View Full Version : Qt Programming
- porting my virtua girl player to qt
- QPrinter linefeeds
- Mysql drivers install problems
- OpenGL show image from buffer memory leak[SOLVED]
- QApplication and widgets' loops
- Qt::ItemIsSelectable in a model/view structure
- Want custom menu items, like graphics, but how?
- Static function signature
- QTextEdit for Hyperlink
- Scripting question
- QFileDialog Crashes with Networked Drive
- QTextEdit and "extended ascii"
- Language Selector QCombobox question
- How to adjust the a QHeaderView's width
- Is it possible to use QPainter with QGraphicsItem?
- QFile and thread-safety
- QTextEdit - disable paste()
- Background Image in QTableWidget
- how to show popup on mouse right click on a cell of table widget
- How to add QTextEdit to QWizard
- setText in QTreeWidget Crashes?
- Custom SQL in QSqlTableModel/QTableView
- Add Bookmark in PDF
- Error Comes in connet the signal and slot.
- Mocing error with Visual Studio Integration
- how to use linkActivated()
- Debugging with kdevelop (gdb)
- QWidget::resizeEvent is not called
- Update active editor in delegate when value underneath changes
- Using non-GUI Qt in a simulator (with multiple instances, simulated time, etc.)
- Image without window frame?
- OpenCV integration
- QHBoxLayout and QMessageBox error
- QtXml questions
- howto edit mac loginwindow.plist
- Mapping QGraphicsItem objects
- NEED HELP: How to download file without breaking function
- how to show previewof the selected images in the native dialog
- Using Mac Frameworks in Qt App
- QT 4.3.3: QSystemTrayIcon, winEvent, how to add an on ON HOVER handler...
- multiple mainwindows
- Display a Label on top of a QGlWidget
- QTextEdit contens
- How to make group Of QGraphicsItem ..
- Strange Release probleme
- QListView and QDirModel
- Qt widget SoQtExaminerViewer buttons
- QSqlRelationalTableModel query question
- how to stop particular key's action in QLineEdit
- Making QTreeView Items Checkable
- QtXmlPatterns problem
- QTreeWidgetItem and background color
- Drag Enter for QTableView?
- QProcess *proc at top of source (global?)
- Running the exe in a linux machine which doesnt have Qt in it
- QHash static member error
- how to put different sized icons in a QListView
- run a console application through a gui interface
- Add two QGraphicsItemGroup
- QDirModel displaying Desktop and Documents
- Qt instruments for working with registry?
- Qt::Tool
- Simple QtPainter problem
- OpenGL question
- setSelection() in custom view
- problem in printing QTableView
- QListWidget multi selection
- qtablewidget popupmenu
- How to select a cell in a QTableView
- QPushButton PopUp menu
- combo box in Header of QTableWidget
- How to create a save as dialog box?
- How to include qrc resource file in Visual Studio 2005?
- QTextEdit + paste rich text as plain text only
- How to change the existing color of an object
- new QWidget in separate thread
- QTextEdit drag and drop
- qmake issue with UIC
- creating and exporting .dll
- Problem
- Managing widget focus behaviour
- Proxy for TreeView
- How to know if a thread belongs to QApplication or not
- QSplash screen at the baskground
- Graphic evaluation
- Qt4.3.2 and Microsoft SDK
- Comparestring
- Compile Errors (porting Custom widget from Qt3 to Qt4)
- Custom buttons problem
- QProcess doesn't terminate
- QSQLITE logic error
- Best way to open database
- QSqlRecord setValue doesn't set the value
- GraphicsView / ModelView Integration ???
- [Help]Qt Plugin Problem
- Dll linking problem
- Header Width of QDockWidget in Qt4.3.3?
- doubt
- Problem about dll
- QTcpServer - Multi thread or single?
- Resize Border for QGraphicsItem
- QRegExp help
- QuickTime API
- rendering hidden QGLWidgets to disk
- QDesigner Crash when attempting to use a ported Qt3 Custom widget
- qtableview QStandardItemModel read only
- NEED HELP: QSystemTrayIcon QMenu doesn't dissapear
- structures to a file (read and write)
- Load form mdi child plugin
- QTextEdit: get word under the mouse pointer?
- Qt Suitable as windowing system for 3D game?
- Tree widget sorting
- DLL export problem
- QSettings and new QVariant Type
- QHash ordered by value
- Qt4: Sorting QAbstractItemVew inherited view
- QWizard - mandatory fields
- How to make three dots?
- update()
- how can i associate my program with a specific file?
- Confused - QGraphicsItem destructor
- trying to call Xlib inside qt app
- Can you hide the titlebar for a Qwidget in Windows?
