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  1. wrong order of elements in QList (25 replies)
  2. Formating problem in XReparentWindow (3 replies)
  3. Send exe file over QTcpSocket (5 replies)
  4. QTreeView & Sql Database. (1 replies)
  5. Use of SDL within QT, joystick application (2 replies)
  6. different behavior between Win7 and Ubuntu - opengl and virtualbox??? (1 replies)
  7. QGraphicsView arrow cursor (0 replies)
  8. QtScript encoding (10 replies)
  9. Regular Expression using QRegularExpression sometimes failed (1 replies)
  10. problem running GUI thread and worker thread concurrently (4 replies)
  11. QGraphicsScene intersection problem (1 replies)
  12. Customizing the look and feel of a ModernStyle Wizard (0 replies)
  13. show() on parent widget doesn't show the child widgets (4 replies)
  14. QTabWidget not deleting the widget of a tab when this tab is closed (1 replies)
  15. 2D pointer assignment (3 replies)
  16. RS-232 and RS-422 (4 replies)
  17. QGraphics scene use lagre memory count (0 replies)
  18. QPropertyAnimation Sliding Menu From Right Toolbar (1 replies)
  19. global variable declaration (10 replies)
  20. Displaying a model as a QTreeView & Table. (4 replies)
  21. Painting on QWidget issue on QScrollBars (0 replies)
  22. after finishing QWebView::load() the url is invalid (0 replies)
  23. qApp->quit() can not work (2 replies)
  24. using a third party Makefile (3 replies)
  25. QString to double without exponential (7 replies)
  26. QGraphicsSvgItem cut in half vertically when view is scaled? (0 replies)
  27. Get the Window Visible State when it is partially visible (3 replies)
  28. Weird Symbols when using toInt() (1 replies)
  29. access to combobox number (3 replies)
  30. Qsettings does not differentiate between string and int values (9 replies)
  31. Handle QLineEdit inside script (3 replies)
  32. QDateTime not working (1 replies)
  33. Huge number of images inside a panel (4 replies)
  34. Rendering to 4 different windows (2 replies)
  35. Using CCfits library in Win 7 with MSVC 2008 (2 replies)
  36. Difference between WA_DeleteOnClose = true and deleteLater() (2 replies)
  37. How to do QTextCodec conversion? (5 replies)
  38. Create file with custom date last modified (1 replies)
  39. QList<double> => QVariant => QList<double> (3 replies)
  40. QAction inside QWidget (2 replies)
  41. QTableWidget cellwidget selection (7 replies)
  42. Windows 7 Theme Broken ornament: Menu item icon QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize override (0 replies)
  43. how to configure qt 5.1.1 with webkit , webkit-debug and phonon (1 replies)
  44. Read empty groups with QSettings (4 replies)
  45. QHostInfo::fromName problems in a pc and not in others (0 replies)
  46. xterm -into for embedding (9 replies)
  47. ZeroMQ with Qt client socket (3 replies)
  48. Overridden pos() in QGraphicsItem to link to QAbstractItemModel (3 replies)
  49. QTCPSocket data tranfser (2 replies)
  50. ScrollBar stylesheet (no arrow) (1 replies)
  51. Quick question - Ways to change IDs of a buttons in a QButtonGroup (2 replies)
  52. How to pass a member data from QMainWindow to QDialog (3 replies)
  53. How to recover the argument of a signal that triggered a signaltransition... (1 replies)
  54. qwebview and text input disabled (1 replies)
  55. What is more efficient (qobject_cast or metaObject()->className())? (2 replies)
  56. QToolbar: Trying to reset value of QSpinBox in QToolbar via QToolbutton results crash (2 replies)
  57. start QTimer form C# (16 replies)
  58. Qt5 does not have X11 API, how to port from Qt4 to Qt5? (5 replies)
  59. QTimer is slowing down (4 replies)
  60. QSslSocket::setCiphers() (1 replies)
  61. QWebView,QWidget,createWindowContainer,QWindow (0 replies)
  62. Looking for good text/image editor for printer (2 replies)
  63. A simple problem with complex solutions re rs 232 (1 replies)
  64. QT 5.1 Mysql Transaction (4 replies)
