- QT 4.1 Designer issues with Mac
- How to create custom slot in Qt Designer 4.1?
- QVariant types support for custom properties
- action
- Designer: Spacer doesn't do what I want...
- How to remove status bar from Qt 4 "Main Window" form?
- Is there a resizeable layout
- How to add a Action Group?
- Qt Designer & Visual Studio 2005
- dropActionGroup
- Actions and what to do with them?
- QTDesigner + Libraries
- Qt 3 program & Qt4 designer
- a box around QLineEdit?
- QTextEdit simple question
- [Qt4.1] How to insert an image inside a Form?
- Shape-changing dialog with qt4.1
- Designer4 plugin location
- Qt Designer 4.0.1 Preview Colors
- Weird issue with qt designer 3.3.4 and accelerators?
- Custom widget plugin does not show up in editor but does in preview
- Is it possible to use other things than widgets in Designer?
- enum property
- setOrientation QProgressBar
- how to execute a dialog box from a main application?
- Example OpenGL project?
- creating a hyperlink
- How to movable dock widgets?
- Facing problem with qt-4.1 designer
- qt4.1.1 designer
- define column in designer QT4.1.1
- Toolbar & Icons missing
- Promoting a custom widget derived from QWidget Qt4
- (qt4.1.1 & xp) cascade all problem
- #include from designer
- Pleaz.... im on the Basics!!
- How to get empty mainwidget at startup
- declaring objects inside Designer
- QT4: Custom widget for QT Designer
- qSplitter settings
- QTreeWidget + ScrollBar
- Setting behaviour in designer
- QSlider with double Heads..
- [4.1.1] Custom Widget visible in Edit but not in Preview
- Main window
- Palette definition
- Qt Designer plugin.. no drag and drop icon bellow cursor
- Large-config required
- using a dialog to change settings in a main application
- tool bar icon size looking small???
- config question
- Getting QWidget::windowIcon to work
- Dialog sizes and different screen resolutions.
- problem with designer
- Changing pixmap in PixmapLabel
- Menubar in mainwindow form
- Custom widget + Qt Designer
- Prevent from resizing a QMainWindow
- Referring to unnamed layouts from designer
- Masking password
- declaring a friend
- how to make the form full screen
- custom slot + Designer
- [Qt4 WinXP] Designer widget QTreeView problem
- Designer: QDockWidget not selectable after closing and re-opening form
- Promote to Custom Widget makes the widget disappear !
- opacity of QLabel(background opaque)
- Where is code file
- Creating project in designer
- Chat client!!!!
- Adding slots in Designer
- Property editor doesn't display my custom widget properties
- Designer log messages while loading plugins
- Warning: Cannot find a class which uses this form!
- Current KDE/Windows style
- Change to myUI in Designer....much copy/pasting into the ui.h file
- Show/hide part of dialog with resizing.
- setWindowIcon
- Modifying Dialog problem
- QToolBar in a new UI form?
- Opensource Calendar Widget
- How to create pop up widgets in designer.
- Widget corruption
- Please send me a code of how to concatenate 2 .wav files with different frequencies
- Custom Style
- Problem in porting Main window on linux
- Video in Qt designer 3
- Custom plugin for a layout
- QtDesigner Layout Help
- Qworkspace
- Designer crashes when selecting some widgets
- QT Designer? Coding by hand?
- fixed size of a top level widget (solved)
- Designer not adjusting size right
- QTable gives error when put on a dialog??
- Using special characters in QT dialogs
- Interesting tutorial on UI Designer
- No QCalendarWidget in designer? 4.2.0-tp1
- How to reset the Palette for form
- How do I layout in a Grid?
- VS Integration plugins not visible
- Editing properties of groups of widgets
- Constructor of form in QTDesgner ?
- Difference between Dialog and widget and QMainWindow
- hot to disable right click on form input controls
- unable to have greek characters appear in a text Label
- Basic: problem building designer application
- I'm getting frustrated with the designer.
- Qt 3.3.4 -> Qt 4.1.2, moc file issue
- How to import an old application code ?
- How to add structures and enumeration using Qt Designer
- QDataTable with two tables
- Designer and QWorkspace
- [QPushButton] IconSet alignment
- QFile::writeBlock: File not open
- Why does Designer alter my UI upon Save/Load?
- Reparenting
- Property editor fully featured?
- Change base class
- Label for frame
- form setting
- tab focus on QPushbutton making QPushbutton work with spacebar but not with enter key
- Previewing a stack widget dialog
- How can i use ActiveX
- How can i import a User Control Class .DLL
- Widget to display images and text ?