- Item Selection in QListWidget
- QScrollarea: stylesheets
- printing program in LX-300+(dot matrix printer) problem
- Problems trying to compile driver firebird
- paintEvent problem
- QByteArray into QPixmap
- VS2005 proj file has unwanted name
- QGraphicsView with OpenGL viewport keeps clearing the colorbuffer to white
- MSVC no .lib created
- QT app Run once
- QTextCursor select part of a word?
- QTextStream loses position while reading file
- Transparent background on QLabel on transparent QWidget
- QItemDelegate::editorEvent
- Searching for the equivalent of WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE / WM_EXITSIZEMOVE with Qt
- Making 3D Images wuthout QGLWidget
- 2 Questions regarding linking problem (dealing with porting qt3 custom widgets
- QTreeViews should not expand!
- QtNetwork
- Make different regions of QLabel act differently, like an image map
- Qt widget for graph rendering, like GrapViz
- bad behaviour of QMapIterator
- Set Working Directory in VS
- How to resize the size of Q3IconViewItem to QIconView size.
- QWidget delete at once
- Emulating Unix on Windows
- QFrame problem
- QPrinter problem
- QTableWidgetItem not selectable
- Abusing the resourece system
- selectively disallow widget resizing
- sorting problem in QSetting set.allkeys() ??
- Zoom buttons using QGraphics objects
- QTableView/QSqlQueryModel
- QDialog, Mainwindow
- resizing events of a custom widget in a layout
- Resources files (.qrc) not working
- Close Button on Modal Widget?
- model->select() gives error "you have an error in your syntax" etc.
- QFile::rename()
- Problems understanding QGraphicsScene
- QPainter Gradient
- scrollbar on left side of qtextedit
- A reliable way to get the size of a checkbox indicator
- setWindowModality doesn't work
- QLineEdit - red frame
- Subclassing QLineEdit and suppress signal textChanged
- Bug with modal windows on Mac? [Qt 3.3]
- Problem porting to VC2005
- Word wrap of QLabel
- can Qt (on linux) use a windows dll?
- where is the problem in my project?! (about svg and png)
- How to paint a widget outside paintEvent()
- QTcpSocket and keep-alive option.
- simple Question about QDialog::closeEvent(...)
- Making a reflection of a picture
- Information From Detached Process
- Shrink QMainWindow to Minimum Size
- Problem determining size of QGraphicsView
- How do I natively move a QWidget top-level window?
- An Application Icon - .pxm format
- how to export functions to dll.. tutorial
- Problem with QTableView
- QObject::connect: No such signal
- disable transition on Vista pushButton
- Layout
- QLocale::system().name() returns "C" instead of "de"
- Open pdf file in the standard app system
- static declaration
- Slow loading images
- Styling a QTabWidget
- event loop isStarted() signal?
- A less demanding rubberband wanted
- QSettings::setPath()
- error definition of static member '...' of dllimport class
- Simple DB app, some questions.
- QAbstractItemModel to different views
- tricks to struct needed
- Detect QToolBar docked/undocked
- qwt examplesdo not start
- editable rectangles
- QTreeWidget Crashing while setText,setFont,setIcon
- QLineEdit
- QCheckbox
- QTableView focus issue
- qresource file alias problem with svg
- qmake+flex dependency problem
- Correlating my.cpp & Designed GUI !
- scrollbar in a qframe
- QSqlRelationalTableModel
- ActiveQT G++ Error
- launch in a gif via QMovie and QThread
- 3D Items ( Bug )
- Controllers not properly visible in QuickTime API
- QTableWidget autoResizeToContents
- GetSysColor and SetSysColor
- Overwrite mode in QLineEdit
- QTextDocument Html URL
- change txt file type default icon
- QDataWidgetMapper to synchronize widgets with QTableView
- Catch click/unclick event on QMainWindow border
- Migrate Qt3 QSettings to Qt4 QSettings
- speed up my imagemagick/qt editor
- QTreeWidget
- HTML-String in QTableWidget
- QIconView refresh on returnPressed event
- How to set data
- Display rectangle on Image
- appBar: allocated space problem
- HTML message list
- Qmake insert app version
- QObject::connect (fast)
- How to make an object blink in Qt?
- Slow problem QTableView
- On click event for a QPixmap
- Print a QDialog in a PDF file
- QDict
- Still need help: Best way to have application "skins"?
- odd double widgets
- QTableView and checkboxes
- QSplitterHandle
- QToolbox : Animate transition between each tabs
- QListView does not display its model
- Problem with qvector
- Styling each item in a QComboBox
- ask: how to start app within app
- simple question about text edit...
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