  65. QRegExp having trouble getting the mail position key .... (0 replies)
  66. Restrict text Zooming on QgraphicsItem (0 replies)
  67. Using QT 5 to integrate with ARINC 429/ 1553b Cards (0 replies)
  68. How to enable OpenGL after porting from Qt 4 to Qt 5.1.1 (1 replies)
  69. QGraphicsLayout and QGraphicsWidget question (0 replies)
  70. How to run JavaScript with the contencs of a QNetworkReply (14 replies)
  71. QSerialPortInfo get all available port in Linux and Mac (3 replies)
  72. efficient way to display opencv image into Qt (5 replies)
  73. Problem with QCheckBox on QListWidget using QItemDelegate (0 replies)
  74. calling a lua script (1 replies)
  75. QWebView not appearing in function calls (10 replies)
  76. Checkable QActions (menu items) with Icons don't show check indicators. (4 replies)
  77. Nice Solution to push Class on QVariant and take back... (2 replies)
  78. QStandardItem remove rows and row count (5 replies)
  79. bug with Qt example --draggableicons (1 replies)
  80. privileged instruction (1 replies)
  81. QSystemTrayIcon and linux... (4 replies)
  82. QTextEdit insert custom widget (0 replies)
  83. QTreeView automatic Widget Height adjustment (2 replies)
  84. QUdpSocket & QAudioOutput & QIODevice (0 replies)
  85. Moving items in QTreeWidget (0 replies)
  86. Main Event Loop response to all signals (3 replies)
  87. QDialog and setModal (1 replies)
  88. Qgraphicsscene/view connection line avoiding collision with other grapicsitems (2 replies)
  89. Level of an item QStandardItemModel for tree (1 replies)
  90. QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread (1 replies)
  91. Dynamic label to right of slider resizes slider (2 replies)
  92. Problem using the SqlCipher Driver (2 replies)
  93. Qt Stylesheet and QComboBox with property (0 replies)
  94. OpenGL inside a QGraphcisScene (0 replies)
  95. Difference between including a header file in a file(cpp/.h) and in a .pro file? (4 replies)
  96. Resize widget towards Right (9 replies)
  97. Deploy QPlatformInputContext plug in on Android (3 replies)
  98. Refresh the mainwindow / functions called in the main loop (7 replies)
  99. enable debug build (0 replies)
  100. x11 related apis in Qt 5.x (1 replies)
  101. Get English date format from in foreign locale (3 replies)
  102. Problem creating accessible interface (1 replies)
  103. moving widget to Right using QSpacerItem (1 replies)
  104. Qt thinking - pointers? (9 replies)
  105. problem with QPixmap in setCacheMode (0 replies)
  106. Why QSslSocket not support DEFLATE algoritmus ? and other module by qt having zlib.. (1 replies)
  107. Nerwork connect function (4 replies)
  108. Character fading issue with embedded QT (0 replies)
  109. QTextEdit change Fontsize after using QTextCharFormat (0 replies)
  110. Qpixmap blurs when using opengl viewport in QGraphicsview (1 replies)
  111. ZMQ bindings with Qt (2 replies)
  112. detecting memory leak in qt4.6 on ARM9 based embedded board (1 replies)
  113. Set transparency without setting background color (13 replies)
  114. QGraphicsView scroll fade out (1 replies)
  115. problem printing html with Qprinter and Qwebview (3 replies)
  116. Combining OpenCascade into a Qt4 QtCreator application (1 replies)
  117. Threaded echo server - confused about signals/slots within a thread (1 replies)
  118. QTcpServer connected signal does not invoke corresponding slot in GUI application!!!! (3 replies)
  119. Read text lines using QDataStream or QTextStream or neither from tcpsocket? (1 replies)
  120. QItemDelegate and Qtablewidget : where to destroy pointer ??? (4 replies)
  121. How to detect QT Mouse events outside a application window? (3 replies)
  122. how to set color of the log from log4qt ? (0 replies)
  123. QComboBox with QCompleter (1 replies)
  124. Warnings: qRegisterMetaType<QList<QPointer<QObject> > >("QList<QPointer<QObject> >") (0 replies)
  125. Creating a new c++ class with QObject as a base class (11 replies)
