- Issues creating MySql Plugin on Windows
- Which Linux distribution is best for building compatible apps?
- VS add-in: _(QTDIR) instead of $(QTDIR)
- Problem Wtih Connecting MySQL Database on Windows
- Qt installation issue on Maemo
- Qt 3 on CentOS 5: page size incorrect
- Qt Help Missing on Clean Install
- Problem with the installation
- Qt, Windows, STL and headaches
- How to _only_ install docs in Linux?
- help for compile manually the Qt with Phonon
- x86 host, mips target
- Rebuild Qt 4.5.1 Static
- Qt 4.5.0 install directory change?
- I am Not able to install QSA in Qt4.4.3.
- Minimal Linux dist to run Qt-app from
- Qt\bin and Qt\qt\bin dll differences
- Qt 4.5.0 under gcc 3.4
- does qt 4.5.1 have the app environment like qpe?
- building qt statically
- Compile problem: Qt4.5.1 opensource, VisualStudio 2008 Standard
- Build Qt in Windows
- MySQL driver not loaded
- Building Static Qt App, how to proceed
- Getting Phonon working on windows XP
- Problem with Qt 4.5.1 and Windows 7 RC (Build 7100)
- [pls help] error install qt4.5 on freebsd 7.1
- getting MySQL to work with Qt
- Qt for linux OR Qt/Embedded??
- Qt Embedded and tslib?
- error while using confclean
- Error compiling Qt Creator src on windows
- collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
- Installing qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.02.exe
- Error installing qt
- how to install LGPL version of Qt?
- I have a script named c in $PATH, make tries to use it, build fails.
- how to install qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.02.1.exe with qt-vs-addin-1.0.1.exe
- build fails: krb5.h include file missing
- How to link against a libqjpeg_debug.dylib?
- Huge Qt directory under Windows Vista
- Problems compiling QT4.3 on Solaris 10
- [SOLVED] 64 bit compiles under Visual Studio 2005
- Recommended Update Procedure
- several misc questions - static build, jpeg plugin, etc - please help a newbie!
- problem on static linking in Linux.
- Qt with Eclipse Galileo
- Updating creator
- problem with deploying static application in windows
- MySQL driver - Very strange problem. PLEASE HELP ME. Thanks.
- qmake post compile step
- assembler error in qt
- MySQL flugin, very strang problem. Please help me.
- Building Qt Kinetic (latest snapshot) with Qt SDK 2009.2
- Application crash in Vista
- Problem running QT4.5
- Issues Installing Qt 4.5 64-bit X11 on Fedora 10
- Image Rights
- ./configure failed for Fedora 10 32-bit
- Qt 4.5 Openssl problem
- How to include ActiveQt in my Qt development enviroment??
- How to compile my QtWebKit4.dll in Qt4.5
- Installing qt 4.5 on Mint 7
- Trying to build Qt4.5.1 static for win32-msvc2008
- Static application missing pcap functionality
- Qt plugins / dll help
- Nmake crashes with error U1077
- QApplication: No such file or directory
- Trying to "Hello World" from Qt + VC7 .Net 2003
- How to install MinGW in OpenSuSE???
- Phonon compilation VERY VERY URGENT!!!
- Possible explanation for compiling Qt with WebKit problems with Visual Studio 2008
- Qt, Eclipse, and MinGW configuration
- SQLite where are you
- Lack of icons and standard C++ libraries
- Deployment Questions
- Build Qt under cygwin with gcc
- Compiling Qt with Firebird support on Mac
- Only copying files using qmake
- qt + nmake problem witg release
- Configure options for deployment
- QT 4.5.1 failed to build with gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
- Qt Opensource 4.5.2 wont compile
- Qt Webkit
- Deploying Qt 4.5.1 Application on RHEL 5.. Pls Help
- Sdk
- Install qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.02.bin at Fedora 10
- How to optimize qt libs for embedded x86?
- Documentation Help in vs2005
- How to load a project into Qtcreator1.2
- Error during installation
- Qt Animation Framework install and examples?
- how to install QT on Ubuntu?
- Fail to compile something rely on Qt4
- phonon - mingw
- S60 tower installation nightmare
- 64-bit PyQt4 on Mac?
- Qt command prompt - "'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command..."
- Visual Studio Add-in
- Compilation and distribution
- gmake error
- macdeployqt doesn't work at all.
- How to configure Qt to work with MinGW-64?
- QtKinetic with QtCreator
- Deployment Procedure On Windows On Linux and Windows
- Qt 4.5.2 doesn't compile - namespace: QtCppIntegration
- Mac OS X and closed source apps deployment?
