View Full Version : Installation and Deployment

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  1. VS2005 Deployment Problem
  2. Qt image support Issue in Installation?
  3. Qtopia core 4.2.2 cross compile make error
  4. QT 4.2.3 Compilation error on solaris10 (sparc)
  5. Qtopia 4 installation on Fedora core 6 failed
  6. problem w/qnetworkinterface.h
  7. Error starting Qt
  8. MySql Problem
  9. Build errors on YDL 4.0.1
  10. QT X11 cross compile failed on Fedora 4 for arm
  11. Problem building Firebird sql plugins
  12. Running QT3 and QT4 on the same system?
  13. Qt4 open src mingw from a PC to another
  14. qt application deployment issue?
  15. How to switch Qt4 version
  16. Qt static library with jpeg support
  17. QT 4.3 Beta Installation Error
  18. correctly installed Qt4
  19. Qt 4.3 release date?
  20. painter problem in new Qt-4.2.3 installation
  21. QT 4.2.2 Windows Mingw
  22. Compiling qt
  23. QObject / QEvent compilation problem after reinstallation?
  24. Installing both qt3 and qt4 on linux ( Fedora Core )
  25. Insallation of Qt 4.1.5 on Mac 10.3.5?
  26. Qt 4.2.3 Configure Issue...
  27. Deploying Qt 4.2 Application on Mac 10.3.5?
  28. issue with rcc.exe and msvcr80.dll (re: Qt4 with Visual Studio)
  29. MySql and QtPlugin
  30. Segmentation fault running any QT4 executables
  31. failed to build;is it SP1 problem?
  32. Help! can't configure konqueror
  33. Qt 4.2.3 centos 5.0 - cannot find -lXext
  34. How to install Qt 3.3.5 on Redhat 9?(especially for the env varible setting process)
  35. IBASE driver not found ?
  36. compile psql
  37. Qt4 win opensource + mysql plugin
  38. qt-3.3.8 fail in scratchbox
  39. qt deployment problem on windows xp
  40. Mingw very slow on windows
  41. I have a problem about qmake
  42. running Qt application on computer without Qt
  43. How to uninstall Visual Studio Integration
  44. Crosscompiling QT
  45. warning: NOD32 protected [MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]]
  46. Deploying QT applications
  47. Did you try Qt 4.3 Opensource on WinXp ?
  48. QWTPlot install on Windows XP
  49. MySql Driver not loaded
  50. can i have both qt3 and qt4 installed
  51. QT 4.2.3 - Size of compiled outputs
  52. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command
  53. how to add suffix to library like qtcore4_gcc.dll
  54. Qt configure with msvc.net
  55. Cannot find file: winmain.pro in Qt installation
  56. mingw32-make[2]: *** [..\..\lib\QtCored4.dll] Error 1
  57. MAC install question -no-framework
  58. Qt4.3 and MSVC++ 2005 - unable to install Qt
  59. Problem installing Qt 4.2.3 with MSVC 2005 express edition
  60. How to ship Qt apps?
  61. problems running: uic.exe, moc.exe etc.[fixed]
