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  1. use interesting QWT Library with QT3.X
  2. Qwt 4.2.0 BUG?
  3. help needed regarding QWT
  4. QTdesigner+QWT > tank level project
  5. Qwt for Mac OS X
  6. Making simple plot in qt designer using qwt library
  7. QwtPlot: knowing the closest marker after the user clicks on the plot
  8. My own scale widget in Qwt
  9. Qwt/custom widget trouble?
  10. Qwt on Mac
  11. Qwt Problem
  12. qwt plugin not showing in Visual Studio QT toolbox
  13. QwtPlot - promote to custom widget
  14. Qwt 5 - render TeX text
  15. QwtPlot - Changing Title fonts
  16. Problem with rubberband using Qwt5.0.1
  17. QWT Lib
  18. Plotting a graph with QWT
  19. How to get a custom QwtPlotCurve?
  20. QWT fails in debug build
  21. QWT assert failure
  22. Qwt - extra axis
  23. qwt designer build errors
  24. How to upgrade Qwt 5.0.1 to Qwt 5.0.2
  25. qwt DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on MacOsX
  26. setting needle size in qwtCompass
  27. QWT in QT4.2.2
  28. qwt designer plugin on MacOSX
  29. qwt setCanvasBackground() won't
  30. QwtIntervalData
  31. QwtDial not exits
  32. qwt-5.0.2 + qt-4.3.1 with mingw compilation fails
  33. QWT 5, QT3, SuSE 10.2. Crash and burn
  34. is there a grid() function in Qwt > 5.0.0
  35. QwtPlot: how to auto-scale two Y scales?
  36. QWT introduction
  37. Qwt in the VS2k5 toolkit
  38. Qwt examples
  39. Qwt: Using QwtPlotPicker on multiple plots
  40. qwt mouseEvents
  41. Qwt plot problem on compile
  42. QWT and large amounts of data
  43. qwt won't compile
  44. qwt 5 log scale..
  45. Qwt zoom vs. Qt move
  46. Qwt and custom axis
  47. is it a C++ error or Qt/Qwt related?
  48. Simple example of pie with Qwt needed
  49. Problem with the QwtPlotMagnifier
  50. How to set previous Zoom positions using Qwt
  51. Qwt question
  52. how to point to the library!!?
  53. Problem while handling QwtPlotZoomer with right mouse button
  54. Plots and Layouts
  55. qwtscalewidget: setting scale to the widget..
  56. qt 3.3.6 + qwt-5.0.2 + WinXP + MSVisualStudio 6.0
  57. Can execute examples
  58. real time plotting
  59. qwt tutorial/guideline/introduction
  60. Qwt overrides Widget background
  61. auto rescaling
  62. set QwtPlotCurve invisible
  63. list of QwtCurves
  64. remove of all QwtPlotCurves
  65. Scatter graph
  66. custom axis (setAxisScaleDraw) questions
  67. Need to implement 2 grabbable cursors(markers)
  68. designer plugin fails to load
  69. qwt5.0.2 and libqwt.so.5
  70. debug -> invisible program
  71. make install ... no headers?
  72. app fails to start with QWT involved.
  73. A crosshair which tracks a displayed curve
  74. need design suggestion
  75. Problem with Drag Drop for QWT Graph
  76. Problem wirh Drag and Drop for QWT Graph
  77. Windows+qt4+QwtPlot3d
  78. reset QwtPlot
  79. Retrieve Curve values
  80. Irregular data and QwtPlotSpectrogram
  81. Tooltip in Qwt
  82. Porting from qwt-4.2.0 to qwt-5.0.2
  83. Equivalents for QwtScale::setBaselineDist and QwtPlotCurve::Spline in qwt5.0.2 ?
  84. How can I draw needle for dial in Qwt
  85. Can I set image for qwt dial
  86. QwtPlot::clear() and ownership of QwtLegend
  87. Can I Add two needle for QwtDial
  88. How Can I rewrite qwtDial Class
  89. Qwt in RedHat Linux !
  90. Please help me to understand the Code !
  91. when i clicked on zoom button the YScale is changed to defult 1000
  92. Recompiling qt and qwt because of plugin problems
  93. how to hide the scale in qwt plot
  94. Circular scale
  95. printing with QwtPlot::print
  96. Qwt plugin not working in Designer
  97. Integration of qwt plugin to qtdesigner?
  98. connect qwtplot from ui with code
  99. Qwt examples are working but,Not able to run selfdesigned qwt applications!
  100. Please Help-->Not able to draw curves in QwtPlot Widget !
  101. Help: Multiple Colours in one Qwt Curve
  102. Problems with Dial/Compass and with logarithmic scale
  103. Set axis title on the right side
  104. rotating a custom made symbol for QwtPlotCurve
  105. Can i save or convert qwtplot into say .jpg or .jpeg, or ....!
  106. Please Help-->selecting point from the qwtplot !
  107. Newbie installation problem under XP
  108. qwtplot in Qt4.3.3 integrated with VS2005
  109. Need debug and release versions of Qwt?
  110. qwtplot program in Qt 4.3.3 with VS2005 not working
  111. qwt on qt design
  112. QWT application initialization error
  113. setScaleAxis(), setScaleDiv() problem..
  114. Not able to connect to qwtplotWidget
  115. setAxisAutoScale(QwtPlot::yRight) //doesn't work :(
  116. Request Qwt histogram design advice
  117. Zooming on PushButton Press event
  118. [Please Help]->Can't we draw different curves with same QwtPlotCurve object ?
