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  1. QLogText & QLogTable : 2 widgets to display text log
  2. [DevQt] New versions, feature requests and bug reports
  3. [DevQt] Team & project management
  4. [DevQt] General discussion
  5. BSCommander - need a comments
  6. MVC charts for Qt4
  7. FYI: Free LaTex Editor written using QT4.1 !!!
  8. QT4DS help...
  9. DevQT - where is it and what's the state
  10. The return of the king!
  11. announce: qmdilib 0.0.1
  12. QIde, a new IDE for Qt4
  13. Anthias : An extended terminal
  14. qtsourceview
  15. QCodeEdit
  16. Has QT4DS disappeared
  17. announce: Ideality 0.0.1 (library)
  18. Announcement: Release of Qucs 0.0.10
  19. Edyuk 0.6.0 : test its taste ;-)
  20. GUI Test Runner for CppUnit
  21. Qwt 5.0.0rc0
  22. QDevelop, a new IDE for Qt4
  23. Announce: Free Pascal / Lazarus for Qt
  24. Monkey Studio - Free crossplatfrom Qt4 IDE ( oldest Qt4DS )
  25. QPdf2Swf
  26. First QDevelop plugin
  27. Monkey Studio 2.0.0
  28. QDevelop SQLite Driver Issue
  29. QUiViewer - standalone application for viewing Qt4 UI files
  30. Phrasis - A no frills writer oriented text editor
  31. Edyuk : fully-featured, highly flexible and free cross-platform IDE
  32. InstallBuilder for Qt - Multiplatform installation tool
  33. RFC: A Complex(er) QMake Template
  34. KDevelop-3.4.0 is released
  35. Introducing ChainLink: Matlab-style GUI for Qt4 developers
  36. Visual Studio App Wizard for Qt
  37. Qwt 5.0.1
  38. Not an editor, nor IDE ;)?
  39. QDevelop - current development
  40. For fun's sake
  41. Pro Foto-Football Online!
  42. QTM - Blogging client for Qt 4
  43. An app is hearing you?
  44. Coming Soon: Qt Eclipse Integration
  45. kdevelop 3.4.0
  46. Qt advanced plugin system(qtaps)
  47. ChessX 0.2.0
  48. Qt Snapshots / awaited releases
  49. FBPersistence 1.0 Now Available
  50. QDevelop 0.22
  51. SmartFOSS Mission Statement
  52. wwWidgets
  53. Banded Report Writer for QT4
  54. GUI runner of QTestLib
  55. Just for fun game
  56. Qcj Data classes initial release
  57. Value Browser 3
  58. MYSQL 5 Table qt model as small Mysql admin
  59. Third Party tool for deploy Qt Application on Mac?
  60. PythonQt 1.0
  61. Phase 0.8
  62. Easier access to Qt Documentation
  63. New Ada2005 language bindings to Qt 4.2
  64. cairo4qt 0.9 - a cairo based paint engine for Qt4
  65. Available : Qt Eclipse Integration !
  66. QT 4.2.3 evaluation
  67. QT class name roboter - QKeyWord
  68. Qmmp 0.1 released
  69. Ui2Cpp wizard 0.7 released
  70. Timekeeper, a handy little application
  71. Qwt 5.0.2
  72. QObjectBrowser
  73. Skinned Windows (own TitleBar and Borders)
  74. QDevelop for MAC OS?
  75. Beesoft Tracer - remote/local debugging
  76. QDns Configurator
  77. Call for developers and testers for ChessX
  78. TextPrinter class
  79. Handcoder's IDE for Qt
  80. QNANWidgets
  81. HiQt the best IDE for Qt4?
  82. Ah3- now in beta
  83. Cobras IDE - new release - 0.13
  84. QDevelop documentation, help needed.
  85. Qt4 Tool: ColorFinder
  86. HaiQ - IDE for Qt4
  87. QBrew 0.4.0
  88. QSkinWindows Classes
  89. ZeTools
  90. Generic Component Framework
  91. AnyQSoftIDE - new IDE for Qt4
  92. Fop MiniScribus XSL-FO stable
  93. Anyone worked with Gui-Artist?
  94. R6 Bill Tracker
  95. [PyQt4]reStInPeace
  96. Ah3 beta7
  97. AVC, automatic widget/variable connector
  98. does there exists any sofware to manipulate/view signals/slots in graphical view?
  99. edyuk does not work!!!!
  100. QMapControl
  101. QDevelop needs Dutch and Polish translators
  102. QDevelop 0.25 released
  103. amscalc - calculator for ammoniumsulfate precipitation
  104. QDevelop 0.25 crash
  105. Cobras 0.15 - Qt IDE
  106. PHP-Qt 0.9 Released
  107. VS2005 Integration vs the Various Other IDEs
  108. Can't get qdevelop to debug
  109. InstallBuilder for Qt 5.3.0 released
  110. [QDevelop] Makefile.Release:61: *** missing separator. Stop.
  111. xVST 1.4a released!
  112. ide which supports debugging qt4.3.3 in windows
  113. QDevelop auto-complete function and Qt4
  114. qDevelop crash
  115. QXListView - 'Active List' Demo
  116. QDevelop question...
  117. VistaGlassButton widget for Qt 4
  118. beediff
  119. Qt 4.3.3 Open Source for Windows - Strange QMake fault/error /bug ??
  120. QOpenOCCI Oracle SQL Plugin
  121. Thud!
  122. [QDevelop] Problem with empty project
  123. CMS with Qt library
  124. Open Source QT vs Paid QT
  125. Elite remake ported to Qt
  126. very simple and basic FAM/Gamin wrapper for qt
  127. QDevelop and CTags -> Not working
  128. qPEditor - the editor for the programmer.
