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  1. TapAndHold gesture wrongly generated (1 replies)
  2. Does QDataWidgetMapper lock sqlite and prevent write by other applications? (8 replies)
  3. a QProcess + QThread question (9 replies)
  4. PixelMetric for QProgressBar gutter/margin spacing? (8 replies)
  5. Remove row button in QTabelview (2 replies)
  6. How to use QDataWidgetMapper to manage data is a QSqlTableModel (2 replies)
  7. Highlighting a set of controls on mouse hover. (2 replies)
  8. Unknown mouseevent type=3 (2 replies)
  9. Headers Mutually Inclusive (2 replies)
  10. Server sent message not reaching client (4 replies)
  11. Where is QScriptable in Qt5.2.1 (9 replies)
  12. QWebView logouts while surfing (2 replies)
  13. calling QMessageBox from a worker thread (5 replies)
  14. To pass a value as response to linux command using QT (7 replies)
  15. QWebView catching the linkClicked for use as a filter. (1 replies)
  16. passing arguments from mainwindow to graphic viewer widget (2 replies)
  17. QProcess, httpd.exe segment fault (3 replies)
  18. update (); (1 replies)
  19. layout (3 replies)
  20. Gstreamer video receive in Qt (1 replies)
  21. Detecting real object collisions using QGraphicsItem collision method (5 replies)
  22. How to send an argument to Javascript function using QScriptEngine (3 replies)
  23. keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) is not going to QGraphicsItem & going into infinite loop (1 replies)
  24. How to inheriting a enum type? (1 replies)
  25. Write a console app to test two classes (2 replies)
  26. QPainter above already painted (1 replies)
  27. How to select one table with QSqlTableModel (QSqlQuery or ...) in multithreading (2 replies)
  28. Recover a QString with QRegExp (5 replies)
  29. QPlainTextEdit Wrapping (1 replies)
  30. Different color letters in QComboBox edit field (3 replies)
  31. QPrintPreviewDialog help (4 replies)
  32. Serialising QList<int> with QSettings (6 replies)
  33. "Acess style" form to manage a database table (1 replies)
  34. QUdpSocket Variable Speed Issue (2 replies)
  35. enable nvidia graphics card for QT applications (7 replies)
  36. How to escape special character from QXmlStreamWriter? (3 replies)
  37. qcombobox intercept item selection (0 replies)
  38. Setting the clipped region on a child QWidget (0 replies)
  39. Replacing QLabel with ImageViewer (8 replies)
  40. QImage and 4 bits per pixel (bpp) implementation (6 replies)
  41. Document generation (1 replies)
  42. how to integrate exaro in Qt creator? (1 replies)
  43. Release mode (6 replies)
  44. Math functions in QScriptEngine (2 replies)
  45. How can i pass click event to a qwebElement within QwebView. (2 replies)
  46. QT dialogs loaded as DLLs in QT5 seem to be not safe against unload procedures (1 replies)
  47. QtSettings and QStringList (4 replies)
  48. how to make drag and drop possible in custom widget (0 replies)
  49. keep in whatsThis mode (3 replies)
  50. Custom SelectionModel implementation needed? (0 replies)
  51. Prevent QTextEdit scrolling when there is a selection (0 replies)
  52. Armadillo and QtConcurrentMap issues (0 replies)
  53. Redirect Cout from Static Library Calls running in QThread (1 replies)
  54. Spinbox sizehint (14 replies)
  55. Read TIFF images. Plugin using QImageIOHandler? (4 replies)
  56. QCamera and recording a video. (0 replies)
  57. Encoding of characters in frensh ? (3 replies)
  58. QListWidget Insert Items (2 replies)
  59. QCombobox with multiple columns (4 replies)
  60. Multiple Font in One Column of QTreeWidgetItem (1 replies)
  61. sort (4 replies)
  62. Maximize button on dock (0 replies)
  63. QTimer doesn't expire (5 replies)
  64. Filter QWebView to show only selected objects. (2 replies)
