View Full Version : Qt Programming
- ASSERT failure in QWidget: " Widgets must be created in GUI Thread"
- Sort columns using "standard" order, not ASCIIbetical order
- Creating an installer that includes Qt Help
- QExplicitlySharedDataPointer and circular references lead to dangling pointers
- Stop movement of QGraphicsItems on scene in ScrollHandDrag mode of QGraphicsView.
- Emit to specific receiver
- Why Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error in Qt 4.8.0 using win32-g++
- Where is Qt???
- QAbstractProxyModel not getting notified when rows are inserted or removed.
- Added a new action to the main tool bar but it didnot appear ??
- How to get the List of TimeZones in qt
- QGLWidget not updating / drawing / rendering, stays black
- QWebView::IconChanged()
- QExtSerialPort 1.1 (or 1.2 don't know) after invoking close() GUI freezes.
- Putting large size file on FTP using QNetworkAccessManager
- How to Create Executable file for my program
- Is it possible to send RAW data to a printer?
- Ping from Qt Application
- QTcp[server and socket]: can't read my transfered file, why!!
- signal getting caught in another event loop
- QMYSQL Driver not found
- Program runs from Creator, but not as a standalone?
- main.cpp in creating new QWidget project
- GLU not found
- Need help to make GUI application using Qt Plugin Arhitecture
- phonon
- Drawing shapes using GraphicsView, GraphicsScene and GraphicsItem(s)
- PySide translations working just partially
- QItemEditorFactory and QStyledDelegate
- QFileSystemModel with network drives not connected
- Downloading a page with QNetworkAccessManager
- QT for MacX installs only for superuser (root)
- Multiple QPushButtons in widgets influence across widgets.
- Real Time Applications in Qt
- different row heights in QTreeView
- help scene()->collidingItems
- xml file append updated stream instead of updating it
- help dynamic_cast
- fastest access Qt array for double?
- Migrating content from header file to source file
- What's the charactor ‘^' mean in the qmake file?
- Implemetation of dispatchEvent for custom JavaScript object
- Dynamically change slider max range
- Help with Ibase plugin on Mac os X, driver not loaded
- Threads and mutable variables
- Making sure dialogs and messageboxes pop up at the center of the screen
- How to run "more" command using Qprocess ???
- Open an in-memory file with the default system application
- Worldtimeclock and timezones issue
- Highlight the full line (LineUnderCursor)
- unable to update label from another thread
- 2 Dimensional array in QML
- Customizing the slider
- How to integrate Lua as Qt application extension
- Database Drivers Related to Qt
- How to move QMdiSubWindow in and out of QMdiArea?
- Strange behavior of return statement
- Efficient video display using OpenGL / comparing execution time
- QMenu
- qtextcursor setposition doesn't work
- QSqlRelationalTableModel and editable QComboBox
- Problem using QtConcurrent with members fuctions
- Qt with mysql connection ???
- Add platform dependent path into pro file problem
- change arrangement of radiobttons at runtime
- About QDomDocument.elementById()
- Getting QMenu of selected QAction
- Xml namespace parsing using QXmlStreamReader
- How to build Qt statically on Windows?
- using void in Qt Constructor and Destructor
- Check http server status (inline/offline) with pyqt
- How to use open splice data disribution service in Qt application.
- Web services in qt ???
- QTreeView expand and collapse
- Changing QMainWindows backgroundcolor
- Detecting changes to file system for QFileSystemModel
- Multiple Inheritance problems when inheriting from QGraphicsPolygonItem and QObject
- to use drag & drop on QListWidget
- Encryptor: Simple project to encrypt and decrypt data.
- moving labels to exact location with mouse move event resulted in jumpy locations
- How to iterate through GraphicsScene items using items()
- Difference between "CONFIG(debug, debug|release)" and "Debug:" in .pro
- A crash in QGraphicsScenePrivate::draw()
- How to limit TCP writes to particular size and then block untlil the data is read
- Usage of Webservice in QT
- QVFB multi language support
- Usage of QLayout overrides size of resized widget
- Convert yuv422 to RGB
- Linking a .a and .dll library to Qt project
- Updating rows via QSqlTableModel - only last row really updates.
- Dragging by mouse on a openStreet map, displayed on a Qt widget, using Leaflet API.
- QMainWindow: create onStartup-like function [SOLVED]
- Less system cost
- SQLCipher, Windows and Mac OS
- Model with two different style tree views
- QListWidget
- AES-256 encryption along with ECB mode & PKCS7Padding
- Create dynamic QML components from within C++! How to?
- how to use Qt with already existing xcode project.
- Unable to open zipped file which is zipped with Quazip
- Trouble drawing an arc exactly through two points
- Setting a font for a QInputDialog using option UseListViewForComboBoxItems.
- Networking implementation question
- Blocking main thread, How?
- Qt namespace Ui
- seperating GUI from programming logic?
- [Qt Network]The problem about bind TCP socket
- QMdiArea- closing the Previous subWindow when opening new subWindow is crasing.....
- QTreeView and custom model: Problems while selecting items
- KDChart Date-time Axis howto?
- Qt multimedia query
- QProcess with Octave
- QTableView and setIemDelegate
- Building in Qt Debug and Release Mode
- QDockWidget Questions (Borders and Titlebar)
- QWebView, Google maps
- Taglib 1.8 on windows 7 is not working properly as on windows XP
- QML Signal handling
- QTableWidget currentChanged(QWidget*) removed in version 4.8.3 ?
- Passing of Parameters in two classes
- [Certificate] How can I import/read the client/ intermediate certificate
- Input Method Editor Creation Issue
- the "qrc_res.cpp" doesn't exist after compiling
- How to read certificate with .p12 format?
