View Full Version : Newbie
- Focus in QGraphicsWidgetProxy
- can't find entrypoint of procedure _Z5qFreepv in DLL-file qtcore4.dll
- Qt and graphics card
- SDL Game Engine Integration into Qt Game Editor
- How to do statusbar with separator or with frame.
- QTTab, tabposition: left, how to set text vertical?
- setOpacity(0) doesn't fully work on masked QDialog
- Cannot debug anymore,need help~~
- Compiling errors - can't find the libraries
- How to prevent button from expanding to fill layout
- Drawing of graph(data structure) !
- QMenu stylesheet and alpha coloring
- Button border cropped to rectangle when icon image added
- call a class
- The QTimeLine finished() signal never triggered ,when the state is not running
- dynamic QLabel update
- How can I view the source of a dll when debugging
- Demo projects not compiling
- problem with qt creator
- [QGraphicsView] centerOn() with smooth scrolling
- Problem with save data from model to file
- Delete item from QMap<int, QString> with shift
- Using variable from dialog in another dialog
- Mipmap
- QSpinBox interval
- Problem with QFileDialog and QFile
- Signal/Slots, Where can i use it?
- Don't show on panel?
- 32 bit or 64 bit
- Serial
- linking the files with openGL code
- simple question
- Deselecting selection on QTableWidget
- error with QSqlQuery
- Base function first or Subclass function first? - What's the recommended way?
- Dummy post to test the methods of attaching files to a post in the forums
- Ubuntu 10.04 and Qt 4.62
- Font family for non-latin text.
- whatś the better in Threads
- QUdpSocket Buffering - Approach?
- QInputDialog with several QLineEdit it is possible?
- Cannot get QNetworkCookie from QNetworkReply
- QPushButton color and background
- Custom QItemDelegate: mouse hover, margins, colors?
- how to get first selected item in selection area
- problem filling a QtableWidget
- How to use Unicode in Qt source code.
- Don't show panel on taskbar
- Problem with passing Pointers to a Slot
- QFileDialog::getFileName how to set default extension?
- problem with Qpainter being too slow (Maemo5)
- expected type-specifier before 'Class Name' / not declared in this scope
- Puzzle Example on Qt's website
- How QRectF::adjusted() works
- Highlighting Current Selection
- Basically signals-slot application
- QPushButton with a custom QLabel
- Registering QGraphicsItem Movement (Drag)
- File generated with too old version of Qt Designer
- Having trouble with carriage return
- QT 4.6.2 on winCE6.0
- Running QT from the command line - qmake to run
- Display a icon in QStatus bar
- closing child dialog closes parent dialog
- Adding qframe with widgets to status bar
- setChecked(false); does not work with QPushButton
- Widget->show() place widget to top left corner (not on the top of mainwindow)
- Editing TableViews in UI Editor
- Style Sheets
- Qt add library
- [Question] Is it possible to access a class member from another class?
- QGroupBox elements geometry
- Resizing QTableView inside a QTabWidget
- How to paint (QPainter) on a label ?
- Cutom signal on mouse click at top left corner of QTableWidget
- my window disappears quickly
- Could not find make command
- TreeWidget child icon
- QPushButton with MANY text color
- inheritence and virtual
- [QT]Push button-no action
- killing Qt timer.
- Multi client tcp server.
- How to correctly delete a QDialog created via 'new'?
- QT + QCA + OpenSSL Plugin + Windows 7
- QListWidget multiselection indexes
- class calling other class functions?
- Segmentation fault when closing window by slot
- Vista-styled warning message dialogs?
- QT Logging class
- Highlighting Current Selection
- a header file is locked and can't edited after I compile my project.
- Configure failure with qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.0.0 on QT4.6.2 on Ubuntu9.04
- QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
- Finishing a thread in QThread
- Edit TableView Content
- QString to char*
- Static or Dynamic !!
- Questions about Drag and Drop
- new to qt4
- QProxyWidget and My Scene
- Help with QGraphicsScene
- QimageReader Unknown Error
- Effecinecy for a GU Interface
- Effecinecy for a GU Interface
- Error handling guidelines?
- [Qt Console Application] QtCore module problems [SOLVED]
- Implementing own move for QAbstractItemModel drag&drop
- Relationship b/w different classes
- MOC created file compiled twice
- Sqlite Memory Use
- Multiple Plots in one Window
- QListWidget and signals...
- Questions about Model-View Architecture in QT
- Find row that object occupies in grid layout
- Drawing in QML
- Write to Threaded Server
- rowCount does not update after removing widgets from grid layout
- Auto-discovery of include files is not working
- QTabBar & QTabWidget
- How to use QTestLib to my project??
- QToolButton & setStyleSheet
- variable matrix of squares,which QWidget ?
- Rotating Gradient
- Custom Widgets in QT DEsigner
- Program runs in QtCreator, but can't find libs when running through terminal
- QTabWidget issue
- Adding Dll
- QRegExp not matching the { character !!