- Widget to display an HTML page ?
- qmouseEvent handling
- QTreeView font size not being set
- Qfiledialog Problem - (Beginner)
- How to improve fonts in designer ?
- passing variables in a QWidget constructor when programming with QTDesigner
- where should i put #define in QtDesigner?
- How to create MDI windows using Qt4 designer?
- customslots in qt4
- Where is QSplitter in QtDesigner 4.2?
- How to declare signal in qt designer??
- Translation without HTML
- How to paste image on the form through designer
- Menubars, toolsbars and docking controls
- More problems with Menus and Toolbars
- Docking a widget to fill a dialog
- How to get the *.h and *.cpp from *.ui generated by QtDesigner?
- Add exclusive buttons in a toolbar with qtdesigner
- QT Events
- splitter
- Can't drop a widget in designer - solution
- Questions about two measures to develop using QtDesigner
- How do I use a mainwindow .ui file?
- add items one by one in row using tableWidget
- again problem in add items in tablewidget
- Displaying picture included with html code
- about custom widget plugins
- adding icons from resources to buttons without Qt3Support
- EXtend functionality of QListWidget by making a plugin and use it in designer?
- how to create new slot
- FromQt3 to Qt4
- Error when promoting a custom widget
- centralWidget and QDockWidgets in designer
- how i can add image in my toolbar
- Adding Widgets (QLabel, Progressbar etc.) to statusbar
- how i can add image in verticalHeaderview() of tableWidget
- How to get *.exe from *.ui generated by QtDesigner?
- integrating Qt files with open cascade??
- integrating Qt files in open cascade?
- How to add a Wizard ?
- basic problem of config qmake
- MenuBar grabs the focus on ALT pressed.
- no error???? why???
- why pushbutton moving??
- How to default Date-Edit Widget to system date
- Doubt ?
- Signal-slots connection problem.
- Custom Style and Qt Designer 3
- Simple text editor with QT designer Tutorial
- Expandable Layout
- Remove the Closse button (X) on the top right side
- PushButton height problem
- create play,pause and stop buttons
- qt design and adding other code
- Cursor style changes when placed at the edges of the Qt Dialog box
- Replacing One image with another
- FrameShape property for Q3GroupBox
- How to prevent table header from font change.
- Menu problem using Designer
- Qt Designer or writing by hand
- Wierd behaviour after resizing child dialogue
- Recommend right widget type please
- Using a QFrame as a color selection indicator
- Deleting and disabling properties in designer for custom plugins...
- Highlight text in list box
- tabWidget Question
- Do you use the designer, or do you code your gui manually?
- Storing property lists for custom designer plugins
- problem with QT DESIGNER
- No .h or .cpp Files Generated
- Adding property editor file browser popup...
- Promoted widgets and layout boxes
- Few newbie questions
- Delayed Rendering of QTabWidget Tabs
- Uic cannot write output file
- Converting ui file
- Display Images in QGraphicsView
- Images/icons. It's not displayed
- Need Links fot QT4.2.3
- QFileDialog in Qt designer
- Menu bar background color focus
- QTable - Data Base Problem
- Layout messed up
- Using the "pixmap function" feature
- Several questions
- Copying contents of QTab
- space between objects
- getting qmake to make the plugin
- listWidget resize
- using .gif or .mng ?
- plugin crashes designer but not app
- regarding input widget
- numeric value problem...
- Designer UI widget in qtablewidget / setCellWidget
- Qt Designer - creating a form that includes a menu bar only.
- .png not displayed with release build
- Does a StackedWidget plugin need multipage?
- Replacing Central Widget in Designer
- Forcing a minimum list widget width
- Maximizing a widget
- help with.. numeric mask....
- How to create custom slots for any Widget using Qt Designer
- UIC eol control
- ListWidget horizontal scroll.
- Custom Plug-in shows but layout is messed up
- A fixed size window?
- problem with Tool button n Layout
- "Lay Out in a Grid" - how to see the grid?
- Suggestions for checkbox form layout
- promote the contents of a dockwidget!
- QProgressBar busy indicator
- Simple custom widget won't size properly
- Connecting sig/slots between radio's and widget stack form.
- Designer plugin - creating a container widget
- Problem with custom container widget
- Tick Labels for Slider
- UI implementation style
- QWorkspace template for Designer?
- Adding a line edit in a toolbar
- dropdown menu(popupmenu) refreshing issue
- Form resizes ok in Designer, not in my test app.
- Adding scrollbars from within Designer
- LED Indicator Widget
- Displaying data in QTable