View Full Version : Qt Programming
- make better widgets
- Trouble using Poppler libs with QT Creator on Mac
- Mac OS X Lion problems.
- Why QTouchEvent events start working only if I hide and show window?
- Runtime application menu customisation
- QWidget::setMask() does not work on OS X side?
- Scrollbar speed
- Qt stylesheet QPushButon example
- QImage Transparency
- Making enums "setProperty" enabled.
- Help: how to pop a prompt dialog when the application crashes in Qt
- widget swap/widget on top
- QT app sandboxing for Mac App Store?
- QWebView scoll-location
- Problem in file including.
- QGraphicsItem's hover event problem
- Qt delegate model data and view
- QGLWidget : changing anti aliasing during run time
- qglwidget double buffering
- Not working custom deginer widget + container based on QWidget!
- Set conditional breakpoint when debugging with CBD in QtCreator
- Problems with the implementation of the thread [disphelper, WMI, QThread]
- How to get a snapshot of a video in Qt???
- QDockWidget seperator with fixed size dockwidget
- How do connect to the QT on Server and Android Client Program?
- Problem in socket.
- how to make the QDockWidget float
- midi child does not close when I call close()
- SIGNAL/SLOT Calling the same function. Possible?
- QSpinBox setting buttons with using stylesheets
- QThread with MAC OSX 10.7 Lion
- error in creating QThread and Pthread
- How to create a 2dimensional array in Qt
- QToolbar : different icons sizes
- QGraphicsGeoMap: No such File or Directory
- GUI design opinion
- Threaded QSql + QT MVC mechanism
- QWidget, setWindowOpacity, Qt::Window
- read and change xml file
- How to use Qt with QTKit(Apples's QuickTime Api).?
- Make a column readonly/not editable in QTableView?
- limited QFileDialog filters on Windows XP
- QSettings and Windows registry - removing a key
- weird focus problem with pyqt
- A Web Proxy multithread
- QSslSocket and cipher problem
- Signal / Slot issue
- QLocalSocket issue/difference between *nix & win32
- Help with ::mapFromSource (Proxy Model Question)
- QWebView SegFault
- Painter not active
- drawing clothoid segments
- Full path and filename of a Qt Plugin at runtime
- QTcpSocket - memory allocation problem
- Push Button not displaying text with icon when its layout is set to Qt::RightToLeft
- QwtPlot offset between Canvas and Scale
- QApplication::quit(); or QApplication::instance()->quit(); takes long time
- Why is QMap (and also std::map) significantly slower than MS .Net Dictionary class?
- Replacing a Layout
- OpenGL rendering of Qt widgets
- how to get mouse coordinates from Qgraphicsview
- using axtivex controls in qt4
- QTcpSocket no more data only for some sites
- Header Http ?
- Interface printer with QT Application
- QT3 -- updating a GUI all at once, instead of widget by widget
- Scaling QPolygon or QPolygonF
- Elegant way of getting if element is focused in function QGraphicsItem::shape()
- QTransform for walls
- Zoom on QGraphicsItem question (smooth not pixalted)
- WebKit Scrolling Problem
- Custom ProxyModel or Two Sync'd Models ?
- qprocess
- A question about QProcess
- problem with QSQLITE.
- about QDateTime & timezone
- Creating a list of QGraphicsItems
- Second Window properties
- LNK2001 - Unresolved external (for Windows 7 Taskbar API)
- tab through date field
- How to use setSpan in QTableView
- How to access the DOM hosted within a webkit app
- transparency problem. pls help.
- How to add items in a QGraphicsScene?
- (NETWORKING) intranet client server communication fails
- How to add blank space to a QTableView?
- QListWidget only have one column.
- Using custom QStylePlugins with PyQt?
- Nesting QScrollAreas
- QMouseEvent vs QHoverEvent
- QUrl how to change it
- align QMenu QToolBar
- QApplication::notify() everytime I start qt powered application on OS X
- beginMoveRows working down to up but not up to down... Any insignt would be great.
- QWebView progresive images
- drawing triangle with gradient based on vertices
- QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket specified
- QGraphicsScene is SLOW with a lot of items !
- Fractional Powers of a Matrix
- [HELP]What it means when QT reminds me"QT Creator needs a toolchain set up to build"?
- Data from model not inserted in QTableView
- How to make QListview and QFilesystemModel item with multiple line text?
- how can i delete all items under selected item in treeview
- Qt StyleSheet collection
- Craching in QQueue
- Running a bash script from resource (qrc) file
- Qt Guru Required for MetaObject system problem.
- GL commands using beginnativepating not working
- Allocating widgets on the stack verses using the heap
- [Qt 4.6.3/OpenGL 4.1] : Unrecognized OpenGL
- Main applicatipn window and a dialog interaction
- QT using Qt Open gl module and X11 window system
- QTableWidgetItem
- QLocale::system().name() not working on Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
- How to connect a slot(QWidget*) with signal(clicked())
- Having a lot of child widgets, what can be best, filterevent or place 'detectors'
- Qt Console Application: while loop blocks event loop
- QItemEditorFactory and custom enum types.
