View Full Version : Newbie
- Pyside/PyQT and QML: learn Pyside first, or both at same time?
- qtmobility map adding layer
- read pdf with qt
- Qwidget Animation with Qtimer
- Renaming my .pro project file;
- Implementing a Fortune Server
- Singleton or not
- Using std::shared_ptr for Qt objects
- Download Progress of the html-content of the webpage
- QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_1_client_method
- Not getting all data from database through QNetworkAccessManager.
- signals and slots, newbie problem
- Comparison of objects from QList
- QMetaObject::InvokeMethod returns true but method is never invoked
- Opening the Windows 8 Start Screen from a button press (Qt 5.2.1)
- Variable variable names
- php preg_match_all Qt alternative
- insert my own class (a ui from qt designer) into a QtGui.QListWidget
- QGraphicsLayoutItem not adding to QGraphicsWidget
- Two threads need to print on main window
- Can a MDI SubWindow contains a QGraphicsView?
- Looking for the Qt dlls of Qt 5.2.0 compiled with MSVC2010?
- QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsItem and QGraphicsView trouble
- Config file usage in Qt
- Make qmake just run arbitrary shell command then finish?
- Converting MFC application to QT
- Resizing QGraphicsWidget at runtime
- (SOLVED) Different compile sequence in Windows and Linux
- Qt dlls versus Qt creator dlls;
- Good ICU version for Qt 5.2.0 and Qt Creator 3.0.0?
- qmake: create a dependency to an arbitrary file.
- Read audio file while i downloading it
- QLabel or any Widget Resize Itself, how to disable.
- [HELP] how to get a value of slider from ui_XXXX.h
- dot gets converted into square with arabic language on Android 5 plateform
- Cant use QWidget::setParent().
- QDataStream and pointer
- error generating moc file
- How to create a chart in Qt?
- GraphicsMagick & Qt -- undefined reference to '_imp__InitializeMagick' (MinGW Win XP)
- problem in installing plugin for mysql driver
- How to set QScrollBar range upto max int64_t ?
- Multiple Qt Versions (GCC/Clang) on Mac OS X 10.9
- Resize Image Background in QMainWindow / Best way to make a Checkers Game
- QMainWindow Minimize
- lupdate fails to detect context for class in namespace
- qFatal is killing my application with msg handler installed.
- QMimeData: setting and getting the right MIME types for arbitrary widgets
- OpenGL + QSurfaceFormat (set opengl 3+ version) + QPainter = crash
- Verify data in a dialog
- QCombox in qtableview to make whole row selected in single click
- Send XML 1st line to Amazon
- Resizing a form parsed in another form
- How to find a color contours after convert img to black and white??
- Model/view tutorial for PySide/PyQt
- How to try-catch exception in external library?
- QDomDocument or QXmlStreamReader
- error with qsort
- Is third input to createIndex really a pointer?
- How to add simple custom exception handler?
- How to disconnect signal/slot?
- pixel of Image display
- Server sends me empty message
- Object or pointer to object?
- QDataStream data into QByteArray
- Mouse Press/Release Events
- QtCreator Plugin Wizard Ubuntu Settings
- How to get size of pixmap in qgraphicsitem?
- How to list large number of files & folders ?
- centre alignment of text in the pdf report
- QString or QDir?
- QComboBox autocompletion question
- setWindowOpacity() in constructor
- Some trouble with QList<> and qsort
- Why changed values in a foreach don't save?
- about qtabwidget and parenting
- QT5 connect server.cpp and window.cpp
- QPlainTextEdit: find first visible text block?
- Simple layout problem
- Changing QTcpServer to SSL Server
- QNetworkAccessManager - finished() signal is never triggered!
- Model View Controller in Qt
- where are my icons?
- Problem with a click-and-drag event, and a question on good practice
- Difficulty in drawing a line
- How to turn off QAbstractButton animateClick when lineEdit has focus
- QClipboard setText not working
- How to detect if a window has been minimized/Alt-Tab'd ??
- use process to start an external makefile
- Show all icons in the menubar, maybe within two lines
- Functions for burning in Qt
- A question about uint 8 and uint 16 and uint 32 and uint 64
- QWebview is not working
- copy directories recusively
- Cannot display qsqlquerymodel to a qml list view
- language translations with Qt5.2
- QList, duplicate problem
- search cursor position of QTextObjects in selection in QTextPlainEdit
- Using libusb with QT Creator in Windows
- language translation with connect signal
- The difference between QPinter and QPaintEvent
- Dynamically grow a list of widgets
- Change color of primitive PE_FrameTabBarBase?
- I want to write to console
- Mobile App Development with Qt 5.3
- Set of Directories for a Project
- Strange behavior after QWebPage::Past
- The difference between int main() and int main(int argc, char* argv[ ])
- Does Qt is the best framework for c++?
- IDE-like interface
- A bout Q_Object?
- Run the Library of Qt in dev c++
- Qt Error: LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file
- Difference between central Widget and dock Widget
- How to fix the position of a widget in the main window
- How to resize column width
- a simple project with "Infinite building"
- how works Qtextedit?
- saving a file in sdcard
- QRegExpValidator
- How to get a whole node of Xml as text
- Is there a framework for c?(No c++)
- Is there a class for shared folders?