  65. make item selected exatcly where drawing is present (1 replies)
  66. Qt program "exited with code 1994410319" error? (4 replies)
  67. [SOLVED] QTextDocument setHtml and HTML Tags/Properties "align=center" problems (3 replies)
  68. C++ method equiv of stylesheet border: 0px; (1 replies)
  69. Changing the QTabBar to an offset position (2 replies)
  70. QStandardPaths returning incorrent folder (2 replies)
  71. QThread - trying to kill a qthread synchronously (1 replies)
  72. vs2013 & Qt5.2.1 - warning MSB8027 (0 replies)
  73. QMenuBar doesn't show up properly (5 replies)
  74. How to Create sqlcipher database plugin for qt (2 replies)
  75. Problem while using setItemWidget in QTreeWidget. (1 replies)
  76. [SOLVED] Different color letters in QComboBox entries (2 replies)
  77. Memory leak in QTGstreamer 0.10 (12 replies)
  78. How do I work with HTML that is not valid XML (1 replies)
  79. Problem to implement a QThread (5 replies)
  80. Custom Widget in QListWidget doesn't show correct in list (21 replies)
  81. performance of Using QSqlQuery to access table containing blob coloumn (4 replies)
  82. How to move a item using drag&drop within a tableview (1 replies)
  83. Get QAudioBuffer from QMediaPLayer (2 replies)
  84. QVector COW thread-safety [Qt 4.8] (6 replies)
  85. Building a model from an item's children... (4 replies)
  86. screen (2 replies)
  87. lineedit (1 replies)
  88. Qt 5.2.0 Releated Questions? (26 replies)
  89. connecting signal from thread to slot in a cpp file (3 replies)
  90. Lock Mouse Image Position (1 replies)
  91. QItemSelectionModel::setCurrentIndex doesn't work (7 replies)
  92. close layout (1 replies)
  93. lock (2 replies)
  94. Qgesture mouse or touch event (1 replies)
  95. QDockWidget Tab Position! (0 replies)
  96. QMdiArea: Toggle QMdiSubWindow (SubWindowView / TabbedView) (0 replies)
  97. Again QNetworkAccessManager POST and PHP (2 replies)
  98. QProgressBar and DB connection (2 replies)
  99. Socket error (2 replies)
  100. Error to declare signal (2 replies)
  101. QGraphicsDropShadowEffect not working properly in QLable (0 replies)
  102. External and Internal Event Processing in Qt (8 replies)
  103. Performance of Using QSqlTableModel (6 replies)
  104. Question about qt objects deletion (9 replies)
  105. Help with drag and drop several items, labels (1 replies)
  106. Pushing image to browser cache using web sockets (may require QtWebKit knowledge) (9 replies)
  107. Qt Notifier - Qt 5.2 Example App (1 replies)
  108. QFileDialog: Enable/Disable "Open" button in inherited class not working (4 replies)
  109. increase microprocessor (13 replies)
  110. Qpainter, drawPolygon, fillpath, bouding rect .... (1 replies)
  111. Scrollable GraphicsView (1 replies)
  112. Printing in Qt window with dotted lines produce huge PDF file and slow (8 replies)
  113. Graphics View (5 replies)
  114. Qtwebkit with webGL (0 replies)
  115. QGraphicsItem child visibility (0 replies)
  116. Qt 5.2 New Modules - Win7 MinGW (3 replies)
  117. Windows 7 tablet Edition -- unreliable window controls (1 replies)
  118. Led QT (0 replies)
  119. how to create frozen footer row in QTableView? (2 replies)
  120. Get the params of window.open (4 replies)
  121. QPainter drawFont() draws corrupt glyphs (2 replies)
  122. recompile the program in a 64bit machine (1 replies)
  123. Qt - How can know if an IP is being used by a device? (1 replies)
  124. QSocketTCP blocking (6 replies)
  125. Delete QSocketTCP (0 replies)
  126. HELP! problem of QMenu position when i maximize the window (3 replies)
  127. [HELP] AES CBC & ECB Encryption & Decryption (1 replies)
  128. QSocketTCP Is connected (3 replies)
  129. QLineEdit with mouse wheel: setModelData is called too late after commitData (4 replies)
