View Full Version : Qt Programming
- How to convert a horizontal model to a vertical model?
- scale painter to fit my widget
- Sharing a variable of type std::vector between QThread classes
- Question on launching a QMainWindow app by QProcess
- How to send ByteArray in QHttpPart
- Displaying a QT Widget on / overlaying a 3rd Party Window (in Windows)
- Qt 5.1.1 not recognized by Visual Studio Add-in 2012
- Resize QHeaderView for both stretch and user interaction
- Pusbutton height and width
- Cannot Drop on QGraphicsView
- how to implement rotatable custom button using QGraphicsview QGraphicspixmapitem ?
- Multiple requests with QNetworkAccessManager
- Libqxt and Post error (can't show data)
- Using lambdas with QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced does not compile
- Removing all Items from QListView
- Accessing Multiple Levels of QVariantMap
- Creating a new folder in QML
- QtScriptDebugger, debugging imported extensions
- Trouble with QProcess and getting back standard output
- How to read the xml file using QXmlStreamReader
- Message as QReturnArgument?
- QTreeWidget: Animation when expanding between double-click and 'expand sign' press
- Adding custom row to QFileSystemModel
- switch to Debug build
- SQLITE database encryption ?
- QThread set scheduling policy
- App freezes when new Qlabel(this) in Mainwindow or resize call
- SSL support slows the start of the app
- setPlainText/setText simply won't run
- Adding complex widget to QTreeView
- Qt displays only png, not jpeg/jpg
- Unable to get the correct QWidget width after expansion
- How to switch between available audio devices
- Qt5 and QKeySequence new behavior
- QPaint - Saving coordinates of 2 mouse clicks and the drawing line between them
- QThreads and memory overshoot for embedded linux enviroment
- Issue with QTemporaryFile() class
- "No DOS or PE signature found" error when creating a Qt shared library
- Center icon in QListView using QStyledItemDelegate
- QAbstractTableModel's header not translated
- Qt5 and embedwidgets
- QProcess, how to correctly declare the variable, multiple event handlers.
- QAbstractProxyModel subclass to present single item (index)
- Qt Creator syntax highlighting
- Qtcreator Plugin development and ifile.h
- Linking label mouse info with radio buttons & variables between classes
- qxtsmtp connect->disconnect
- qt5 slow application
- Using QtNetwork to allow my own chess program can make plays through LAN network
- Qt Plugin causing segmentation faults
- [Q] sorting&filtering on sqlite with qte-4.7.2
- Qt 5.0.2 + MSVC 2012 + gnu Make = unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)
- Microphone output
- Using sim menu
- Two windows in the same main
- Program crashes when radioButton selected
- QWT in QT: displaying qwt plot as widget on mainwindow
- My thread is using 100% of the CPU!!!
- Elide text
- example using Qwindow
- Embedding custom fonts in Qt 4.8.4
- How to change the icon size in QMenu?
- how to detect window resize event ?
- functions in QTime
- Encryption/Decryption file API ?
- endl & \n character not working in output stream?
- Increase the maximum limit of Qscroll area
- QAbstractEventDispatcher for WM_QUERYENDSESSION
- display camera capture on label->setpixmap
- QTextDocument Table border
- QPropertyAnimation+QGraphicsItem : use 25% of the CPU
- best way to detect when user stops moving a QGgraphicsItem
- QAction ToolButton in toolbar triggered should open a TabWidget
- QWebView and QuickTime from Apple
- disable QTreeWidgetItem
- QPainter over Pixmap problem
- QGLWidget construction slow
- Problem in Filling the qtablewidget Using file me!!:)
- Problem with QLayout with ScrollArea
- [ask] reload a QWebPage
- QTextDocument vs QWebView
- Problem with border radius on my QHeaderView
- NCreport on qt 5.0.1
- QWidget over current widget - it's in place, but not painted
- Right Click pop up menu .Not Working
- QVideoWidget on macos blocks application, need help.
- connecting Pop up Menu List to actions/functions
- how to make updateGL() realtime in QT
- Keeping points displayed as new ones created
- Qt and GTK performance
- Creating Custom Arrow for label
- Transparency doesn't work in building Qt from sources
- vlc-qt lib
- QtScriptEngine and QtScriptDebugger inquiry
- cannot connect to UDP socket
- How to use QColumnView with QSqlTableModel
- copying the alpha channel
- Cancelling last point displayed QPainter
- QMetaObject::indexOfMethod (const char*) - Does Not Work for Normal methods !!!
- Weird issue with QProgressBar
- QtWebKit with javascript: memory leak?
- qtsqlite build problem
- QLabel word wrap not working with no white space in text
- QGraphicView draw map shapes performance low?
- QDom Issues
- Recursive repaint detected (*not like other problems), how do I remove the issue?
- Paint event does not Rescale with label maximise
- how to port from qt3 to qt4
- Setting attribute in webpage and press button ‘GO’
- Custom Type Sending
- QSerialPortInfo Broken
- QTableview with flat header
- QWebView - hide link decorations
- Qt 4.8.4 Webkit error while building
- Restore MDI Children w/correct window z-order
- error: cannot convert 'QVector<QVector3D>' to 'const GLvoid* {aka const void*}' in a
- QSslSocket get SNI
- How to use QCloseEvent to change QLineEdit
- Do offscreen render(openGL) with Qt5
- QWebView not updated.
- QGLBuffer VBO implementation
- DockWidget hidding when out of focus
- lineEdit show in other form as label
- Cropping Image From Rotate Rectangle
- QWebView values are updated but correspondingly its not updating on click.
