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  1. QT 4.1 Designer issues with Mac
  2. How to create custom slot in Qt Designer 4.1?
  3. QVariant types support for custom properties
  4. action
  5. Designer: Spacer doesn't do what I want...
  6. How to remove status bar from Qt 4 "Main Window" form?
  7. Is there a resizeable layout
  8. How to add a Action Group?
  9. Qt Designer & Visual Studio 2005
  10. dropActionGroup
  11. Actions and what to do with them?
  12. QTDesigner + Libraries
  13. Qt 3 program & Qt4 designer
  14. a box around QLineEdit?
  15. QTextEdit simple question
  16. [Qt4.1] How to insert an image inside a Form?
  17. Shape-changing dialog with qt4.1
  18. Designer4 plugin location
  19. Qt Designer 4.0.1 Preview Colors
  20. Weird issue with qt designer 3.3.4 and accelerators?
  21. Custom widget plugin does not show up in editor but does in preview
  22. Is it possible to use other things than widgets in Designer?
  23. enum property
  24. setOrientation QProgressBar
  25. how to execute a dialog box from a main application?
  26. Example OpenGL project?
  27. creating a hyperlink
  28. How to movable dock widgets?
  29. Facing problem with qt-4.1 designer
  30. qt4.1.1 designer
  31. define column in designer QT4.1.1
  32. Toolbar & Icons missing
  33. Promoting a custom widget derived from QWidget Qt4
  34. (qt4.1.1 & xp) cascade all problem
  35. #include from designer
  36. Pleaz.... im on the Basics!!
  37. How to get empty mainwidget at startup
  38. declaring objects inside Designer
  39. QT4: Custom widget for QT Designer
  40. qSplitter settings
  41. QTreeWidget + ScrollBar
  42. Setting behaviour in designer
  43. QSlider with double Heads..
  44. [4.1.1] Custom Widget visible in Edit but not in Preview
  45. Main window
  46. Palette definition
  47. Qt Designer plugin.. no drag and drop icon bellow cursor
  48. Large-config required
  49. using a dialog to change settings in a main application
  50. tool bar icon size looking small???
  51. config question
  52. Getting QWidget::windowIcon to work
  53. Dialog sizes and different screen resolutions.
  54. problem with designer
  55. Changing pixmap in PixmapLabel
  56. Menubar in mainwindow form
  57. Custom widget + Qt Designer
  58. Prevent from resizing a QMainWindow
  59. Referring to unnamed layouts from designer
  60. Masking password
  61. declaring a friend
  62. how to make the form full screen
  63. custom slot + Designer
  64. [Qt4 WinXP] Designer widget QTreeView problem
  65. Designer: QDockWidget not selectable after closing and re-opening form
  66. Promote to Custom Widget makes the widget disappear !
  67. opacity of QLabel(background opaque)
  68. Where is code file
  69. Creating project in designer
  70. Chat client!!!!
  71. Adding slots in Designer
  72. Property editor doesn't display my custom widget properties
  73. Designer log messages while loading plugins
  74. Warning: Cannot find a class which uses this form!
  75. Current KDE/Windows style
  76. Change to myUI in Designer....much copy/pasting into the ui.h file
  77. Show/hide part of dialog with resizing.
  78. setWindowIcon
  79. Modifying Dialog problem
  80. QToolBar in a new UI form?
  81. Opensource Calendar Widget
  82. How to create pop up widgets in designer.
  83. Widget corruption
  84. Please send me a code of how to concatenate 2 .wav files with different frequencies
  85. Custom Style
  86. Problem in porting Main window on linux
  87. Video in Qt designer 3
  88. Custom plugin for a layout
  89. QtDesigner Layout Help
  90. Qworkspace
  91. Designer crashes when selecting some widgets
  92. QT Designer? Coding by hand?
  93. fixed size of a top level widget (solved)
  94. Designer not adjusting size right
  95. QTable gives error when put on a dialog??
  96. Using special characters in QT dialogs
  97. Interesting tutorial on UI Designer
  98. No QCalendarWidget in designer? 4.2.0-tp1
  99. How to reset the Palette for form
  100. How do I layout in a Grid?
  101. VS Integration plugins not visible
  102. Editing properties of groups of widgets
  103. Constructor of form in QTDesgner ?
  104. Difference between Dialog and widget and QMainWindow
  105. hot to disable right click on form input controls
  106. unable to have greek characters appear in a text Label
  107. Basic: problem building designer application
  108. I'm getting frustrated with the designer.
  109. Qt 3.3.4 -> Qt 4.1.2, moc file issue
  110. How to import an old application code ?
  111. How to add structures and enumeration using Qt Designer
  112. QDataTable with two tables
  113. Designer and QWorkspace
  114. [QPushButton] IconSet alignment
  115. QFile::writeBlock: File not open
  116. Why does Designer alter my UI upon Save/Load?
  117. Reparenting
  118. Property editor fully featured?
  119. Change base class
  120. Label for frame
  121. form setting
  122. tab focus on QPushbutton making QPushbutton work with spacebar but not with enter key
  123. Previewing a stack widget dialog
  124. How can i use ActiveX
  125. How can i import a User Control Class .DLL
  126. Widget to display images and text ?
  127. Widget to display an HTML page ?
  128. qmouseEvent handling
  129. QTreeView font size not being set
  130. Qfiledialog Problem - (Beginner)
  131. How to improve fonts in designer ?
  132. passing variables in a QWidget constructor when programming with QTDesigner
  133. where should i put #define in QtDesigner?