  130. Confusion on how a dockable widgets decide where they can go (0 replies)
  131. QTableView--keep same background color when selected (0 replies)
  132. reconnect to server QSocketTCP (1 replies)
  133. Using QHostInfo to get host name from an IP (3 replies)
  134. Qt assistant qdoc how to generate application help (0 replies)
  135. QStyledItemDelegate custom Editor--How to cancel edits (0 replies)
  136. stylesheet for QTableView [solved] (0 replies)
  137. QTime and QDate from String (4 replies)
  138. Program stops after receiving signal - rosterHandling example from qxmpp library (0 replies)
  139. Notice From Server TCP (1 replies)
  140. Converting short to QString (1 replies)
  141. QTextCodec and ICU libraries (0 replies)
  142. QMessageBox exec makes the the solt getting called multiple times (8 replies)
  143. Can we make PlaintextEdit a console window? (5 replies)
  144. Vertical QComboBox (6 replies)
  145. crash after QGraphicsProxyWidget is removed from a scene (2 replies)
  146. QComboBox to show Qt::PenStyle (5 replies)
  147. Exchanging a widget in a four way split with QSplitter (2 replies)
  148. Changing only the parent and font-size of QstyledItemDelegate's Editor (1 replies)
  149. QNetworkConfiguration Problems with Static Build (0 replies)
  150. nested QTableView objects (0 replies)
  151. Connect Signal/Slot to any instance of another class (1 replies)
  152. QStyledItemDelegate--createEditor versus setEditorData (3 replies)
  153. How to Remove Spacing between widgets added to QHBoxLayout programmetically (1 replies)
  154. Link error with Q_OBJECT (1 replies)
  155. Get Value of Foreign Key in QSqlRelationalTableModel (5 replies)
  156. Playing mov-files via Qt (1 replies)
  157. Get background color of QPushbutton (6 replies)
  158. Display multiple QGraphicsView in same screen while all fullscreen (5 replies)
  159. Connecting signals and slots from different process (3 replies)
  160. Qt 3D error at compile (6 replies)
  161. Poor quality images in QTextBrowser (2 replies)
  162. which version of Qt supports alignJustify ? (3 replies)
  163. How to manage many softwares competing for accessing the same data? (2 replies)
  164. close window but do not exit application (9 replies)
  165. How to use a different model in a delegate in a model-view construction (3 replies)
  166. touch point input to qt is raw data instead of calibrated!!! (0 replies)
  167. qmenubar hides when resoultion of the monitor changes (0 replies)
  168. Question regarding the SQL drivers (0 replies)
  169. event loop already running (13 replies)
  170. QWidget background image from name in svg file (0 replies)
  171. QSqlDatabase as protected member results in "Driver not loaded" (2 replies)
  172. Qt 5.2 with MySQL- driver not loaded (11 replies)
  173. libVLC integration in Qt (3 replies)
  174. QPrintPreviewDialog shows only blank grey area (4 replies)
  175. Error while saving large QGraphicsScene as png image using QImage (1 replies)
  176. Qxt with Qt5.0 MingW: qtAddLibrary() is deprecated. Use qtAddModule() or QT+= instead (4 replies)
  177. Pass QString array to constructor (1 replies)
  178. Can I read output of a single with the help of Mingw Compiler? (1 replies)
  179. Serial Port in Android (9 replies)
  180. How to add items while click on QCombobox (2 replies)
  181. How to remove a delegate from particular column (1 replies)
  182. Qprocess error with ffmpeg (2 replies)
  183. Qt android videoSurface (3 replies)
  184. QFont pixelSize and QFontMetrics height give different values (0 replies)
  185. Where to use QTableView and QTableWidget (6 replies)
  186. How to add a Button widget in a particular cell of QTableview without using delegate. (2 replies)