  129. Re: Opening Project file Issue in Edyuk
  130. Qwt 5.1.0
  131. QwtPolar 0.0.1
  132. QRegExp Debugger
  133. OpenOffice document display on QTextBrowser solution
  134. MetaPointer: QPointer with Signals and Slots
  135. QTermWidget alpha
  136. Visual Studio 2008 wizard for generating Qt makefile projects
  137. HaiQ updated for Qt 4.4
  138. QBrew 0.4.1
  139. Dynamic Animated QLabel
  140. QDevelop - global variables & help
  141. Steps to configure Ctags with QDevelop
  142. Qt crossplatfrom dev based on Eclipse
  143. QDevelop .ui files
  144. Qt commercial with eclipse and cl.exe
  145. CPPUNIT_ASSERT fails and terminates QtTestRunner
  146. Qt4 eclipse integration : "action handling"
  147. Is it possible to stream data from device with phonon ?
  148. LibQxt
  149. Code completion for a Qwidget at Qt4 in QDevelop 4.3.1
  150. luntr : untranslate your apps!
  151. DoxyGate - Doxygen GUI Frontend
  152. Lumina GLSL IDE based on QtScript and dynamic Objects
  153. Wally
  154. Fop MiniScribus XSL-Fo release 2.0 beta
  155. Quill 0.5 Released -- A Tablet Journaling Application
  156. Qt powered Build tool: R2build
  157. Windows Migration Framework
  158. squish for QT
  159. large file handling
  160. Keyboards freezes
  161. Mac OS ToolBar problem, (setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac)
  162. tslib error
  163. Antico Window Manager
  164. Qt Eclipse Intergration Ubuntu 64bit
  165. SimpleDict
  166. QDevelop debuggng - viewing class member variables
  167. LibIrcClient-Qt
  168. Qt 4.5 to be released under LGPL
  169. Wally 2.0.0
  170. ddinf libraries
  171. problem in installing qt4.4.3 source
  172. Font problems
  173. qTwitter
  174. The end of an era
  175. how to: external tool edyuk
  176. resonance :: ambient sound mixer - written in Qt
  177. google translator code
  178. Qwt 5.1.2
  179. Qwt 5.2.0
  180. Image Commander
  181. Qt PDF image handler
  182. Qt Demo is scrambled on Windows XP
  183. Kudos on 4.5
  184. Voip Development Kit
  185. Neformal 1.0.1
  186. Image Commander v.1.2
  187. QExtendedGridView
  188. xVST 2.0a released!
  189. QHelper Tools
  190. QwtPolar 0.1.0
  191. GSAlbumer
  192. QOAuth - a Qt OAuth library
  193. New Video Game: Confusion
  194. Debugging singal-slot connections
  195. Newbie Question with Qextserialport.tar.gz
  196. ChessX 0.6 released
  197. AsciiArt Creator
  198. Extended cannon example - My first little Qt project
  199. RSS Reader
  200. WebIssues Client 0.9.5
  201. EasySMB-My first little Qt project
  202. Wally 2.1.0
  203. Kontakter
  204. Widget Virtual Keyboard
  205. Analog ASP.NET based upon Qt.
  206. GICS - Graphical Instruments and Components Solution
  207. Multilotek - simulation of lottery game
  208. Marble as QT Designer Plugin
  209. Kunciku
  210. IQ Game
  211. WizBang - Learn and Teach Procedural Programming Languages
  212. Alien vs Native Windows - Flicker in Screen Transition
  213. Marquee QLabel
  214. Developer Machines Introduces Qtitan Multimedia Library for Rich Multimedia in Qt
  215. Math Graphica
  216. Urgent need in programmers in Philippines
  217. How to make (QT + C++) application to print its output images to Windows printer?
  218. ScreenGrab -- crossplatform tool for grabbing desktop screens
  219. Do you suggest to develop a videoplayer and notetaker with QT ?
  220. Potential bug in QwwFileChooser::chooseFile() (of wwWidgets)?
  221. KD Chart zoom features
  222. Log statistics program
  223. KDChart. What do you thing about?
  224. BFRunner - Brainfuck Interpreter
  225. Raytracer
  226. My first program
  227. My qt application (feedback and suggestions)
  228. Need VA ,MD, DC Qt Programer or Firm
  229. Multi Layerd Progress bar
  230. Qwt Polar 0.1.0 - Qwt 5.2.0 - Qt 4.6.0
  231. Gambit - genome alignment viewer and analysis workbench
  232. Eclipse woes
  233. Sapphire 3D Surfaces
  234. EAN13 Barcode class & test generator
  235. Error in compiling
  236. Map viewer
  237. JamDisk : Amazon S3 Client
  238. Qt GPL or LGPL Problem
  239. QtGym
  240. Qt to Matlab (mat format) export data to Matlab .mat format -v4
  241. Artistic Style Plugin
  242. qwt cannot be built
  243. Opening a psmap from Qt
  244. Qwt 5.2.1
  245. Sintegrial Text Editor
  246. Roman Numeral Calculator
  247. Qt script signal handler
  248. LibQxt 0.6.0
  249. QtSqlSettings - class to save application settings in the database.
  250. X Monitor in a Qt form