  134. How to create MDI windows using Qt4 designer?
  135. customslots in qt4
  136. Where is QSplitter in QtDesigner 4.2?
  137. How to declare signal in qt designer??
  138. Translation without HTML
  139. How to paste image on the form through designer
  140. Menubars, toolsbars and docking controls
  141. More problems with Menus and Toolbars
  142. Docking a widget to fill a dialog
  143. How to get the *.h and *.cpp from *.ui generated by QtDesigner?
  144. Add exclusive buttons in a toolbar with qtdesigner
  145. QT Events
  146. splitter
  147. Can't drop a widget in designer - solution
  148. Questions about two measures to develop using QtDesigner
  149. How do I use a mainwindow .ui file?
  150. add items one by one in row using tableWidget
  151. again problem in add items in tablewidget
  152. Displaying picture included with html code
  153. about custom widget plugins
  154. adding icons from resources to buttons without Qt3Support
  155. EXtend functionality of QListWidget by making a plugin and use it in designer?
  156. how to create new slot
  157. FromQt3 to Qt4
  158. Error when promoting a custom widget
  159. centralWidget and QDockWidgets in designer
  160. how i can add image in my toolbar
  161. Adding Widgets (QLabel, Progressbar etc.) to statusbar
  162. how i can add image in verticalHeaderview() of tableWidget
  163. How to get *.exe from *.ui generated by QtDesigner?
  164. integrating Qt files with open cascade??
  165. integrating Qt files in open cascade?
  166. How to add a Wizard ?
  167. basic problem of config qmake
  168. MenuBar grabs the focus on ALT pressed.
  169. no error???? why???
  170. why pushbutton moving??
  171. How to default Date-Edit Widget to system date
  172. Doubt ?
  173. Signal-slots connection problem.
  174. Custom Style and Qt Designer 3
  175. Simple text editor with QT designer Tutorial
  176. Expandable Layout
  177. Remove the Closse button (X) on the top right side
  178. PushButton height problem
  179. create play,pause and stop buttons
  180. qt design and adding other code
  181. Cursor style changes when placed at the edges of the Qt Dialog box
  182. Replacing One image with another
  183. FrameShape property for Q3GroupBox
  184. How to prevent table header from font change.
  185. Menu problem using Designer
  186. Qt Designer or writing by hand
  187. Wierd behaviour after resizing child dialogue
  188. Recommend right widget type please
  189. Using a QFrame as a color selection indicator
  190. Deleting and disabling properties in designer for custom plugins...
  191. Highlight text in list box
  192. tabWidget Question
  193. Do you use the designer, or do you code your gui manually?
  194. Storing property lists for custom designer plugins
  195. problem with QT DESIGNER
  196. No .h or .cpp Files Generated
  197. Adding property editor file browser popup...
  198. Promoted widgets and layout boxes
  199. Few newbie questions
  200. Delayed Rendering of QTabWidget Tabs
  201. Uic cannot write output file
  202. Converting ui file
  203. Display Images in QGraphicsView
  204. Images/icons. It's not displayed
  205. Need Links fot QT4.2.3
  206. QFileDialog in Qt designer
  207. Menu bar background color focus
  208. QTable - Data Base Problem
  209. Layout messed up
  210. Using the "pixmap function" feature
  211. Several questions
  212. Copying contents of QTab
  213. space between objects
  214. getting qmake to make the plugin
  215. listWidget resize
  216. using .gif or .mng ?
  217. plugin crashes designer but not app
  218. regarding input widget
  219. numeric value problem...
  220. Designer UI widget in qtablewidget / setCellWidget
  221. Qt Designer - creating a form that includes a menu bar only.
  222. .png not displayed with release build
  223. Does a StackedWidget plugin need multipage?
  224. Replacing Central Widget in Designer
  225. Forcing a minimum list widget width
  226. Maximizing a widget
  227. help with.. numeric mask....
  228. How to create custom slots for any Widget using Qt Designer
  229. UIC eol control
  230. ListWidget horizontal scroll.
  231. Custom Plug-in shows but layout is messed up
  232. A fixed size window?
  233. problem with Tool button n Layout
  234. "Lay Out in a Grid" - how to see the grid?
  235. Suggestions for checkbox form layout
  236. promote the contents of a dockwidget!
  237. QProgressBar busy indicator
  238. Simple custom widget won't size properly
  239. Connecting sig/slots between radio's and widget stack form.
  240. Designer plugin - creating a container widget
  241. Problem with custom container widget
  242. Tick Labels for Slider
  243. UI implementation style
  244. QWorkspace template for Designer?
  245. Adding a line edit in a toolbar
  246. dropdown menu(popupmenu) refreshing issue
  247. Form resizes ok in Designer, not in my test app.
  248. Adding scrollbars from within Designer
  249. LED Indicator Widget
  250. Displaying data in QTable