how to solve it?
- why does qt program meet segmentation fault?
- Typedef quint16 on ARM and Win32
- Qmessegebox problem
- Who can install Qtopia
- why qvfb don't work
- the big problem about QVFB
- Qtopia cross-compile for arm
- MNG Support
- Change Font Color of Label and CheckBox
- Cannot open keyboard: Permission denied
- Background image on popup menu item
- Project compilation problem
- how to run qtopia
- How to enable QWS_IM in qte-3.3.5 ?
- Building Qtopia has failed
- cannot find -lqte
- Regarding KeyPad Handling
- Qtopia Download
- Can i use qte without qtopia
- Detecting KeyPad Events from my Keypad
- Qtopia core 4 make problem on FC5
- compile qtopia error
- qapplication with open(/dev/name,O_RDWR) crashed???
- Favorite device for qtopia
- /etc/pointercal problem
- qtopia-free-2.1.1 Xcompile strange error
- Compiling Qtopia-Example failed
- Qtopia host side development environment for ARM target.
- How to enable keyboard and mouse as input in qtopia-2.1.1
- System title bar height
- No output on frame buffer (arm target board)
- Qtopia example execution error(application hangs)
- QVFB problem.
- QVFB problem.
- Cross-platforming and Qtopia
- Cross Compiling Qtopia with SH4 and ended up with segfault, please help
- driver plugin help
- cannot find lqte-mt
- reading from QTextStream
- Is there a GPRS application in qtopia?
- GPRS init AT command cannot be sent to module
- GPRA application problem?
- Kdevlop and Qtopia
- Qtopia H/w Advice needed
- Qtopia 4.2 Open Source edition released!
- sms flow in qtopia 4.1.4
- error in compiling qtopia.....
- compiling inputmethods in qtopia
- rtti option
- Qtopia Greenphone SDKs Now Shipping
- Greenphone audio/video
- Qtopia, Zaurus (SL-C1000) & Screen Rotation
- QVFB: Screen rotation
- QSound don't play wav in qtopia 1.5.4, 1.7.0 and 2.2.0
- qtopia window decoration cannot show caption
- Qcopservicerequest
- regarding qt/embedded support in MontaVista linux
- how to enable touch screen in qt/embedded
- Restart QApplication
- link error when cross-compiling qtopia 4.2.0
- How to study the Qtopia.
- regarding a touch screen driver for qt-embedded
- Quick(Best) way to jumpstart Qtopia application development for Qt programmer
- Difference between Qtopia Core/Platform/Phone/PDA
- qtopia applications about addressbook
- cannot create semaphore
- Two question about create an application.
- out of source qtopiamake???
- about SXE ( Safe Execution Environment )
- Best Practice on single source Qt Desktop/Qtopia Core/QPE application
- one single project file for Qt/Qtopia Core/QPE
- Memory Requirements of Qt
- qvfb problem
- problems about cross-compilation qte to arm
- Virtual Keyboard on Qtopia 4.2.1
- Application deployment problem
- Trolltech Developer Challenge
- Qtopia RPM
- Run application in background
- regarding graph plotting in qt
- Phone call listener
- Defining fonts on Qtopia themes
- Automatic font selection
- Threading and plotting graph in same program.
- Where is documentation for qtopiamake ???
- Qtopia depth problem
- What is $$fromfile(), DEP_CMDS ???
- Qtopia Phone Ediation 4.2.0 is to slow!! How to optimize it?
- List share library dependency of Qtopia application (cross-compilation configuration)
- Linux Framebuffer Test Problem
- Qt/Embedded support for MIPS architecture
- [HELP] Display Mouse pointer/cursor ??
- Qtopia Core & OpenGL ES?
- Qtopia WAP/WSP support ?
- Qt/Embedded for MIPS
- Widgets on theming title bar
- Qtopia4.2:Usage of both TouchScreen and Mouse
- removing -lQt3Support from makefile (greenphone)
- How to Launch Virtual Keyboard on top of TouchScreen
- .qm file Call flow
- Qte source code
- How To upgrade from Qte3.3.6 to Qte 4.0
- qtopia on MIPS
- Functionality Of Qsciptengine file
- Optimize Qt Library
- Problem cross compiling examples/demo on mips.Qmake/Linking?
- How to ignore Button-Events in Qtopia?
- Glyph display using the opentype in the Qt4
- QWSSocket::connect....
- I cant run application on my ARM
- Qtopia for ColdFire
- Relocation error
- Updation of GUI truncates Packets
- Adding a Screen Driver
- FONTS According to languages (Internationalization)
- Loading Of Fonts In Application ???