  62. Qt4.3.0 build on WinXP SP2 using VC++2003 - QVistaHelper???
  63. Qt & Cgal
  64. mysql 5.0.41 and qt 4
  65. Suggession to install both qt3.3.4 and qt4.2.2 in the same machine
  66. installing and Qt3 and Qt4 in a single machine
  67. Qt software
  68. QPixMap support
  69. Building new SQL driver
  70. [QMYSQL] connection problem
  71. QVistaHelper build error
  72. QT/mySQL deployment issue
  73. Qt4: Problem after installation
  74. Compiling on Fedora 7
  75. MacOS QtXml prebinding?
  76. MacOS settings
  77. Problem with nmake and mysql plugins
  78. 4.3.0 installer and MinGW mirror problem
  79. Qt 4.3.0 on Windows in a Virtual Machine
  80. Compilation Error: "inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm'"
  81. qmake default includes
  82. installation prob qt4.3 commercial with msvc2005
  83. Qt 4.3 build fails Suse?linux
  84. Up-to-date package repository?
  85. Qt 4.3: Deployment on MAC
  86. Fun with ODBC and Oracle
  87. qt debug on ubuntu
  88. config -system-sqlite on Mac OS X
  89. [MacOSX,eclipse CDT]want eclipse to know Qt classes
  90. Crosscompiling warnings
  91. Compile and install only the libraries
  92. Libraries in debug mode ?
  93. how to compile qtopia 2.2 with thread support
  94. Mac--works w/latest snapshot, but not w/Qt 4.3
  95. Qt 3.2 on Windows
  96. Code completion in eclipse?
  97. Building for Oracle
  98. Failure when building QT on Windows with MinGW
  99. Problems with static build
  100. copy and run a .exe file in another system
  101. an Error in installing QT4.3.1 on solaris!
  102. Can't compile
  103. [WIN XP]installed corectly (?) but cant compile tutorial programs
  104. STATIC vs. SHARED
  105. Installation wrong?
  106. You don't seem to have 'make' or 'gmake' in your PATH
  107. Installing QextSerialPort on windows
  108. make error when compile qtopia 4.2.4
  109. qt >= 4.3 for debian etch packages
  110. Compiling problems with mingw32
  111. Dynamic resource loading not work in another computer
  112. [Solved] static build probs (Visual Studio.Net 2003)
  113. QT4 for kde 4 beta 2 configure problem: make not found
  114. Problem compiling ibase driver
  115. error while running qtopia 4.2 on device based on pxa270
  116. Qt rebuilding and source change
  117. libQt...4d.a files set
  118. Qt4 with MSVC++ qmake issue
  119. Qt 4.3.1 Windows Svg plugin problem
  120. Link problems with static MySQL plugin
  121. QtDesigner linker error MSVC++ 2005
  122. OS/X Qt/Mac 3.3.x binary installers
  123. Qt 4.3.1 Commercial Edition & Visual Studio 6
  124. Serious installation problem
  125. problem with plugin mysql
  126. Windows XP compile error 4.3.1
  127. Qt/Windows Open Source Edition to support VS Express
  128. Can not use QGLWidget.
  129. SQLITE undefined reference
  130. Qt on Mandriva big problem
  131. QImage on windows
  132. Which runtime libs are allowed by Qt? (vc++7.1)
  133. How to clean my Mac opensource install?
  134. Window Vista and Qt
  135. Deploying Qt/MacOS applications
  136. Unsolved ubuntu installation of qt problem
  137. qt-win-opensource-4.3.1-mingw.exe - qmake has my install path hard-coded into it
  138. QT4.3.1/MSVC2005 install problem
  139. Error install at linux red hat
  140. Error compiling psql plugin
  141. Qt 4 compilation error
  142. Want a stable install
  143. not able to compile my programme/Fedora
  144. Custom names for Qt libraries?
  145. Qt 4.3.1 & MinGW 5.1.3 & MSYS 1.0 qmake problem
  146. Installing and running Qt4 without root privileges
  147. Qt 4.3.2 with VS 2005 Express
  148. Qt 4.3.2 with VS 2005 SP1
  149. Fail to build debug libraries in QT4.3.2
  150. Build Debug Libraries : Failure
  151. Build Qt4.3.2 from sources with MinGW under WinXP
  152. Failure to build Debug libs - Vista Mingw Qt 4.3.2
  153. Another VS problem ...
  154. Windows XP Qt 4.3.2 Static build
  155. Generate a correct makefile
  156. Qt 4.3.2 opensource + Vista + VS2005 Error
  157. QMYSQL driver
  158. Deploying DB apps (Windows)
  159. Qt MAc Binaries
  160. Deploying debug Qt application - failed to load ODBC driver
  161. Installing Skype debian package on manually compiled Qt 4.3.2
  162. mysql configuration with qt
  163. mingw32-make : multiple target patterns error
  164. make--dosn't generate an .exe file
  165. Set up the Qt4.3.2 with Visual Studio 2005
  166. portable qt application on windows
  167. error in eclipse plug-in
  168. problems installing open src Qt 4.3.2 on MSVC2005
  169. Qt4 On Slackware
  170. issues with QImage on different computers
  171. i want dynamic link my programm
  172. QWinWidget and evaluation version
  173. how can i install the Qt ziped version?