- Error including <libnotify/notify.h>
- Make image bigger, when the mouse is over QLabel
- QThread && QTextStream readline()
- Cannot build a simple template
- Group or Set widget (image provided)
- phonon videoplayer fullscreen
- Inheritance of nested class
- gdb error 'Unavailable synchronous data'
- File exists on server
- adding boost library to Qt
- General application structure with Qt
- How to keep specific window always above other specifi window?
- How to set QMacCocoaViewContainer to display behind any widget.?
- Translucent QWidget should be clickable cross-os
- opencv2.2 webcam
- Enums to QVariants and comparing those after the conversion.
- QMYSQLDriver - linking plugin's dynamic library
- Highlight/activate first item in a QListView from code.
- Questions about models
- how to interact with tabs in qt
- How to use activeX control (.ax) with its DLL in qt
- Get maximum size a widget can get
- Application Crash problem on second time click on Menu Arrow of QToolButton
- Using content from a dynamic library (Windows)
- undefined symbol while loading plugin
- QtVariant pointer from QHash list
- Does seeking past the end of a file and writing generate defined behavior?
- Reg: Qt Metatypes and their use in Plugins
- Simplified problem about enums and QVariants.
- Yet another "keeping the GUI responsive"
- Qt Webkit Problems
- Multiple setFilter values for QSqlRelationalTableModel
- How to add lines using mouse move?
- Painting problem for QGraphicsItem
- change the painter of parent.
- Apply previous settings in QML file
- Building RESTful webservice using qxt
- format a QString like printf
- Problem of segmentation fault - Stack indicates qlist.h
- Displaying temprature.
- Problem with QDocWidged hiding and showing with a controll button.
- Error Exiting slot calls
- Make a QSharedPointer like class thread-safe with signal/slots
- Qt creator gui
- create a Object by its name.
- WYSIWYG editor with good image handling - Not web based
- convert to QPixmap
- QImageReader with custom QIODevice implementation
- Removal of QAssistantClient in Qt 4.7
- QTableWidget: How to "select none" with SingleSelection mode?
- QProcess to get CPU state
- Crash on deletion of QScriptEngine object
- Centering child window in parent
- grabwidget image capturing problem
- Make image bigger on enterEvent, maller on leaveEvent
- QDomElement::setAttribute() doesn't work : (
- Help converting a function to Qt
- QNetworkAccessmanager and ICY-Server
- QTcpSocket gzip and Transfer chunked
- How to Sort a QModelIndexList
- show User Defined Header Labels in QTableView
- QLineEdit: textEdited called on backspace
- QTextStream cannot read £ characters?
- QTableWidgetItem
- retrieve elements from qt style sheet
- The same question : Phonon how can i loop a video?
- Widget Height and Width
- QLabel as an item delegate
- Associate data with child items in listView
- How to display 2 widgets on the same space?
- problem with QGraphicsScene\QGraphicsView
- delegate editorEvent does not receive enter/leave event
- QFileDialog to select files AND folders
- Error: passing 'const QString' as 'this' argument of 'QString& QString::operator=
- Reemit readyRead() signal from audio device
- boost python inside pyside
- HELP! Need to run cryptopp from Qt Creator
- How to resize pushbutton to fit text?
- Is a Delegate a Widget?
- QTWebkit refreshes page when i scroll down on webpages?
- Problem in reading data from server.
- QTreeView Drag and Drop: Copying heirarchy
- draw points on mouse click shows error painter not active.
- Long press event
- How to use QPainterPathStroker?
- Removeing a group from INI file
- Inheriting
- Implementing a ProgressBar using QProcess
- How to make QTableView aware that a new item in the model has beed aded?
- fatal error cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'
- QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene resizing problem when using layouts
- autorepeat and the alt key
- Invoking "Choose Application" application launcher from native OS
- Windows Application and Embbeded system communication using TCP protocol
- problem with QGraphicsTextItem's black dotted line.
- QHttp - how close TCP connection
- QFileSystemWatcher not working with /etc/mtab
- Unable to download file at URL, works fine in Chromium/Firefox/cURL
- how to locale compare two string ?
- No Response when Algorithm runs...
- QWizard with progress bar
- How to remove all rows and chiled rows from QTreeview
- How to add mouse area at a desired frame
- QProgressDialogButton is not responding
- Executing linux command as root
- How to detect when item is changed in the table view?
- Capslock status
- QProgressBar appearance only in MdiSubWindow
- QDataStream and QSql Object. Urgent!! please
- How can I add blank space to a QTableView?
- Crash using QGraphicsEffect with QGraphicsItemGroup
- Use QLineEdit with mask AND validator for money OUTPUT
- QString argument ignoring new line characters
- Problem with malloc
- QtableWidget UNDO
- smal, non-rectangular interactive widget approaches
- Image effect with QPainter
- How to present a Qt GUI app window to users???
- resize() in QDialog
- how to increase the transparency of Qpainter?
- How to add lines to desired frame only
- How we increase the width of Scroll bar of QCombo Box
- how not ta clear the selection on QGraphicsScene right mouse press event
- How does QErrorMessage dialog make itself TopMost?
- How to get the relationship between two QDockWidget?
- Qt and CORBA
- Dealing with Layout expanding size
- Check if current item is undemouse() crash!?!?!?
- How to add multiple line using qpainter
- QWidget stylesheet problem!
- painter not active
- Updating variable
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