- Print on dot matrix printer - very low performace
- Strange memory leak
- Error OpenCV capture image
- Inheriting Custom Decorated Dialog
- currentRowChanged Signal slow when calling some functions
- [Certificate]What is the different of QSslConfiguration and QSslSocket?
- Webkit open new javascript Page
- Registering non-static widget methods with PyMethodDef
- QML: Component.onDestruction not calling on window close
- Phonon video player
- Writing data in char pointer using QFile
- Building Qt app on mac os x for deployment
- Get aspect ratio from Phonon videoWidget
- Low Performance in QGraphicsView
- How to disable "lasy population" in QSqlRelationalTableModel?
- QSslSocket gives dll not found exception
- QTestlib useability question
- How to make QGraphicsSvgItem read SVG faster?
- QTableView and stylesheet horizontal scrolling problem
- QCoreApplication Sendevent DragMove
- Graph (nodes, edges) Drawing in Qt
- QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() issue on Max OS X 10.8
- Stop working when run my Qt application
- QtWebkit error for flash plugin
- [QSplitterHandle] Changing Cursor based on coordinate
- floating/tabbed DockWidgets and hotkeys
- Problem with QGraphicsTextItem
- Additional data getting send on QTCPSocket when SOCKS5 proxy is used
- change path of settings ini file
- QTimer unnestable with every time i stop/start it
- QTreeView column resize problem
- Random crashes when using QPropertyAnimation on custom property
- CGAL flag options with Qt
- Asynchronous loading from HTTP (as data stream)
- Using unsupported buffer type: XX (parameter: XX) QMYSQL3: Unable to bind value
- how to transfer javascript string array to qt with IE9
- QGraphicsScene - zoom "fit" - scene->setSceneRect
- recursive QDomDocument
- [QSplitter] How to prevent splitter snapping?
- Optimizing the painting on a custom QGraphicsItem
- Phonon: howto exchange backend (windows)
- how to specify qss with QAction in QToolBar
- HDD write and read speed
- QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations and redrawing artifacts
- Qt http get request always returns status code 0 in multi thread mode requests
- Qt-- Way of reading and writing bytes (4 bytes and 8 bytes)
- [QGLWidget/QGLView][QSplitter] slow performance?
- QTextEdit QTextCursor and a initial blank space
- QPainter does not print html file as expected, ideas workarounds?
- QPalette problem/bug in QMenu with custom style
- Base class and Derived classes (inheritance question)
- QGLSphere and texture mapping (Qt5)
- Restore window problem
- Control internet connexion
- Draw line between widgets
- QTabWidget movable tabs behavior
- compiling for Windows
- QTCPSocket created from QTCPServer stops receiveing after first packet is sent until
- Create table and edit cells using popup dialog?
- Cannot call member function without object
- copy/move excel sheet with QT
- current application style name
- Https proxy server
- Dynamically load DLL
- QDockwidget
- Read unicode text from file
- Overriding methods for QWizardPage(s) created in Qt Designer and accessing widgets.
- QtWinMigrate and QThread event loop
- Background-image in top level widget
- How to use GUI in a user-interface thread by adding a message queue in the thread?
- QDir::mkPath and Permissions
- How to set up Qt debugging for Makefile projects?
- changing letter spacing in QLabel
- Namespace error in qt
- ã€solved】VS2008 + Qt call third-party library
- Customizing tree widget using existing widgets
- read the contents (C struct) of the memory
- SQLQuery->first() not working
- Localization - shortDayName - Raspberry Pi
- Is it safe to call QTimer::start() before QTimer::moveToThread()?
- QString::fromLocal8Bit cannot work on Mac OS X, the QTextCodec has issue
- QComboBox popup
- Need a working example of promoting QWizardPage in Qt Designer
- A large number of Qtimers and guarantee of clicks.
- Trolltech.conf
- Draw angle indicator QPainter
- remove struct from qlist
- bind MFC Library
- Phonon video player stops playing after some time.
- copy (snapshotting) QWebPage object
- QFile::setPermissions highest user in profiler
- qbytearray qdatastream qfile writing/reading
- QWebPage/QWebFrame find-methods resulting in empty QWebElementCollection
- Is it possible to serialize QVariant into a QString?
- "konsole -e" problem again
- QTime stop delay
- QSortFilterProxyModel QAbstractItemModel
- [SOLVED] MySQL - Check credentials?
- bytesAvailable() allways returning 0
- How to use a public Qwebelement variable
- make 1 picture from 2 duplicated images
- System native QDialog and its translation
- Interrupt in Qt Event
- design question about MVC with multithreading
- both two slots modify data model, use lock to sync?
- ActiveX-javascript invoke activex interface exception
- Multi-Window Application
- Must include not only h files but cpp files when load a DLL using QPluginLoader
- Does Qt support the certificate of "Intermediate certificate authorities"
- can we create a dot matrix display in qt
- Position of widgets within QTreeWidget items
- reading hex data from QFile
- [tips][Fedora 17] standardize cursor to the standard Qt4 cursor.
- DLL Project + QWidget in external software.
- Turn items and progress
- UDP broadcasts - multiple interfaces.
- Pointers
- Close Event in for a qwidget
- how to use static lib on linux
- Get file system language
- QTextEdit insert and get html
- error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "rcc *.qrc"
- Adding Client certificate for post using QNetworkAccessManager
- postEvent / selectRow problems with QTableWidget
- Movable Widgets and QGraphicsWidget
- QWebView and css page break property
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