  174. The Sqlite Error In Run!
  175. Qt 4.3.2 + Visual studio 2008
  176. not compiling
  177. Make error with Qt Jambi 4.3.2_01
  178. Building QODBC and QMYSQL
  179. open source for windows
  180. i want to integrate msvc2005 with Qt4.3
  181. Visual studio6.0 is crashing
  182. what is 1th...?
  183. yet another MSVS 2005 express question
  184. QPSQL driver in windows
  185. Visual Studio .NET & QT
  186. Qt toolbar for VS2005
  187. Issues building 4.3.2 x11 shared version on Ubuntu 7.10
  188. Qt 4.4.0 make problem
  189. Release build fails to find some resource images
  190. Eclipse question
  191. how to compile Qt4.3.2???
  192. i have a problem in integrating Qt with msvc2005
  193. Qt 4.2.2 not installing in RHEL 9
  194. qt-win-opensource-4.3.3-mingw.exe misbehaviour
  195. Profiling an application under Linux with gprof
  196. Qt 4 Windows Installation Tutorial
  197. make error with kde emerge and 4.3.3 20071206
  198. learn how to install QT with msvc2005 step by step
  199. Qt4 and mysql(driver problem)
  200. Open source dev on windows: MinGW vs MSVC
  201. why cannot build the QT LIB using the "QT 4.3.2(build debug library)" in windows?
  202. compile error on hpux itanium (11.23B) with aCC 06.15
  203. QT4 on Slackware linux
  204. Assistant can't find html pages
  205. No Background image showed
  206. Adding QODBC support on ubuntu.
  207. qt4 designer stucks
  208. QImage problem in Windows-2000
  209. Qt4.3 broken by Qt4.4
  210. Qt4 plugin path problem
  211. imageformats plugins
  212. How to compile Qt-4.4 with Phonon support?
  213. mysql driver and nmake error
  214. what is the release date of Qt-4.4
  215. qt-x11-OS-4.3.3 on Cygwin? err: compiler not supported.
  216. Can't load the postgre driver!
  217. 4.4tp with vs2008 compile problem
  218. Problem getting Qt 4.3.3 to work with MS Visual Studio 2005 Express
  219. Installing multiple versions - How on Mac and Windows ?
  220. installing qt 4.3.3 -- "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lm]"
  221. Qt 4.4 preview Webkit.
  222. Qt 4.3.3 MinGW (win32) - MMX/SSE/SSE2
  223. Qt3 Installation on Ubuntu 7.04
  224. EXE File problem
  225. odbc/connection problem
  226. Eclipse can't compile
  227. After Installing My eclipse don't compile
  228. [Eclipse/Integration] Project Settings dialog problems
  229. setting up qt 4.3.2 with msvc 2008/9.0
  230. cannot open input file "c:\Qt\4.3.3\lib\qtmain.lib?
  231. Importing qt project to an eclipse workspace
  232. How to add qsvg
  233. Open Source on Windows
  234. Qt 4.3 incompatible with .NET framework 2.0 servicepack?
  235. qt with visual studio 2005; lib problem
  236. Moving my installation to another machine
  237. Cross compiling setup for all platforms
  238. Visual Studio 2005 Express
  239. qmake -project does not work
  240. cross platform basics
  241. Qt4.3.3 Build Debug Libraries ERROR
  242. Qt 4.3.3 - Server build without QtGui?
  243. How to install QT on MAC
  244. Qt4.4 binaries for windows
  245. WinXP + MinGW http example doesn'work through ssl
  246. qt + mingw installation issues
  247. Deploying an applilcation
  248. Unable to configure qt-x11-preview-opensource-src-4.4.0-tp1
  249. Qt4 & Eclipse integration problem on Debian
  250. Library problems