- signal and slot passing data between a dialog and object, signal error
- Change layout at runtime glitch?
- How to work with "Tree View"?
- Can I create a MDI application from the Qt Designer?
- How can I get a return value from a signal and slot
- The difference between tr and translate
- Can not understand how the classes are written in Qt?!!!!!
- QPlainTextEdit scroll to bottom
- The difference between Core and GUI and Widget and QtWidgets
- Resize MDI subwindows
- setting multiple qstandarditems to a table model
- Difference between Dialog and widget and MainWindow
- About the Flags
- Is there a difference between the two types of coding(for Header File)??
- HowTo read playlist pls file
- Fill in lineedit from QFileDialog
- There is a problem in the code
- very basic layout problem
- Load pls file with QMediaPlaylist
- how to paint qwidget
- How to retry network request for specified amount of time
- How to structure a QML project
- Send JSON & Key via HTTP POST
- How to add time in videoplayer
- Saving window set up using Qsettings
- qt savegeometry multiple document interface
- The procedure entry point _ZNqt_assert_xPKcS0_S0_i could not be located.
- Can I throw exceptions from the constructor?
- qtablewidget exposed lines
- change color of inactive selections (qtablewidget)
- keyPressEvent doesn't work
- how to repeat a part of video in Qt player
- How to use 2 classes in Qt
- Cannot change to working directory
- Factory design pattern issue
- How do I use Q_PROPERTY to get data from my member variables
- WARNING: TARGET is empty make: Nothing to be done for first
- Please help with an "if statement" condition
- Streaming bits to a QByteArray using QDataStream
- How to stop a timer?
- calling a function with objects
- Draw grid / Drop images onto grid / Turn grid into PNG
- using a model view on a "local" dialog causes a seg fault on close
- discovery of virtual serial ports (not listed in device manager)
- What is the difference between setCurrentFile() and setWindowTitle()
- Create Stopwatch With QTimer
- Can't get positions of graphics items in scene
- Error:No rule to make target `FeauresTracking.cpp', needed by `FeauresTracking.o,stop
- There is a problem with this code
- problem with start timer
- Difficulty in making a window
- In any program, it is necessary to use QAplication app ( argc,argv)?
- I can not get a red window
- This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform pl
- Include Qt5Sparql in project
- How to repeat a video without delay
- How do I adapt programs written in older version with Qt 5.3?
- how to overlap widgets
- Help linking LibTiff
- what is the QTest?
- QML animations based on states
- this code is correct, but It will not run ?
- TrollTech.conf in KDE
- What is the displayed "value" of a pointer in the debugger?
- C++ runtime Error in Running Program
- QPrinter prints blank page on windows xp
- Outout window not displaying
- problem in use of Qt::ConicalGradientPattern
- how to add minimize option to docking widgets?
- problem in using QImage
- QFileDialog:getSaveFilename()Crash when I tried to create Newfolder in Opened dialog
- QFile::exists(":/images/temp.xsl") returns False?
- updating Widget doesn't work
- Hiding Data in Image
- Random Generator for Androidx86 in Qt5
- QT Deployment Over BBB using Ubuntu Machine
- How do I get red inside the ellipse?
- How to create a sibling widget
- Pasting emoji in QT QTextEdit
- QDockWidget setTabPosition does not work
- Translate text with german umlauts
- stylesheet and namespace
- What is the difference between qreal and type of int?
- What is the difference between QRect and QRectF?
- drag and drop to change order in a table
- Model's flags method
- How do i style the bottom-right corner of a ScrollArea?
- QScrollArea, QPalette
- Signals and Slots across different classes (Qt5 Version)
- the code of in linux operating system,how dose I run in windows operating system
- Help linking and using libs in simple project
- is the framework of Qt, a c++ Language?
- Usage of QSignalMapper with checkboxes in QTableWidget
- are there classes of hardware in Qt such as
- QSqlTableModel doesn't delete the rows
- QByteArray can't read all the data provided
- Running QByteArray executable data direclty in QProcess without running external file
- QSignalMapper problems
- Compiling error C2061 with stdlib.h
- Synchronous and asynchronous classes difference
- How do I use a project that I've download?
- Error Trying to take out a qlist from a binary file
- Curve Drawing
- Help with QWidget::grab
- QtSql and Thread
- How do I run the programs written with older versions, on the newer version?
- How to add Qt for Android if already having Qt for MSVC2010, 32 bit
- Qt Designer how to insert a QWidget into a form item(widget, frame ,etc)
- I want to build one menu and one action with QContextMenuEvent,but it doesn't build.
- The action works well, but the action can not use from the setStatusTip()
- QT with no screen
- Qt QML and C++ for embedded Linux Targets
- How to call a function from another cpp file
- Qt + Ogre Mouse WheelEvent
- QProcess crashes second QProcess
- Problems accessing same SQLite database across multiple processes
- QMessageBox won't appear.
- Problems Creating layout on MainWindow
- Understanding Projects with ancient Qt Designer (3.1)
- QTcpSocket 'connected()' signal issue
- Access Violation with signal emit
- I want to open a QFileDialog, but this code does not open it.
- Difficulty in implementing this program
- Print a WebPage that isn't shown
- Signal can't be emitted !
- .Pro Files
- are there functions for delay in Qt?
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