  119. Qwt zoomer does not accept new plot
  120. Y-Axis Scale Spacing - Newbie Question
  121. plot only subset of the data
  122. cannot access any QwtPlotCurve instanz
  123. Show System Time Stamp ??
  124. Static scaleDivs on Form.resize
  125. selecting text in Qwt plots
  126. qwt installation problem
  127. Multi curves plotting issue
  128. Problem with scales
  129. Qwt3D - Pie chart
  130. Make install prevents Qt 3.3.3 from running
  131. Setting scale proportion
  132. Relocating axis labels
  133. Plugin not getting loaded
  134. Acquire data from database & Plot it to a graph
  135. How to get the x an y corrdinates from mouse postion
  136. understanding QwtPlot::transform()
  137. How to plot a graph from random values???
  138. Multiscale plot
  139. Signals to select Titles?
  140. Using QwtLegend to change curve attributes
  141. Plot Picker Cuases Application to Crash
  142. Plotting from Left to Right ??
  143. How to make the x-Bottom scale fixed.
  144. Plotting part of a curve
  145. Using Map in Qwt Widget..help needed
  146. Axis's minimum and maximum
  147. Can't figure out how to use Spectrogram with captured data
  148. Scrolling Dynamic Plot
  149. Reg multiple plots in Qwt
  150. Lining up multiple plots
  151. Smith Chart
  152. QWT problem
  153. problem installing qwt 5.1.1 on linux for ARM
  154. detailed explaining qwt example
  155. Time/Date Axis
  156. Scatter plot with many colors
  157. Virtual axis ?
  158. QwtScale Widget
  159. Qwt examples
  160. QwtSpectrogram example program
  161. logarithmic scale
  162. Qwt-Plot Zoomer Problem??
  163. No grooves on wheels
  164. Problem saving a plot
  165. realtime_plot example problem--help needed.
  166. help using QLists as data in QwtPlotCurve
  167. FUll Screen Problem for Multiple Tab widgets
  168. QwtPlotMarker confusion
  169. QwtRasterData and values
  170. Equal scales
  171. Displaying intensity values of Spectrogram in trackertext.
  172. check rightbutton on toolBar popup a ....
  173. shifting of axes to middle of qwt plot--help needed
  174. QwtPolarCurve setData()---help needed
  175. using QwtPlotPicker without user interaction
  176. PlotWin with scroll on real time
  177. Stand-alone colorbar (no canvas)
  178. Problems with QwtPlotZoomer and QwtPlotPicker since 5.1.0
  179. QwtPlotMarker segfault
  180. Moving plot marker with the mouse
  181. QwtPlot: multiple curves with separate x-axis/-scales?
  182. Scaling and zooming with logarithmic scales
  183. Showing text to label curves on QwtPlot
  184. Problem with QwtPlot
  185. Install Qwt 5.1.1 with Qt 4.4.1 and VC++ 2008
  186. Performance of Polar plot vs. Rectangular plot
  187. how to get the coordinates of the curves's points?
  188. Histogram with different colors
  189. qwt and visual studio 2005
  190. Installing Qwt 5.1.1
  191. Qwt Installation on Solaris
  192. How to rotate qwt polar coordinate?
  193. How to draw curve between two points in qwt polar?
  194. QwtPlotZoomer, using two zoomers.
  195. flickering x-scale
  196. compile o.k. but nothing in QtDesigner
  197. Adding points to a plot without forcing a redraw
  198. Plot rendering in thread
  199. Complicated QwtPlotZoomer crash, possible bug? Help request.
  200. Stopping the tick mark value changing exponent
  201. Plot Picker x=0
  202. Question about qwt polar's Azimuth scale
  203. Axis yLeft cuts of numbers
  204. Cpu Plot walkthrough
  205. multiple plots in QVBoxLayout: different length of legends, but same canvas width?
  206. Qwt Legend
  207. Setting up Qwt5.1.1
  208. Stylesheets & printing
  209. Knowing pixel distance between consecutive ticks
  210. Qwt Scale Draw
  211. problem configuring the qwt plugin for designer
  212. QwtScaleWidget: problem with drawing a ColorMap
  213. Error Linking QWT-project
  214. QWTDial problem
  215. pixel distance of gaps in scaleWidget
  216. Noobish problems with QwtPlotPanner
  217. QWT embedded
  218. How to implement one-dimensional zoom
  219. contour path generation for spectrogram
  220. QMdiArea + QwtPlot = Crash?
  221. using Qwt with windows
  222. axis question
  223. Crosshairs that are always on
  224. Qwt: How to create legends inside plots ?
  225. using QWT (.pro file help)
  226. Selecting a rectangular area of Canvas of QwtPlot
  227. Qwt(histogram) in eclipse?
  228. Qwt : 2 plot on the same widget
  229. Problem install qwt on windows
  230. qwt don't compile with debug?
  231. QwtPlot: several scales "attached" to one axis
  232. Qwt+MinGw+Eclipse on windows not run application
  233. QwtPlot (v5.1.1) looses connection to legend after manual clear() and reload
  234. Default axes after calling zoom(0)
  235. Qwt and context menu
  236. Qwt Printing
  237. is it possible to install qwt in a linux machine without being the administrator?
  238. How to access data of a QwtPlotCurve with Qwt5.2
  239. graph
  240. export and printing qwt plot
  241. Qwt plot + grid huge pdf file
  242. export a plot as image
  243. fixed axis scales
  244. Saving qwt plot as image
  245. Get the points of a fitted curve
  246. Export SVG: Qwt Bug?
  247. Removing Legend
  248. qwt plugin not appearing in qt3
  249. problem when trying to compile it.
  250. Problem with qwt and eclipse on windows