- how to configure LAN in Qtopia.
- QScreenLinuxFb::connect: No such file or directory
- adding new applications to qtopia-2.2
- All font library has same glyph index for glyph ??
- Framebuffer Error
- PDF rendering in embedded device with Qtopia
- Remote debugging+keyboard
- Does Qtopia core 4.3 support D-Bus
- dbus on QTopia
- how to reduce the size of qt/e application
- Qt designer differences in qt-x11 and qtopia core
- problem with translating qtopia-1.7.0 to non-english language(such as chinese)
- problems on running an example application
- Using exec in the qt/embedded application.
- creating an application that does not appear to be windowed
- I need greenPhone keyboard codes
- hellow everyone, i come from China ,i have some questions to ask :-)!
- how do I get the default picture path of qtopia 2.2
- Applications don't start
- IPC communication - e.g. QAbstractIpcInterface
- QHttp Limitations?
- qtopia core 4 Fonts on device problem
- SXEMonitor log format
- Greenphone mini USB socket problem
- what is the difference among three ways of constructing a Qtopia application?
- qvfb problem- sorry worked out please ignore
- embedded font/locale problems
- how to run java program on qtopia?
- How can I create this application?
- Creating QDS service
- How to port QListBox and QListBoxItem in Qtopia 2.2.0 to 4.2.0
- Using QHttp in a QDS service
- QTimer and QThread in Qtopia 4.2.0
- qtopiamake bug when same name file under different directories
- QScrollView cannot work well
- How to use ServiceRequest?
- Fastest PaintDevice?
- where is a utility - qconfig?
- "qconfig -medium" failed
- QMAKESPEC has not been configured
- Qtopia Vs Qt/X11 confusion...
- Error in running qtopia 4.3 on QVFB
- How to install Qt/Qtopia on embeded linux?
- Qtopia 4.2.4 opensource won't configure
- Whether not run Phonesim in Fedora 4 version
- Customizing launcher in qtopia
- qtopia on qnx neutrino rtos
- about qt/embedded widgets showing in ARM platform
- Using QIODevice to read a GPS filenode?
- QT-embedded on STlinux?
- qmake not executable on buildplatform because it is compiled for the target :(
- how to do touch screen calibration for qtopia-core-opensource-4.3.2
- QT-embedded or Qtopia for Stlinux?
- Arranging the Items in Qtopia
- Newbie for Embedded development
- No network when Modem Emulator connect to a real device
- Problem with QComboBox
- Error in Qt/embedded 4.0.0 with qvfb
- Which QtDesigner to use with Qtopia
- I am very much new to QTOPIA
- media player in qtopia
- strange problem about QString::number(double)
- processEvents preventing class from destruction?
- building Qtopia v4.3.3 with opengl es
- Porting Qt embedded application to windows.
- How to make qpf file
- qtopia , serial port and keyboard
- Downloading themes in Qtopia phone?
- Qtopia Eclipse Integration.
- getting problem in running qtopia home screen application
- QMessageBox problem in Qtopia
- Some question about Qtopia concept
- Multiple apps using Qt/Embedded+Qtopia on Embedded Linux
- audi/video synchronization problem in qtopia
- problem running Qt4.x binary on Qt3.x
- Scribble example: problem with mouse pointer
- what does these debug message mean?
- qtopia terminal application
- IDE for developing Qtopia4.3 application
- Qtopia on Arm
- Problem with QTextEdit
- Qtopia-arm error message ?
- Linking error: libQtNetwork.so: undefined reference to `_freeifaddrs'
- how to apply stylesheet to qtopia application using qss file
- 'XEvent' has not been declared
- Examples on QTOPIA
- Minimize fonts space
- QDesigner classes for Arm platform
- Problem in using Custom Widgets
- Mouseless Control for Embedded Device.
- Running Qtopia app outside of image directory
- How to install qtopia application on device.
- Touch screen on t-Embedded 4.4 on i.MX31ADS
- Struggling with value space
- How to install a Qt-WinCE app on the device?
- QT-wince and QHttp::readAll() trouble....
- Errors in building qtopia2.2
- touchscreen not working in qtopia-4.2.2
- No sound on embedded devices
- VNC and VGA
- array of pointers to QtcpSocket
- How to add applications to qtopia..
- how to integrate Qtopia with the Helix source package
- QProcess in qt-2.3
- problem with qt-3.0.0
- Problem compile QT embedded 3.3.6