- Qcombobox and model/item based question
- Where can I get the source code for examples shown in C++ GUI Programming with Qt4
- QwtPlot on ui form
- use "FramelessWindowHint " still have gray line around window
- problem in accessing qt header files
- Create pdf, print silently to \\servername\printername
- Threading with rsh and rcp
- A few basic question
- QProcess question
- Using WMI CLasses
- Disable default button in QDialog
- Application Level Style
- How do I make my project executable file
- Problem with Signal and Slots and QThread
- ItemViews in ScrollArea
- Sockets: Send objects and Client/Server architecture
- advice on using QDataWidgetMapper in QtSql
- QHtml Encoding Problems
- Change frame background color
- Sending over UDP - Binary Manipulation
- cross compile QT environment for a custom wince6.0 SDK.
- How to display result
- Creating a custom container for widgets with bounce/rubberband at boundaries
- Hello all. Evaluating QT
- GUI WINDOWS app to Mac
- QTableView and marking a cell exclusively
- Possible to use an ampersand (&) character in a QCheckBox?
- QThread for Multithreading
- Accessing QtScript arrays from C++
- Random number of QGraphicsItem
- How to get number of bytes read from QTextStream
- Beginner level program not working
- need help to start qt opencv
- QSyntaxHighligher with QTextEdit
- core dump qdevelop
- Does Qt widgets work without it's main Event loop?
- Code Formatter Shortcut
- Autocomplete of Qwt classes in Qt Creator
- Event Handling in Multible Screens
- Mark Thread as SOLVED
- Layered Opacity
- Plugin to Plugin (lib) dependency
- Deploying
- mousePressEvent - Problems handling right and left mouse buttons together
- Mouse Events across multiple neighbor widgets, possible?
- QWebView and set QNetworkCookieJar
- Clarification on how to use Qt's debugging techniques
- unable to get host name from QUrl::host() ?
- Context Menu event with QGraphicsWidget
- QStyleSheet vs QML
- [Qt Creator] Need help in developing a paiting app
- Registering QListView and QPlainTextEdit in Wizard Class
- Send email without user intervention?
- Signals and Slots - why won't this constellation not work
- Qt way of getting/parsing style attributes from html tags? local file batch
- Adding click event to QFrame
- What's the practical difference between QMessageBox, QDialogButtonBox, and QDialog ??
- Desktop Dual Screen in Ubuntu 10.04, get screen width and height not coherent.
- generate core dump
- Error .../demos/ missing
- how to do autocomplete with qt
- Static Linking Ordering Issues
- QFileDialog How to hide linux hidden/backup folders (“.folderâ€)
- Obtaining list of running processes with Qt on a smartphone
- Howto convert console Application to QT UI - what's the concept?
- PyQt4: Create simple GUI for python program
- QGraphicsScene in paintEvent ?
- is the *ui Creator specific? Can it be avoided?
- partly transparent dockwidget
- Incorrect mouse behavior in GraphicsScene
- Can a QDialog be made to pop out sideways on Maemo ?
- Can I connect multiple buttons to same slot, but pass different parameters ?
- Grouping files
- Access form's widget's in other class
- Access from other class
- heads up display (HUD)
- clear() a QGraphicsScene..
- Is there any Qt function which gives all the connecting between any two coordinates ?
- Search bar for Internet Radio
- Making an options/settings class
- please help!
- input widget for vectors (e.g. double v[6]) - howto do?
- strange conversion!
- how to implement QWhatsThis class
- QTreeView: include root in tree?
- Cosmetic pen with opengl rendering
- how to force widgets update
- what sqlite version the Qt use
- Qt QSS help
- QWebView not loading pages !!
- Storing QList of QPair in QStandardItem then rendering it in QComboBox of QTableView.
- Speeding up Image Rendering
- Customize FileDialog to allow access only to removable drives
- Can't change QHBoxLayout geometry
- Sort by Column Fails in Linux (ubuntu 9.04 vm)
- Deploying a Qt app
- Migrating from Visual Studio to Qt Creator
- QextSerialEnumerator::getPorts() links fine, but can't run
- Calling a library in Symbian C++ using Qt
- QGraphicsScene::drawItems is not called if it's subclassed
- mousePressEvent in QLabel
- QInputDialog::getText - can't get access by keyboard
- Something like a line rubber band but that can be diagonal?
- selectAll in QLineEdit does not work
- Qt/Embedded: QWS Frame buffer resolution change at run time ...
- problem using gui objects after leving the main class
- Problem using QSettings after searching file with QTextstream
- QGL Context Issue
- "do while problem"
- qt embedded + wince own sdk problem with compiling -qconfig minimal
- main window close not working
- Proper QList usage
- Scaling Background Image behind Widgets / dynamic stylesheet resources ?
- [solved] Horizontal scrollbar isn't show up.
- Class inclusion
- Updating checkboxes in QTreeView programmatically
- Tab Order is Not Working
- Question about QNetworkReply from QNetworkAccessManager
- Updating SQL Database from QTableView
- QGLWidget renderPixmap and alpha channel
- QTableView Drag without pixmap
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