View Full Version : Qt Programming
- QImage load() - Not finding updated image
- questions about qscrollarea in qsplitter
- setAcceptsHoverEvents(true) was not declare in this scope
- Difficulties in Making PDF files in Mac PCs
- QGraphicsItem ambiguity in subclass
- QGraphicsView pan
- QBoxLayout with QMainWindow vs QWidget
- QGraphicsItem doesn't update
- It crashes when using QWebView to show a website
- Error handling design advice plz
- Seeking Suggestions for Multi-Threaded Application Design
- How to interrupt serial port sending?
- issue char * hex buffer to QString conversion to print to textEdit Widget
- QDoubleValidator porting to Linux issue
- Read TXT file with QFile
- Char Followed by a Char is illegal (qglobal.h)
- template inheritance
- translucent background - no mouse event
- Very simple output task
- Disappearing content of QMainWindow
- Replacement function for setOn QPushButton qt4?
- Creating a Windows Menu in QT4 Menubar
- Get name of QAction from Menu when dynamically added
- how to optimize QSqlQuery?
- QT with managed code
- QtCore4.dll_unloaded exception when usin external Wait function (LabVIEW)
- Problem with event handling of multiple windows
- Problem with template with static QMap
- Use QUdpSocket as a QIODevice (read, readline, write)
- Shape detection / recognition
- Qt app showing wrong font
- some question about QSplashScreen
- Equivalent of #define in .pro file
- Qt to wt
- Qml
- What the additional argument -qws do in the qmake configuration?
- Qt way of knowing if a instance of my app is already running on my computer
- Selecting somes cells from a QTableWidget
- Converting some element of QByteArray to Integer
- Trying to render two text strings on alternating lines and determining glyph height.
- XML, read file, string to enum.....
- Copy a .txt file in a Spinbox (PyQT)
- How to set font size and color for different text on QLabel
- Need a better way to move or remove images in a Scene.
- QTableWidget index reading
- Rendering problem with Tulip on OSX
- Prefixed for life?
- Error:The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
- setPlainText calling focusOutEvent in QGraphicsSimpleTextItem
- CloseEvent() not calling destructor
- SetWindowIcon on several different platforms
- QHeaderView::sectionMoved is returning wrong newVisualIndex when autoscroll is on.
- Tabbed application example
- How to use a third party function library package with source codes in my QT Project?
- QGraphicsScene and QGLWidget issues (VBO)
- QTableView selection problem on mouse release on scrollbar - Mac OS only.
- Shell script crash launched by QProcess, works launched manually
- [SOLVED] QSignalMapper and QStandardItemModel
- Problem with customized QTabWidget
- Storing String in QTableWidgetItem with proper alignmenet
- QApplication on Debian Server because of pdf generation
- Not getting keyPressEvent in my class?
- Qt connect without SLOT macro
- QListWidget -> DoubleClick
- change part of a slider color in video cutter tool
- Drawing lines using QGraphicsLineItem and setting its position
- QOpenGLWidget: do I need this?
- Custom Container with predefined child widgets
- Setting up mingw64, Netbeans and QT
- Tic-Tac-Toe using QGraphicsView
- how to get the boundingrect of multi line text using qfontmetrics
- QPrinter with PaperSource enum not supported in Linux. Workaround?
- Depoyment Qt application as Shared Library
- translate QIODevice::errorString()
- QSql connection pool manager
- Problem with QGraphicsProxyWidget implementation
- Detecting tooltip events of external application...
- pyQt4 QAxWidget quicktime control Movie InsertSegment "IDispatch*" Error
- Console progress display
- HID USB device detection
- Move rows of Qtreeview up and down on button click
- Efficiency of the signal and slot mechanism
- Compilation of Qtcreator plugin project fails with error: cannot find -lCore
- QTableView Alignment
- Need to remove root node from QTreeView
- How to solve "does not name a type error"
- QtService Installation Problem
- QTextEdit: Copy Table Under The Cursor to Another QTextEdit
- QGStreamer delete pipeline
- Sizes in construction - different behaviour Qt5 to Qt4 (example attached)
- Adding widgets into QStandardItem/QTableView
- How to render QGraphicsItems onto a QGraphicsScene properly
- QDoubleSpinBox and QLocale
- Passing binary data between Qt classes and JS through Qt Webkit bridge
- QListWidget change selected items background color
- Add GUI on QGraphicsView problem.
- Read huge files effectively
- qaxobject.h on Mac OS
- Cannot get image from resources file on Windows 8.1 Pro
- Parsing a XML-like text stream
- Creating a plugin widget for Qt Designer
- Dynamic adding of widgets to QGraphicsScene on the fly
- Performance problem with QFile.
- Cannot import my graph
- dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) is not getting called in Phonon::VideoWidget
- QT Class Hierarchy Diagram for 5.2
- Highlight the Qmenu/QmenuBar in Qt
- app to cover both monitor screens on ubuntu nvidia dual-monitor setup?
- linux libpng warning: zlib version error
- How to define a variable in QSS
- QTableWidget selected row background
- Slow QStandardItem::setChild
- When use QReadWriteLock and when use QMutex?
- QTreeView horizontal tab key navigation
- QSharedMemory and QThreads
- Connect two different textedit scrollbars
- QGLWidget, setting OpenGL version, and shaders
- Maintaining Aspect Ratio of Image in Qt
- QListView to open external links
- [PyQt4] Segmentation fault on Qthread
- Can you share an event with two widget?
- QSslSocket problem with ssl certificates
- 2 QTableViews data
- Linking Visual 2010 to g++
- How to set GLSL version?
