View Full Version : Qt-based Software
- QLogText & QLogTable : 2 widgets to display text log
- [DevQt] New versions, feature requests and bug reports
- [DevQt] Team & project management
- [DevQt] General discussion
- BSCommander - need a comments
- MVC charts for Qt4
- FYI: Free LaTex Editor written using QT4.1 !!!
- QT4DS help...
- DevQT - where is it and what's the state
- The return of the king!
- announce: qmdilib 0.0.1
- QIde, a new IDE for Qt4
- Anthias : An extended terminal
- qtsourceview
- QCodeEdit
- Has QT4DS disappeared
- announce: Ideality 0.0.1 (library)
- Announcement: Release of Qucs 0.0.10
- Edyuk 0.6.0 : test its taste ;-)
- GUI Test Runner for CppUnit
- Qwt 5.0.0rc0
- QDevelop, a new IDE for Qt4
- Announce: Free Pascal / Lazarus for Qt
- Monkey Studio - Free crossplatfrom Qt4 IDE ( oldest Qt4DS )
- QPdf2Swf
- First QDevelop plugin
- Monkey Studio 2.0.0
- QDevelop SQLite Driver Issue
- QUiViewer - standalone application for viewing Qt4 UI files
- Phrasis - A no frills writer oriented text editor
- Edyuk : fully-featured, highly flexible and free cross-platform IDE
- InstallBuilder for Qt - Multiplatform installation tool
- RFC: A Complex(er) QMake Template
- KDevelop-3.4.0 is released
- Introducing ChainLink: Matlab-style GUI for Qt4 developers
- Visual Studio App Wizard for Qt
- Qwt 5.0.1
- Not an editor, nor IDE ;)?
- QDevelop - current development
- For fun's sake
- Pro Foto-Football Online!
- QTM - Blogging client for Qt 4
- An app is hearing you?
- Coming Soon: Qt Eclipse Integration
- kdevelop 3.4.0
- Qt advanced plugin system(qtaps)
- ChessX 0.2.0
- Qt Snapshots / awaited releases
- FBPersistence 1.0 Now Available
- QDevelop 0.22
- SmartFOSS Mission Statement
- wwWidgets
- Banded Report Writer for QT4
- GUI runner of QTestLib
- Just for fun game
- Qcj Data classes initial release
- Value Browser 3
- MYSQL 5 Table qt model as small Mysql admin
- Third Party tool for deploy Qt Application on Mac?
- PythonQt 1.0
- Phase 0.8
- Easier access to Qt Documentation
- New Ada2005 language bindings to Qt 4.2
- cairo4qt 0.9 - a cairo based paint engine for Qt4
- Available : Qt Eclipse Integration !
- QT 4.2.3 evaluation
- QT class name roboter - QKeyWord
- Qmmp 0.1 released
- Ui2Cpp wizard 0.7 released
- Timekeeper, a handy little application
- Qwt 5.0.2
- QObjectBrowser
- Skinned Windows (own TitleBar and Borders)
- QDevelop for MAC OS?
- Beesoft Tracer - remote/local debugging
- QDns Configurator
- Call for developers and testers for ChessX
- TextPrinter class
- Handcoder's IDE for Qt
- QNANWidgets
- HiQt the best IDE for Qt4?
- Ah3- now in beta
- Cobras IDE - new release - 0.13
- QDevelop documentation, help needed.
- Qt4 Tool: ColorFinder
- HaiQ - IDE for Qt4
- QBrew 0.4.0
- QSkinWindows Classes
- ZeTools
- Generic Component Framework
- AnyQSoftIDE - new IDE for Qt4
- Fop MiniScribus XSL-FO stable
- Anyone worked with Gui-Artist?
- R6 Bill Tracker
- [PyQt4]reStInPeace
- Ah3 beta7
- AVC, automatic widget/variable connector
- does there exists any sofware to manipulate/view signals/slots in graphical view?
- edyuk does not work!!!!
- QMapControl
- QDevelop needs Dutch and Polish translators
- QDevelop 0.25 released
- amscalc - calculator for ammoniumsulfate precipitation
- QDevelop 0.25 crash
- Cobras 0.15 - Qt IDE
- PHP-Qt 0.9 Released
- VS2005 Integration vs the Various Other IDEs
- Can't get qdevelop to debug
- InstallBuilder for Qt 5.3.0 released
- [QDevelop] Makefile.Release:61: *** missing separator. Stop.
- xVST 1.4a released!
- ide which supports debugging qt4.3.3 in windows
- QDevelop auto-complete function and Qt4
- qDevelop crash
- QXListView - 'Active List' Demo
- QDevelop question...
- VistaGlassButton widget for Qt 4
- beediff
- Qt 4.3.3 Open Source for Windows - Strange QMake fault/error /bug ??
- QOpenOCCI Oracle SQL Plugin
- Thud!
