View Full Version : Newbie
- I want to find example about Gridview on canvasview.
- Qt-equivalent of pthread_once
- drawing math charts
- Acessing other objects "higher up"
- Help with alignment
- debug vs. release in static
- Run database application from Konqueror
- stackedWidget
- qtreewidget accessing data from another qtreewidget
- Reading a file containing function name, arguments and output, Ues it for test app.
- Can't debug source file
- Retrieveing data from QTreeWidgetItem
- About IPAddresses
- QObject sleep
- QTreeWidgetItem signal or event
- how to create pop-ups
- XML writing problem
- Error regarding QString
- why i am getting errors:: undefined reference to
- Getting child's ModelIndex while traversing tree
- QToolBox + resize + hide
- QMenu: remain visible while mouseOver
- delegates
- Disappearing widgets in QVBoxLayout
- Developing file sharing program with QT
- QList or QLinkedList
- How to find in which cell mouse press event occured in QGridLayout
- Setting the scene size in QGraphicsView
- reading from registry
- Help with a simple client programe
- QLineEdit int type
- show form
- From calculator: how to draw
- why doesn't the button work?
- QThread blocks gui
- QSharedData - implicit sharing
- Launching problem
- QProcess error to call mogrify
- How to learn OS to open file with a proper program
- Using QUdpSocket within a QThread
- mouse event: right button
- Close all windows
- Compiling a Qt project in Mac
- What is the format of QByteArray's storage?
- Error signal connection between 2 classes
- sub-dir compilation problem
- QPushButton QMenu QAction
- QProcess status
- How accessing a member of a Widget in a QList?
- Client/Server doesn't work
- Forms or QStackedWidget
- running error
- The correct widget for a file/directory listing?
- Edyuk problem
- LIMIT and OFFSET for QSqlRelationalTableModel
- pointer at QMainWindow
- Call QProcess without GUI
- segmentation fault
- getting data from tableView
- event handler
- QVector and QSetting
- qmake: add to project but do not compile
- QListWidgetItem remove an item
- in SLOT: determine which signal sent the signal?
- QWidget and type
- Models, delegates or views and how?
- ComboBox with QSqlTableModel
- QT eclipse plug_in can work with QT-2.3.2 ?
- custom button-panel widget; subclass advice?
- Scope of UI
- Dialog for configure toolbars
- QLineEdit problem (Jambi)
- size comboboxes
- Help compiling Qt4 Application
- Want to start work with QT GUI
- how change language at runtime?
- Doubt about includes
- select QPixmap area with mouse
- Setting CurrentIndex of comboBox with model
- a countdown widget
- Multiple connections to one method
- Who is my layout?
- trouble with the QAction and Signal/Slot-system
- Building the HTML rendering application using Qt4.3
- Error: BadMatch --> what's it?
- Garbabe Collection
- Close event
- Forward declarations needed for some?
- Getting indexes of selected items
- Getting TableView to strech with Dialog
- QList Pointers
- QWidget
- QMainWindow created after qApp->exec() doesn't show up
- QLocale/Resource
- Dialog
- eventFilter: pop-up custom widget
- checkable item
- Errors
- LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Program.obj'
- when close QTextStream
- Re: Newbie needs advice - QGraphics
- QT + eclipse
- psql large object and pixmap
- removing model Items
- connect and widget index
- exitCode problem in QProcess
- whole row drag/drop
- Calling destructors on close event
- How to put a vertical header of a QTableWidget on the right side of the table?
- QRegExp validator
- qdir and entrylist
- who call my slot?
- Signals and slot
- Getting Started
- Qt 4.3.2 + eclipse 3.3 first project building
- Flow Diagram
- Tutorial 7 and Dev-C++
- FindOneOf equalant in Qt
- Static linking with Commercial trial 4.3.2 for VC7.1 ?
- FilterProxy model
- not running the application program
- selection in filterproxymodel
- minimal-config option for configure.exe ?
- QItemDelegate problem
- std::vector replacment
- How to activate delegated item in qtreeview by custom shotcut.
