View Full Version : Newbie
- Plotting of QProcess output taking about 5 minutes to plot single value.
- QSurface to image
- Newbie class design question
- QTreeWidgetItem select different rows?
- Using QDataStream / QTcpSocket - ReadPastEnd failure
- Two QStandardItem objects handling different attributes of same object
- Making qstyleplugins work with QT application
- Static build of Qt -Plugin class name could not be determined for qwayland-egl plugin
- Android build SDK version, target SDK and minimum SDK
- Span depending on data
- Error while building/deploying project (kit: Desktop Qt 5.1.1 MSVC2012 32bit)
- Qt 5.8 OSX - compile error
- licence for a free scientific application
- Qt sending variables using signals & slots
- access files in the directory
- Built application hangs on start in debugging mode
- Change scroll bar color in QScrollArea
- running a cmd command using Qt
- qtableview multiply page support
- QSring utf8 and latin1
- Write to QProcess
- gui for bitrate of MPEG/.ts file metadata
- QT5 / items / setPos / graphicsView
- Qt 5.8 VTK 7.0
- DebianvsQt
- Qt for BeagleBone black
- QT If And Else Error
- Linking text in qlineedit to URL
- QRegExp not (!) can you filter based on QRegExp not be matched?
- QGraphicsView Scrolling
- emit singnals from another thread
- qt is cross-platform to everting?
- How to initialize a QProcess in the following windows
- QTreeView no show inside QDockWidget
- QCompleter with unique items
- Most reliable way to replace Q_WS_X11
- Line up graphicsitems in graphicsview
- QT: MAC menu shared among multiple QWidgets only triggers MainWindow's functions
- eventFilter: catch both Control and Shift modifiers
- Qml documents is a JavaScript pure too?
- Project compiling me in dynamic no static
- Terminal does not execute
- Get Row of specific QTreeWidgetItem in my QWidgetTree
- Stop multiple appearances of a widget in the same window
- Sending a signal & openinig a new window
- How to load Zip folder in USB
- Selector for a tab with unread data
- QRegExp carriage return
- QDialog does not appear until calculations are finished
- QDialogButtonBox Clicked Signals is called with other signals
- Why antialiasing do not working for QML Image?
- The texture does not repeat on 3d model
- Decide two items on top of each other,is there a z-index?
- QComboBox with validator - handle focus out
- [QAxObject] Excel export
- PyQt - add layouts to QSplitter
- Passing string to QThread (QProcess?) and out
- Updating QStandardItemModel model which is set to view takes long time
- Propper Way to a dialog as a delegate
- PyQt – Load data from .txt file via Drag and Drop
- Qt quick/qml
- Changing QGraphcisView Geometry
- in Windows qt should build succesfully, but..
- installation of QT 5.8 or QT 5.6 & PYQT 5 (python 3)
- How to center-align QComboBox's drop down button?
- KDE5 plasma system tray stuck when marking text in a QtWebView
- Move the point with the slider Qt 4.8 C++
- Guidance needed to create a graph for which I should be able to rearrange the nodes.
- PyQT - Make integers and dates in QTableWidget properly sortable
- Custom push button issue
- How to display opencv output window inside a Label or Widget in form.ui
- QDockWidget new areas
- How do I back to FirstWindow from SecondWindow
- Conversion to QString from int or byte return wrong val...
- QByteArray sum
- Qt 5.8 installation problem on windows
- How to update the selected row in QTableview using a button
- Use currenttext comboBox for query
- Widgets and Layouts
- Memcheck showing issues for external errors and Leaks.
- PyQt5 - Loading images asynchronously in ItemListView
- Processing huge QPainterPath
- How remove margins
- QComboBox and model data update sometimes does not work
- Managing dynamically created buttons
- Prevent switching between windows
- QMenuBar Text Update
- Set current portName (QSerialPort)
- KeyEvent on StackedWidget
- slicing QGraphicsItem
- Why doesn't "qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.6.2(1).run" respond when I double-click on it?
- Qt Creator (Comunity) does not open when I click on it?
- image saving and retrieving in database using Qt with C++
- Diagram Scene Example - two overlapping ellipses
- Inserting Double quotes inside QString
- how to set check box on QTableWidget's header
- QDesktopServices re-opens previous pdf instead of currently selected pdf
- Analog clock and shaped clock examples not updating time??
- Merging and splitting of QGraphicsRectItem
- Resize Pixmap to Fit Cell in QSqlTableModel
- How to create a window that opens another window with uic module ?? HELP!
- change rect of parent when child's boundingrect is changed or new child is added
- no match for 'operator<<' (operand types are 'QDebug' and 'const QSerialPortInfo')
- Qt without x11
- Adding an existing library to a project.
- Newbie Error trying to subclass a QWidget from QTCreator's UI not Working.. Help..
- Custom QPushButton shape
- Help with Concept: Sorting/filtering TreeView & QAbstractItemModel and filtering
- adding new QChart in a QChartView
- After calling showMaximized() can no longer resize application.. Why?
- Using Custom QTabBar with QTabWidget.
- accessing data from mainwindow to change second window
- QTreeWidget Hide Column Headers
- Adding a shared library to a qt application
- Storing lots of data.
- Get list of files on http server with QT
- Qt GUI print global variables
- Use Qt Creator to create CMakeLists.txt for Widget UI Qt Application
- Time Delay for show Color in PushButton
- Right Click in QTableView
- Is QT Ideal GUI framework for USB3 Vision Application development?
- why do I need to manualy edit .ui to make Mainwindow slot visible to other senders
- problem showing non ascii string in Qplaintext
- Error PRJ0019: A Tool returned an error code from "Running RCC on Resource.qrc"
- change color QPushButton Previous post methods not working Qt 5.4.1 VS 2013 Windows 7
- signal and slots problem
- QByteArray datas arrive splitted
- Sending int value between forms. From mainwindow to second dialog.