- [QDevelop] Problem with empty project
- CMS with Qt library
- Open Source QT vs Paid QT
- Elite remake ported to Qt
- very simple and basic FAM/Gamin wrapper for qt
- QDevelop and CTags -> Not working
- qPEditor - the editor for the programmer.
- Re: Opening Project file Issue in Edyuk
- Qwt 5.1.0
- QwtPolar 0.0.1
- QRegExp Debugger
- OpenOffice document display on QTextBrowser solution
- MetaPointer: QPointer with Signals and Slots
- QTermWidget alpha
- Visual Studio 2008 wizard for generating Qt makefile projects
- HaiQ updated for Qt 4.4
- QBrew 0.4.1
- Dynamic Animated QLabel
- QDevelop - global variables & help
- Steps to configure Ctags with QDevelop
- Qt crossplatfrom dev based on Eclipse
- QDevelop .ui files
- Qt commercial with eclipse and cl.exe
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT fails and terminates QtTestRunner
- Qt4 eclipse integration : "action handling"
- Is it possible to stream data from device with phonon ?
- LibQxt
- Code completion for a Qwidget at Qt4 in QDevelop 4.3.1
- luntr : untranslate your apps!
- DoxyGate - Doxygen GUI Frontend
- Lumina GLSL IDE based on QtScript and dynamic Objects
- Wally
- Fop MiniScribus XSL-Fo release 2.0 beta
- Quill 0.5 Released -- A Tablet Journaling Application
- Qt powered Build tool: R2build
- Windows Migration Framework
- squish for QT
- large file handling
- Keyboards freezes
- Mac OS ToolBar problem, (setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac)
- tslib error
- Antico Window Manager
- Qt Eclipse Intergration Ubuntu 64bit
- SimpleDict
- QDevelop debuggng - viewing class member variables
- LibIrcClient-Qt
- Qt 4.5 to be released under LGPL
- Wally 2.0.0
- ddinf libraries
- problem in installing qt4.4.3 source
- Font problems
- qTwitter
- The end of an era
- how to: external tool edyuk
- resonance :: ambient sound mixer - written in Qt
- google translator code
- Qwt 5.1.2
- Qwt 5.2.0
- Image Commander
- Qt PDF image handler
- Qt Demo is scrambled on Windows XP
- Kudos on 4.5
- Voip Development Kit
- Neformal 1.0.1
- Image Commander v.1.2
- QExtendedGridView
- xVST 2.0a released!
- QHelper Tools
- QwtPolar 0.1.0
- GSAlbumer
- QOAuth - a Qt OAuth library
- New Video Game: Confusion
- Debugging singal-slot connections
- Newbie Question with Qextserialport.tar.gz
- ChessX 0.6 released
- AsciiArt Creator
- Extended cannon example - My first little Qt project
- RSS Reader
- WebIssues Client 0.9.5
- EasySMB-My first little Qt project
- Wally 2.1.0
- Kontakter
- Widget Virtual Keyboard
- Analog ASP.NET based upon Qt.
- GICS - Graphical Instruments and Components Solution
- Multilotek - simulation of lottery game
- Marble as QT Designer Plugin
- Kunciku
- IQ Game
- WizBang - Learn and Teach Procedural Programming Languages
- Alien vs Native Windows - Flicker in Screen Transition
- Marquee QLabel
- Developer Machines Introduces Qtitan Multimedia Library for Rich Multimedia in Qt
- Math Graphica
- Urgent need in programmers in Philippines
- How to make (QT + C++) application to print its output images to Windows printer?
- ScreenGrab -- crossplatform tool for grabbing desktop screens
- Do you suggest to develop a videoplayer and notetaker with QT ?
- Potential bug in QwwFileChooser::chooseFile() (of wwWidgets)?
- KD Chart zoom features
- Log statistics program
- KDChart. What do you thing about?
- BFRunner - Brainfuck Interpreter
- Raytracer
- My first program
- My qt application (feedback and suggestions)
- Need VA ,MD, DC Qt Programer or Firm
- Multi Layerd Progress bar
- Qwt Polar 0.1.0 - Qwt 5.2.0 - Qt 4.6.0
- Gambit - genome alignment viewer and analysis workbench
- Eclipse woes
- Sapphire 3D Surfaces
- EAN13 Barcode class & test generator
- Error in compiling
- Map viewer
- JamDisk : Amazon S3 Client
- Qt GPL or LGPL Problem
- QtGym
- Qt to Matlab (mat format) export data to Matlab .mat format -v4
- Artistic Style Plugin
- qwt cannot be built
- Opening a psmap from Qt
- Qwt 5.2.1
- Sintegrial Text Editor
- Roman Numeral Calculator
- Qt script signal handler
- LibQxt 0.6.0
- QtSqlSettings - class to save application settings in the database.
- X Monitor in a Qt form
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