View Full Version : Newbie
- int to QString with thousands separator
- runtime libraries?
- How to detect new line?
- Undefined reference to my signal
- QLineedit::returnPressed() closes dialog?
- TIP: If Qt4.1 debug compile doesn't work...
- Regarding emit'ing signals from a thread (QT3)
- A simplest ListModel... no example :(
- [Qt4] writing files
- I lost my QHtmlBrowser Widget, anyone seen it?
- What is Re-Entrant
- QToolBox Formatting
- I can't assign TableView signals...
- QApplication: no such file or directory
- Qt assistant under linux
- How to use C++ includes?
- Action on menu to display ui
- Reading the value of a QSpinBox
- qt windows help needed
- QT 4.1.0 and transparent images
- Qt Integration
- QLabel on a Button
- Odd network/variable problems
- instance of an application is running or not????
- declaration of global variables???
- make install equivalent in qmake ...
- Resizing QSqlTableModel
- can't get a simple dialog working
- Outputting text
- Setting text color on QLabel
- Emit
- Mouseover event on QPushButton
- Function previously defined in created file?
- closeEvent
- Updating a QTableWidget through a Dialog
- QPushButton mouse events
- Selecting row in QTableView
- Tooltips & Qt4 tree views
- Update a row
- Different versions of libstdc++ in one binary
- QPainter rotate function
- What is the connection between Qt and designer?
- Is there a repository of widgets?
- how can I pass a QString to vsnprintf?
- QT + SDL for games?
- QT4 console apps
- viewing jpeg-pictures on widgets
- Implementation of timer makes the program to continuously slow down
- How can I associate arrow keys?
- creating objects in a for()
- resizeEvent help pls
- SQL-Module
- QTreeWidgetItemIterator
- Qt4 no debug messages
- QList of pointers
- Tooltips in QTableWidgetItem
- Where are tutorial 2 code examples?
- windows explorer
- Multi frame management ... is it possible ?
- Using QSA: A very basic question
- How to distinguish the pushbutton clicked() signal source from many ?
- How to get data from .mdb database?
- QListView
- Compiling on different platforms
- QSqlTableModel Help pls
- Compilation failed ... I don't know why :(
- two databases opened at the same time
- Help sought on console + GUI Integration...
- [QT3.3.3.] [VC++6.0] [LINK ERRROR LNK1143] Too many widgets ?
- [SOLVED] Widget plugin ... how to ?
- Doubts about QLayout, events and properties
- qt-mac-opensource-src-4.1.0: linking problems
- request for member `show' in `w', which is of non-aggregate type `MainForm*
- mainform.ui
- What does "Save All" actually save?
- QSound Unavailable
- QT3 or QT4 - Why upgrade to QT4 ?
- Managing widget plugin in Qt Designer
- Qt with C?
- [SOLVED] Widget plugin ... Problem with enumeration
- saveFile
- Are there C/C++ commands which don't work with Qt?
- Newbe questions
- Global variables
- Missing items in loadFile
- QAxWidget
- Managing Z order without QCanvasItem
- Missing slots
- accessing subclass of QListBoxText
- QT and Gnome
- Memory Trouble
- Qt Designer closes when trying to add a custom widget into a form
- Adding whitespace in QDomDocument
- Entry Point Not Found Error
- Q_object
- Tooltips on QActions
- Problem using QValueList
- Cast problem
- IO_ReadOnly )
- Can't Compile Tutorial 7
- Hehe, Cant Compile tutorial 8
- SLOT or functions
- QToolBox
- Problem with Signals and Slots
- open a second window/widget
- Change colour of QString
- QSplitter
- QToolBox
- [QT3 with XP] .png file as background to a form
- Howto draw stuff
- paintGL() and initializeGL() help
- Issue with QPixmap in Qt 3.2.1
- How to build in debug mode?
- QValueList, how to remove and free allocated memory
- How to explicitely delete a QDir?
- QAxWidget Properties
- Sizing Issues
- Printing Copyright Cicle C from QString
- Removing the branches from QListVew...
- static QMap doesn't seem to remain static (or at least keeps becoming empty)
- My First Post - How could I do ...
- Really New to QT and finding problem in very basics
- Adding/removing widgets dynamically...