- SortFilterProxyModel data
- Qt + eclipse
- expand a treeWidget
- QByteArray to QString
- update treewidget element value
- Subclass Pushbutton
- suitable class for plotting pixels
- Can use Qt to develop app for maemo linux?
- how to check radio button
- Problem with qresources
- using cut(), copy(), paste()
- eventFilter: test if enter a subWidget in my subclassed QWidget
- Finding widget by name
- Model - data
- QMap model data
- QMap to keep the model statistcs
- Multiple SoQt Viewers
- selectRow()
- QProcces and smbclient
- Passing Ui files as parameter
- using custom datatypes with QVariant/Q_DECLARE_METATYPE();
- event
- QString memory usage
- sending data over signal
- Code Blocks
- setText and html
- Help about QtXml
- printing problem
- User Defined Signal?
- QTextEdit -> add Text
- How to Map member variables with Qt Widgets?
- Hi all +Help is needed :):o
- Someone has widgets for open directorios?
- source code
- Is there any alternative of (C# :public SizeF MeasureString(string, Font); ) in Qt ??
- Please help me - make error
- Using images as standalone files or not
- Pushbuttons with fixed aspect ratios?
- QTableView and MySQL
- opening exe files, comercial version vs opensource
- QMenu and signals
- Change focus on QToolBox
- QTime::currentTime().toString() + add. text
- look through a QTreeWidget
- Serial Programming with QT
- Fortune Server example
- Moving a file (QT3)
- debugging in ecliose
- QDataStream and QDebug
- select a QTreeWidgetItem
- Replacement for CMapStringToPtr
- source code for qtdemo
- qt-vsintegration cannot display widgets text
- QTableWidget row select
- QMessageBox size
- any body using qextserialport?
- Adding scroll bars to a main window
- How to set the application icon in Linux?
- focus
- problem with msleep
- Using <QColorDialog>
- QToolBox and signal
- Simple ready-to-use widget to display an image
- QGraphicsItemAnimation and QTimeLine
- 'qFromLittleEndian' was not declared in this scope
- How to merge QTableView and QTreeView ???
- qFromLittleEndian returning "double"
- QTcpServer dosent revie msg
- dec int to HEX
- Model display problem
- how to animate a subclassed widget
- Simple Problem with QFont (point size)
- Keeping QWidgets as private QWIdget subclass members
- The right approach to "ask" data to the running thread..
- connect problem QDialog
- "make install" doesn't install binary
- eclipse and /usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x18): In function `_start':
- QNetworkInterface get IP
- forcing local port number from TcpSocket?
- QMainWindow VerticalTabs
- convert QString to int
- closing of window on pressing ESC key
- compiling problem / Qt DLL files
- set color in QTreeWidgetItem text
- QString iso 8859-1 conversion
- gui and fork()
- memory leak
- sizeHint
- update window size
- TcpSocket and QTextStream does not print first line of data
- change the positions of characters in a string
- I beg your assistance: QListView does not work
- difference between windows code and linux
- Doubt about QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(), etc...
- QTreeWidgetItem, selecting and removing
- QTableView Repaint/Refresh
- Form Engine?
- QFile, QTextStream
- Edit items in table model
- QWidget inside MFC project
- int to hex code
- Custom signals?
- launching external program(qt) inside another qt program
- QTabBar and a QTabWidget-like frame
- keypressed function?
- What does it mean?
- QScrollView with a QVboxlayout
- qmake behaviour through project's .pro
- Add QGLWidget to view
- Commpiling program with libs
- QXmlStreamReader problems
- sizeHint()
- question about button
- Good QT book?
- Database: How to use an external file?
- BackLight of a Button
- QAbstractItemView
- Qpainter function on a QFrame problem
- QProgressDialog and forceShow(), how to use this protected member?
- More CPU Load when using SetText
- drawing an unfixed line?
- Does etch-disabled-text work?
- Qt help in chm format
- Char array[6] to QString and display it
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