- Sorting a list containing QDates
- Qt 4.8.6 windows 7 default wrong style
- Problem adding a form of type QWizard to GUI project Qt 5.1.1
- QSqlRelationalTableModel not showing referenced table info as expected
- [SOLVED] connect overloaded signal with parameter
- qlineedit
- Identifying Mouse Moved in contextMenuEvent
- Couldn't link opencv with qt creator , this error happens
- QFtp or QNetworkAccessManager, what's the trend?
- Drawing with QPainter in a QGLWidget
- How to get information about the client certificate?
- QWidget::event() return value question
- how to take input date from user in qdateedit and show database accordingly
- Is it possible to prevent closure of the standard out terminal from killing our app?
- how to read QMap from QSettings?
- Failed to execute “SHOW CREATE TABLE†query in Qt
- displaying a QRect item perpendicular to its parent QGraphicsLineItem on the scene.
- Using QSettings fallback mechanism with custom filepaths
- auto cam for graphics scene
- [SOLVED] Depth buffer in QWindow?
- QT5.0 win32-msvc2010 missing DLL error
- Network interface, combo box problem
- What are the basic ideas behind implementing your own text editing widget?
- Opencv with Qtcreater on Mountain lion MAC OSx
- GUI with worker thread, signal/slot communication elaboration
- QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory crash in linux
- How to Get SVN version code in qt pro file
- qt5 gstreamer subtitle (closed caption) display
- Custom item widgets are flat.
- Application crashing in QWidgetPrivate::hideChildren(bool)
- Qt - mySQL installation agony under Ubuntu 14.04
- Why would QGL2PaintEngineEx crash on ensureActive
- qtableview:one table hide Column,and other tables not
- Which OpenSSL, PostgreSQL Version is compiled to QT 4.8.6 32bit for VS2008 binary?
- QGraphicsView - How to add item that is composed of more shapes
- QWebPage unsupported content does not work
- Inline slots?
- Doubt about deep copy using QByteArray::append() and QByteArray::fromRawData()
- QtWebKitBridge, how to assign QPixmap or QImage to HTML5 canvas element?
- How to enable copy-paste & click for QListView item?
- Saving state of nested widgets
- Mouse selection handler ?
- thread Synchronous problem
- QFileSystemWatcher Problem
- Strange output with QFileSystemModel bug?
- qtableview qcompleter
- Configuring qmake to put files inside proper folder
- Accessibility for QAction contained in QMenu
- Not displaying transparent dialog
- Qt, Python, pyqtgraph and RabbitMQ (pika)
- Android ARM vs Android x86 in qmake .pro file
- QTreeWidget after calling setFont(), the column width suits no more to its content
- Slow Microsoft Access QSqlQuery (possible bug)
- how to set a editable qwebview font size?
- Strange behaviour of hovering in QMenu
- QT 5.3 PaintEngine problem
- Memory Leaks
- Background of checked QPushButton with stylesheet
- QImage vs QPixmap the eternal dilemma of good drawing performance on linux
- QSlider how to check if slider handle is selected
- Searching for a patern in a big binary file
- setAutoFilledBackground leads to different result.
- Add a Widget to border(frame) of QGroupBox
- Opening persistent delegate editors with proxy model
- Layout managment
- QTreeWidgetItem, 2+ icons
- How to highlight a QWidget
- How to Run an URL link when checkBox is checked
- the font set by QWebSetting look smaller
- qmake install only installs debug targets
- Multiple QEventLoops in the MainThread QtGui
- QWebView and Blank Page
- QSqlQuery: remove a record
- Updating QGLWidget in Qt from Main Window
- QPlainTextEdit - hanging indents
- N-Trig presure detection
- QTcpSocket: crash on write
- Make one qthread check the state of the other
- QItemSelectionModel synchronization problem - SOLVED
- Detect network connection in QT
- QAbstractItemModel derivative showing a checkbox next to each index
- 32 bit color depth
- QTreeView editing sometimes single click sometimes double click
- qmake conditional expressin, strange behaviour
- Static build have dependencies Qt 4.8.5 (Linux Opensuse 13.1)
- How to refresh the content of a QSqlRelational Delegate
- QGraphicsLineItem's setAngle method doesn't work
- Adding greek text to a QLabel by code
- Animation in Qt
- Faster way to manage an image
- Adding a KDChart Library to Visual studio with QT
- Receiving events while mouse is pressed
- QGraphicsPathItem(parent) constructor crashes (SIGSEGV)
- Qt menubar disappears when I use scroll area
- QSerialPort open flips RTS and DTR despite I don't want it
- Special loging class
- QStandardItem::appendRow() segfaults
- How to add custom header to QTableWidget
- Resize QGraphicsItem when window resizes
- How to solve the runtime error?
- How to navigate one page to other page....
- Synchronizing scrollbars on two QListWidget
- How to add a font to QT Designer
- Draw text to QImage swaps red and blue colors
- How to make and use custom UI widgets for a list
- Find item index in QGraphicsLinearLayout
- Ftp qt 5
- Subclassing QGraphicsView crash the app
- QTableview, checkboxes and SQlite
- Highliting multiple parts on image timeline (QGraphicsScene)
- How i can detect intersects line shape with rect on qgraphicsscene
- how to fix selected item to centre of QListWidget
- Is this bug or wrong code for PyQt4?
- Questions about signals/slots and QObject lifetimes
- Qt Creator plugin: how to insert foreign widgets from my plugin into QtQuick Designer
- Painting data always as 16-bit color
- Select first QMenu from QMenuBar using ALT key
- run pocketsphinx program in qt
- QTableWidget border problem
- how to read .dbf-Files?
- dock title bar crash on close
- Qt3D.... anyone?
- is the qtCustomplot library compatible with the qt 5.3???
- Qt and MariaDb driver
- Context Menu in Qt
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