- [QT3 + XP] How to avoid the windows title bar
- [QT3+XP] transparency and mouse tracking
- just a little question
- Access an "embedded" MySQL-Database
- qmake: how to call gsoap
- Graphics operations - Qt 4.1
- Blanchete book for Qt 4?
- addPoints or addPoint
- trying to use singleton pattern
- QTextCursor - setTextColor()
- signal
- Q_object???
- Splash screen application like with transparent background ... how to ?
- creating 2-d arrays
- howto dynamically remove/delete child widgets
- Icon repository
- qGLWidget
- Cannot find line or rectangle widget
- QLineEdit
- QTableWidget
- hide() quits?
- declare in designer
- trouble with signals and slots
- Popping up a dialog?
- Model-view-controller example?
- When do I need Q_OBJECT?
- How to copy a file from one directory to another with Qt3.3.3. ?
- qtextstream & qstring
- Subclassing
- connect
- does gridlayout really lay out?
- [QT4.1.1 XP] multi-columns list model/view
- [QT4.1.1 XP] background image
- Order of signals and slots
- No output to console
- error C3861: 'tr': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
- Reading & Writing to File with qt3.3.4 , Please help me in detail
- How to create filter effect on QTreeWidget
- a simple question: spinbox
- Using the menubar
- QScrollView & QTable
- Qt 4.1.1, no use of uic with qmake?
- Who has "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3" ?
- shared contextGL
- Using internal data structure with model/view architecture
- where can I get qWarning () output
- file copy in Qt 3.3.4 ?
- Compilation problem, don't know why
- QTable Divider?
- QTreeWidget and doubleClicked signal
- sleep - sleeps, but not when I want it to sleep
- Qt 3 : focusInEvent (QFocusEvent * e)
- [QT4 & XP] connect on QtreeView
- [QT4 & XP] doubleClick on QtreeView
- [QT4 & XP] retrieve data from QTreeView's model
- [qt4 & Xp] resize columns of a QTreeView
- SetWFlags
- no such signal QListBox::currentChanged()
- Different behaviour between release and debug version
- [QT4 & XP] QTreeView issue with Designer form
- layout for display functions
- addWidget in qWidgetStack
- Timer not timing out?
- enabling a QTreeWidgetItem as false
- Template stack, isn't there is a FIFO ?
- repaint a cell or row in QTableWidget
- QSqlTableModel Questions
- subclassing MainForm class
- (qt4 & xp) qlabel as background in designer
- QTreeWidget SIGNAL
- Dynamic number of rows and columns with QTableWidget
- qt4+xp: QTreeView w/o header ?
- How to build library-independent executable?
- switching between pages
- Reading/Writing data from/to usb device
- Architecture problem using threads, custom events and signals/slots
- qt4 & xp - QTextEdit length
- How to convert binary data to hexadecimal data
- QSqlTableModel Help pls
- Building for Windows
- how to color certain words in a textedit
- how connect in qt4....
- QTableView sorting
- How to stop multiple appearance of a widget
- How to convert a QString to const char *?
- working with images
- QStatusBar::addWidget() without Frame
- dragging
- Drag and drop outside the application
- qpushbutton and layout
- QSqlTableModel or QSqlRelationTableModel
- Static compile with jpg support
- Several buttons
- Displaying pics
- QMimeSourceFactory
- QImage (..) & QImage::save() always return NULL value - why?
- [Qt4] Noob and custom Item Delegate
- Tooltips for QListViewItems (QT3)?
- QT4 signal/slot
- C++ code
- qt4 - iterating thru QListView
- How to highlight a letter in menu
- qt4 - xp - model/view
- How to integrate Windows specific code into a Qt class
- ResizeEvent frame vs window content
- Static Compile [Qt4]
- qt4 QStringList with model/view
- Need Basic html Browser
- QSocket asynchronous read-write
- [QT4] Display continuously changing with time (QThread and QTimer ?)
- QTreeWidget Help pls
- QTable - Cell Thickness
- QLabel and QLCDNumber
- QTable Horizontal Header Off
- Drawing using QT
- Inheriting QListViewItem
- How to set a specific color of a text item into a QListBox ?
- moving QListViewItems
- QT4 - get content of a QAbstractItemModel
- QMenu Help pls
- Declare buttons in .h file or in .cpp file?
- Communication between Threads
- What's the best way....
- Another simple question...
- [Qt 3.3.4] How do I repaint anything using QCanvas or QPainter?
- check box and signal
- Transparent widgets
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