- Using Cmake to compile QtQuick and QM: How to load qt plugins
- My program crashs when I run it
- User Editing QTextEdit
- How to share Qt Runtime files for two (manay) Qt applications?
- How to create a "node" using QObject
- Remove or disable "fade" animation on QMenu
- Reading an HEX file and store into a QByteArray
- QTableView from PyQt4, editing one cell from table and update it into MariaDB.
- QT creator - online compiler
- Need help, i want know how i mus do to see in main window piece of paper
- Dynamic QOpenGLTexture with arbitrary data
- Qt Cmake configuration has no path to a C++ compiler set.
- OSX - setMenuBar() - EXC_BAD_ACCESS error - how to re-setMenuBar()
- QTreeWidget Hide Highlighter
- QStandardItem checkbox signals
- Styling QScrollBar issue.
- QTimer Usage in C++ Unix / Windows
- Parsing a CSV File into a QTableView
- Paint circle dot in QPen
- A problem with using WA_Translucent background and QSizeGrip
- Access a member/widget of one class from a different class.
- Serial port split data
- QTreeWiddget Multiple line header
- Safe to store QFileInfo objects?
- [SOLVED] Custom properties not visible using Q_PROPERTY
- QT Message queue
- using google test with Qt qml App
- Implementing Spotify's volume slider with QSlider.
- Suddenly i can't compile
- how to copy QListWidget item into another dialog(form)
- check folder exist and create folder in .pro file
- get function called by QPushbutton?
- show full content QDockWidget with QScrollArea
- How to change the text of QLineEdit while QTableWidget is being updating with data?
- How do I get elements of a base widget?
- how to use glutMouseFunc
- Linked List and GUI
- Qt 5.9 Fails to generate visual studio project
- Detect if the mouse is clicked outside GroupBox
- Copy program with Qt syntax highlighted
- Cross compiler - Permission denied
- Saving a file using a relative path
- scrollView scrollBars
- Arduino serial input qml display text, conflict of previous declaration error.
- QT - reading line until ":"
- QProgressBar busy on macintosh style
- Unable to use <audio> and <video> tag of html file
- How to move and resize a Application with no title bar and border?
- Sequential execution of QProcesses
- How to make a Slider similar to the image attached Using Qt?
- How to show the value of the slider on the Handle of the slider
- Friend Classes in Separate .h files
- Not able to insertRecord with QSqlRelationalTableModel
- Qt 5.6 Static Build Error
- I Need Some Help With QObject::connect: No such signal QCommandLinkButton::click()
- Way to Display PDF in QML ?
- QT Signals and Slots and Classes
- C++ GUI Programming
- QDockWidget
- QScrollArea - How To Add More Than One Widget Inside QScrollArea?
- Porting problems with connect upgradeing to Qt V5.7
- Very new to QT-Creator struggling with combobox and push button
- another problem with QObject::connect()
- Synchronized QT/QML Animation that Running on Different Machines
- How to add Link lib .so File in qt c++ Project using LIBS varible
- qExec not taking command line argument -maxwarnings 0
- StatusBar customization
- QFileSystemWatcher and getting updated timestamps
- Unable to abort the worker thread using singleshot timer
- Which widget to select in QT designer to display a number
- QPlainTextEdit Disable zoom in/out
- Dateedit with calender popup always taking date ""1/1/2000"
- Eventfilter delay
- Qt & Qml Websocket
- Message "QSettings::value: Empty key passed" / Kubuntu
- Qt3DRender: Applying QPickingSettings to QObjectPicker
- Animating QToolBar's position?
- Can't receive mouse move events in fullscreen
- Segmentation fault when move a group item (combining a rectangle and a point) in QT
- Link fails using CMake if Q_OBJECT is present
- Qt 5.9.1 offline installation problem
- libstdcc++-6.dll Entry Point Not Found
- Qt Linguist: am I doing this right?
- Insert a background image
- undefine reference error
- .INI file
- 1 large model dataset, 3 filter proxies, how to trigger layoutChanged selectively?
- How can I make event.scenePos() as integer in zoom out(scale) mode
- How to avoid conflict, when I read&write one xml from two process?
- QVariant
- Switch between models on click of a button
- Qt Modbus Slave Example
- CSV-File
- Cannot take the adress of ...
- Change Active Window
- Runtime crash with Table
- QEvent::MouseButtonRelease with QEvent::Leave
- Errors Moc'ing, DEBUG information translating to RELEASE, _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL error
- Windows Batchfile Output to Form
- slot running recursively for no reason
- Qt random data remnants on disk
- How to use QThread to run a task and update GUI?
- [QMake 3.0] Generate Visual Studio 13 project with custom build configurations
- QT & WebAsssembly
- General problem with Qt Creator - Creating Quick Controls 2 application fails
- QT Designer : Accept only numbers for IP Address
- QML TextInput never loses focus
- Using Fusion Style with QtableWidget tweaks widgets placed in cells
- Raise window to top and give it focus
- QMenu on hover leave issue
- Why does the last row remain in QTableView until the page is reloaded ?
- compilation error for CLFS file in qt
- How do I create a 2 dimensional array of QGraphicsRectItems?
- PyQt5 QPrinting setFullpage doesn't works
- QSqlTableModel :: setFilter() not working
- Change position (X/Y coordinates) the progress bar in a QProgressDialog
- Read excel file
- How do i style a toplevel widget?
- What the widgets I have to use to create application like on the added photo
- How to add pull down list inside a button
- Qt application crash on startup
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