  187. QFtp report error (7 replies)
  188. running QProcess in QThread from main Window (4 replies)
  189. QSyntaxHighlighter problem with highlighting opening and closing braces (0 replies)
  190. QComboBox drop down list as table (9 replies)
  191. Problem with Copying files and checking exists or not? (7 replies)
  192. Yet another QSqRelationalTableModel QDataWidgetMapper QComboBox problem (1 replies)
  193. QThread won't start (4 replies)
  194. Fast solution to list directories recursively (1 replies)
  195. Using Imagemagick lib (1 replies)
  196. button (1 replies)
  197. QWebFrame getting errors: How to process (0 replies)
  198. How to make remote desktop program (3 replies)
  199. Refreshing QTableView data without resetting whole view (2 replies)
  200. Trouble with sql views and sorting (2 replies)
  201. QSystemSemaphore (0 replies)
  202. Web Based Pixel Grid Control with 30 Frame Per Second Pixel Update without flicker (0 replies)
  203. How to get QCamera to work? (9 replies)
  204. QtLocation error (3 replies)
  205. QtWebKit and streetview (0 replies)
  206. How to find the ROWID after an insert into an SQLite table? (4 replies)
  207. How to know the Name of a file, when a file is copied to a folder(QFileSystemWatcher) (7 replies)
  208. QSqlTableModel::SetData on different column (7 replies)
  209. Injecting key events at the QApplication level (1 replies)
  210. resizeEvent destroy my QPropertyAnimation (2 replies)
  211. How to capture touch event on pushbutton widgets and lineedit widgets (4 replies)
  212. Not able to play Videos with QMediaPlayer and QVideoWiget in Qt 5.2 (6 replies)
  213. QWebView Win XP: Scroll Bug - Text dissappears / wrong position (0 replies)
  214. F1 shortcut (0 replies)
  215. unable to play gstreamer in QWidget (1 replies)
  216. error while building the project (1 replies)
  217. Force all widgets in a QGridLayout to be visible (2 replies)
  218. translate database column names (2 replies)
  219. Video Player: Pitch Shift (4 replies)
  220. Highlight item in the list in accordance to text input (1 replies)
  221. How to handle amount of text blocks? (8 replies)
  222. Any Qt way of elevating a process's UAC privilege on windows 7? (5 replies)
  223. Difficult connect of signals and slots (13 replies)
  224. Facing problem in creating new cpp and Header file (20 replies)
  225. getting hidden QGraphicsItems without using container (1 replies)
  226. QBrush / QPen Sketch Style (0 replies)
  227. mousePressEvent QPolygon boundingRect() (5 replies)
  228. arrow buttons (1 replies)
  229. QQmlApplicationEngine crashing (QT5 and VS 2010) (0 replies)
  230. Problems with directory display (1 replies)
  231. adding gcc command line options in QT (2 replies)
  232. My gui is taking too much time to plot and during plot time its being freeze… (2 replies)
  233. QTimer fires timeout after stop() (3 replies)
  234. fill region with the given pattern and the given color (0 replies)
  235. Bug on load image or video to QML using C++ (6 replies)
  236. Identifying which QAction was toogled in a simple way (4 replies)
  237. Have a single selection of item between 2 QListWidgets (5 replies)
  238. String Comparision (3 replies)
  239. gstreamer configuration (3 replies)
  240. Displaying Line by Line Output (1 replies)
  241. Can we attach an interpreter to a plaintextedit in qt?? (13 replies)
  242. Fill full row with QTreeView (0 replies)
  243. unknown error in Qwebview (1 replies)
  244. File exists even if it should have deleted (1 replies)
  245. Bug with systeminfo (8 replies)
  246. QPrinter pages not breakering (3 replies)
  247. Checkbox in QListView (5 replies)
  248. QAction with QPushButton (13 replies)
  249. QScrollArea confusion (3 replies)
  250. Skiplist (2 replies)