- Display tooltip for a selected word in QTextEdit
- QGraphicView became slow when i set the comsmetic QPen width >1 , need help?
- Custom QPushButton (using StyleSheets) will not draw selected
- while porting from qt3 to qt4 where should i define custom signals and slots
- Subclassing QMdiSubWindow and maximize/minimize problems
- not able to find the button in a html webpage
- Paint Event does not correspond to coordinates!
- Signal from multipal sender
- Unable to see the table created by QTableWidget
- Editable QLCDNumber
- Updating QDrag pixmap while dragging
- How to set gtk path for Qt Creator in Ubuntu.??
- Qt and MySQL database
- Get data from QTableView sorted by column
- read data from website
- How to connect MySql from Qt in CentOS
- qt4 to qt5 ... ReplaceText ambiguous
- Drag and Drop With Overlaying QWidget
- Is it possible to logically combine dynamic properties in a Qt Stylesheet?
- error finding adding a slot
- [opengl] draw offscreen into a Frame Buffer Object to use as a texture
- Qt 5 QProcess Strange Problem on Windows.
- Qt 5 QSplitter Animation
- Howto get font of widget set by stylesheet
- Smooth zooming with mouse pointer as center
- QTextOption::setTabArray() has no effect
- Clearing QVariantMap generates a Debug assertion failed
- loadFinished() signal not emitted
- QScrollBar - how to find out particular parts of the scrollbar
- Qt - Overlay QGraphicsView over vlc video
- Span values are not coming in html
- Managining the behavior of items in view (like QGraphicsView)
- loadFinished() signal not emitted for currentFrame()
- Removing last Painted point
- QGLWidget is empty on Mac, cannot draw
- Unable to work with wheelevent and rubberbanddrag on GraphicsViewItem.
- Qt5 looking for QtCore4d.dll
- How to use imaging source camera with qt.
- Qt ODBC data source not found
- find text with regexp in qwebview +highlight
- QTableView with model containing QComboBox and QCheckBox
- QSettings write strange value
- QWidget::update() and paintGL() slot lost.
- create database if not exist
- Sending mail Using Smtp Client
- Find data in QCombobox invisible column
- mutiple defination of 'VARIABLE'
- Atomic Integer Support for Desktop and Embedded Platforms (in source format)
- QDockWidget inside QDockWidget
- html editing issue
- qt opengl coloring cube example-vbo edited
- Bluetooth application
- eventFilter ,backspace disable
- How to use imaging source camera and point grey camera with qt(USB and FireWire).
- QListView nonstandard use problem (use different model problem)
- crash on QTreeWidgetItem::data
- Undo the this->setupId(this)
- Work with QXmlResultItems
- Redirecting stdout
- Need help with QWebView rendering html with flash positioning problem
- QProcess read nothing when It start wmic
- Using Command prompt commands
- QCalendarWidget - how to stop wheel events processing?
- Qt 5 new a QThread crash the program
- setWindowIcon() with ICO format
- QGraphicsItem goes out of scene
- best way to delete QVector<QVector3D>
- QTextEdit changing color , after pasting some color data
- Corrupted video with OpenCV reading
- error while making program from command line
- How to make global signals for multi thread?
- Qt MySQL big data insertion
- Error conversion from QMap<QString, QVariantList> to QVariant
- Database stored funtions calling
- Qt 5.1 and Mac: Bug making macdeployqt not working properly
- [QWidget] Save content to image on paintEvent
- How to move items with x axis keep y axis
- adding radio button in listview
- How to remove abnormal points?
- Non-exclusive stack layout
- Extracting attributes value from an XML file with QXmlQuery and XPath
- uppercase letters in a QTextEdit
- QTableView + QAbstractItemModel and adding rows
- generate a graph of n nodes
- Incomplete text as tooltip in QTableWidget
- QPainterPath and drawing arc
- Data sharing between threads
- Painting to QPrinter: Colour of cosmetic lines (0 width) fails
- QPainter drawLine() doesn't draw the line with the right width (Is this a bug?)
- Stroing class objects in a structure
- QToolButton setFlat property
- Seq fault: QTableView + (QStyledItemDelegate subclass from Dll)
- QGraphicsItem::ItemPositionHasChanged called even when no position change
- How can i have echomode in QtableView for password column?
- QTabBar styling
- QSqlDatabase sql server
- No such slot QCoreApplication ...
- How to create own graph(Curve graph) using Qt ?
- QGraphicsOpacityEffect does not work on OSX without graphics system 'raster'
- Qlabel -> Image Color Manipulations & More
- How to use/embed a QGraphicsView into QML with touch events for pinch/pan?
- parsing ini file in qt using custom parser
- QT: translation using button
- Qt AbstractItemModel removeRows and delete causing core
- QGraphicsView FitInView only works if view is active view.
- Draw smooth path in QGraphicsItem
- ownership of QMenu after calling addMenu()
- Start a thread automatic at start
- Database vs Configuration files
- Command prompts in qt
- how to Plot multiple graphs of multiple range ?
- Help - 1 Separate Window to Rule them all, Ideas please
- TableView model in Designer with static content
- Adding qrc file to cmake?
- Using QTestEventLoop causes crash in debug mode
- Table inside QTreeView?
- How to make the time run in a GUI using QThreads ?
- ScrollArea for Graphics Item
- QTableView and Editor
- /usr/bin/ld cannot find -lGL
- Where can Qlabel keep its image?
- Loading 2 images in Same label ->
- pyside question pls help
- QMainWindow setting normal size
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