  126. Print the value of a QStringList in a row of a QTableView (1 replies)
  127. broken font in qt windows (5 replies)
  128. How to customise Qtablewidget to make it like MS access table (0 replies)
  129. Qt5 prebuilt Linux 64-bit libraries segfaults with "QFontDatabase: Cannot find font d (2 replies)
  130. add multiple QCoombox using loop (8 replies)
  131. Problem with Compiling Low Level API Plugins using Qt 4.8 and Visual Studio 2010 (2 replies)
  132. QGraphicsView::itemAt() always returns zero (2 replies)
  133. Adding a small tree to an existing tree in QTreeview. (0 replies)
  134. override QAbstractItemView::viewOptions never called (0 replies)
  135. dock floating window style (0 replies)
  136. How to capture the index of a row? (1 replies)
  137. stop text zooming on QgraphicsItem (2 replies)
  138. Creating a HTML text editor same as that of QT's Edit Text dialog (0 replies)
  139. Error when playing exercises (1 replies)
  140. No readyRead() signal from SerialPort, but (seemingly) same code works in another app (5 replies)
  141. Problem with QSslSocket (1 replies)
  142. QStyledItemDelegate not working cross platform (3 replies)
  143. QtWebKit + Flash performance, Qt4 vs. Qt5 (1 replies)
  144. Qt Font too big (2 replies)
  145. QThread and QTimer (6 replies)
  146. QGLWidget + (web)camera (3 replies)
  147. Add animation between two QStates (0 replies)
  148. Problem with drag and drop of widgets (9 replies)
  149. cannot open include file qsqldatabase (10 replies)
  150. dialog box as a system tray popup (5 replies)
  151. qpushbutton slot not fired for mouse click event (0 replies)
  152. QGLShaderProgram works on Debug mode, fails on running in Release. (8 replies)
  153. QgrpahicsProxyWidget: dragging and sizeing (1 replies)
  154. Inserting QTextList into QTextDocument (0 replies)
  155. Qt QSplitter stretch widget out of container (0 replies)
  156. "No such file or directory" error from deleted promoted widgets (2 replies)
  157. DO we Need to include headers if we are using static Library in Nested scenario? (1 replies)
  158. line with outline (4 replies)
  159. Qt5 project in VS2010 cannot be built: Error MSB6006 (3 replies)
  160. QDrag and Touchscreens (1 replies)
  161. ui_*.h files not generated after move to different platform/Qt version (4 replies)
  162. QImage bind texture fails (7 replies)
  163. QTcpSocket stays in ConnectingState after reconnection (4 replies)
  164. qt with debugging symbols (17 replies)
  165. Error in NCReport for Qt 5.1.1 minGW (1 replies)
  166. QBrush custom pattern (0 replies)
  167. Unable to display qpaint widget (1 replies)
  168. How to receive gesture events on a QGraphicsItem? (1 replies)
  169. Suddenly Nothing Happens (2 replies)
  170. QGraphicsPixmapItem and zooming - bad quality workaround, solution? (0 replies)
  171. Moving QTreeWidgetItem Up and Down in a QTreeWidget (2 replies)
  172. porting catalog to Qt5 (1 replies)
  173. executing g++ command with qt (9 replies)
  174. How to make child window as a center to parent window (5 replies)
  175. Is there a way to make sure the QImage load the image without alpha channel? (1 replies)
  176. trouble when moving dynamically created custom Widgets (1 replies)
  177. could not change QProgressBar color (5 replies)
  178. convert QPixmap to std::vector<unsigned char> (8 replies)
  179. need advice on gui thread (8 replies)
  180. Media Player Example - removeMedia (1 replies)
  181. error: undefined reference to `cvReleaseImage' (11 replies)
  182. Search in tableView with 2 arguments (9 replies)
  183. show images as live video with Qt (4 replies)
  184. how to run a vbs script in resource from inside QT (2 replies)
  185. Print saving relative position of elements in different output format (0 replies)
  186. Get unicode string with QSslSocket (1 replies)
  187. Multiple QMainWindow with tab (0 replies)
  188. Problems with QActions and Icons (5 replies)
  189. what is better signal or constructor passing parameter to thread performance wise? (10 replies)
  190. QtVariantProperty and attributeValue(QLatin1String("decimals") (2 replies)
  191. is it possible to relate a QprogressDialog or a QProgressBar to a thread's execution? (11 replies)
  192. how to generate a fake Alt+Tab event (3 replies)
  193. QWidget::normalGeometry incorrect (8 replies)
  194. Dynamic linking visual studio compiler with .pro file (2 replies)
  195. TWAIN Datasource in Qt (4 replies)
  196. Problems with databases in QT. (1 replies)
  197. cmake error with Failed to find "glu32" in "" (1 replies)
  198. QTimer while computer is asleep (1 replies)
  199. How to disable the Next button in a wizard until a certain condition is met (4 replies)
  200. QTableWidget : dynamic colomn size (0 replies)
  201. Less cost by setting QWidget's background color? (1 replies)
  202. cannot show image contents (10 replies)
  203. Module has no public API. (2 replies)
  204. Weird bug related to Qt5Core.dll while running outside QtCreator (2 replies)
  205. error: opencv2/core/core_c.h: No such file or directory -- OpenCV 2.4.6 with Q5.1 (8 replies)
  206. Show an indicator icon after a heavy process (4 replies)
  207. how to create column headers by selecting radiobuttons and checkboxes (16 replies)
  208. Styling a Sub-Control based on a Property of the Parent (0 replies)
  209. qt graphics scene, graphviz & CFG (0 replies)
  210. QStatusBar default color differs from Windows Color (0 replies)
  211. Clean shutdown console application (2 replies)
  212. Drag and drop over scrollArea (2 replies)
  213. Abort/Cancel filter/sort in QSortFilterProxyModel or derivative (2 replies)
  214. Want to find the sender of the currently clicked object and rename and delete that (1 replies)
  215. How to update layout after widget visibility change ? (6 replies)
  216. QSqlQuery Insert BLOB, But Not all the BLOB Is Inserted? (0 replies)
  217. The content doesn't show to preview when using QPrintPreviewDialog (7 replies)
  218. <qopengl.h> library .lib? (5 replies)
  219. Highlight QGraphicsItem during connection. (3 replies)
  220. How to implement visual keyboard in a QFileDialog (2 replies)
  221. QTextFragment tool tip (1 replies)
  222. mass image viewer (thumbnails view) (0 replies)
  223. Disable QGraphicsView scrolling with arrow keys (0 replies)
  224. Plugin interface with slots and signals (11 replies)
  225. how to fill color to the png image file's Alpha channel (2 replies)
  226. how to execute a QsqlQuery on a different thread ? (16 replies)
  227. How to convert multi page Magick++ Image to QImage? (2 replies)
  228. Getting IP addresses of computers connected to the network I'm connected to (3 replies)
  229. Creating diagonal table headers (1 replies)
  230. Live video streaming (2 replies)
  231. QtSerialport windows problem (15 replies)
  232. QSqlQuery Exec and QProgressBar Update (2 replies)
  233. Passing strings to SLOT function (23 replies)
  234. qgraphicsview and coordinates (2 replies)
  235. Best practice to pass parameters to a QSqlQueryModel (4 replies)
  236. displaying multiple Qt::Popup widgets? (widget above QMenu) (1 replies)
  237. CheckStateRole and TriState (1 replies)
  238. Change the selection color of a QTableWidget but only for some cells (1 replies)
  239. Qtime compare (2 replies)
  240. Empty Tab added in QTabdWidget after adding dynamic tab in QTabWidget (0 replies)
  241. set mouse focus/pointer to popup QListView (0 replies)
  242. how to delete a QToolButton inQt (7 replies)
  243. QMediaPlaylist view (0 replies)
  244. Adding QTCheckBox Manually (5 replies)
  245. QSslSocket cannot read transmitted line(s) (2 replies)
  246. QDockWidget with Grid Layout avoid content stretching (2 replies)
  247. resize main window and widgets inside it on screen/monitor size change (1 replies)
  248. Qt5 + VS2012 Add-In = QtWidgets compilation problem (1 replies)
  249. graphics (0 replies)
  250. QDockWidget bugged?? (3 replies)