- Applications built for different QT versions
- Create a windows application with sqlite
- UIc'ing files
- Folder structure of Qt SDK
- Compiling wih phonon on windows
- Building Qt with SSL Support
- Building a sqldriver (QIBASE) in windows msvc++2008
- No installation step when compiling Qt on Windows?
- Building Qt 4.5.2 with GCC 4.3.0 on Windows Vista
- how to disable building some parts of qt
- confused about licenses ...
- run-time vs linked OpenSSL support
- Don't configure under vs command prompt when building gcc (mingw) version of qt
- WebKit compilation error with GCC
- cannot find -lQtGui -QT Beginner Help Needed
- qmake doesn't respect QMAKESPEC variable
- What constitutes valid Qt folder?
- How can I compile qmake alone?
- Qt and VC++ instalation problem
- Building QT4 without libfreetype, on Solaris
- phonon4qtmingw.zip - a magical package!
- Problems with nmake: vc90.pdb header file incorrect
- Possible to compile Qt 4.5 source with msvc 2010 beta?
- Qt/X11 source-distro apps corrupting KDE Desktop background
- Explain Qt library sizes, please
- What DLL...
- compile Qt failed!
- installing qt using
- Using shared for debugging and static for deployment
- QMake and GIF Support
- How to install phonon on qtx11-4.5.2 in linux..?
- can not open QtGuid.lib
- Qt library version probelm
- Problem with Compiling and installation with VS 2008
- To compile qtopia qtopia-opensource-src-4.3.2 for Host
- building a plugin for MySql
- Error while compiling qt
- Small Libraries
- Commercial and LGPL
- final version can't open jpeg
- QT 4.5 + .config problem with Basic XLib?
- Building qt out of source
- compile error. with vs2003 and vista.
- upgrading Qt in linux
- how to uninstall qt4.5.2
- Difference between QtCore4.lib and QtCore.lib
- Installing Qt without root privileges
- How to use Qt with Visual Studio 2008?
- ./libQtCore.so.4.5.2: Accessing a corrupted shared library
- Building release in Eclipse
- Translation for qt based libraries
- deployment size issues, please help
- install Qt Designer standalone?
- Error while compiling a new basic project
- c++ templates , inline functions and Qt GNU LGPL v. 2.1
- Qt and Visual Studio Express Edition 2008
- Building a single module
- Qt and Eclipse problem
- Include path confusion in Qt with Eclipse
- Eclipse debugging: Unable to create variable object
- Qt creator: Error trying to open designer
- Qt for s60 installation
- Installing MySQL
- What should be the text of Qt credit in a project?
- QT minimum build to start developing
- LGLPL licensing for commercial application
- Installing SQLite
- Building Qt 4.6 on Windows (msvs 2008)
- Qt with 64-bit Windows
- Application deployment on Mac OS X (10.5)
- Cant find make command: mingw32-make.exe
- Problem compiling QDB2 SQL driver
- Problems generating Mysql Server 4.1 Plugin
- Use static plugins in dynamic Qt project
- snow leopard broke my QT
- qt 4.5.2: make fails
- Making MySQL plugin work on a windows x86 enviroment
- Instalation and Setting Qt4 on WindowsXP
- Error During ./Configure Command
- Qt Embedded cross compiler make fails
- Qt-App on macosx10.5(intel) not running under 10.3.9 with G4
- Can't cross compile with dbus
- modules do not work with ruby (windows)
- Qt 4.5.0 Required
- Building Qt creator from gitorious main branch
- Plugin SQLite/Mysql non trouvés
- Coexisting static and shared builds of QT on windows
- deploying qtconfig
- OpenVG EGL supprt in 4.6.0-tp1 + OpenGL questions
- Qt4.5.0, vc2005express and purify
- Problems building PyQGLViewer
- PyQt4 on Snow Leopard in 64 bit
- Problem building open source SDK 2009.3.1
- Failed build of SDK 2009.3.1
- Deployment platform displays style? differently than development platform-ubuntu 8.04
- problem installing QtWebKit and CutyCapt on Centos
- problem building 2009.3.1 with visual studio 2010 beta
- OpenGL frame rate
- Deploying an application on windows
- Does qt support Trubo explorer 2006 ????
- Qt 4.5.2 compile fails on opensolaris
- Qt4 on Snow Leopard with 32-bit (Core Duo) processor
- Cannot Build Static Libs On OS X Due To Assistant.app
- QT4.5 VS2005 Integration License-Problem
- configuration failure due to spaces in path
- Locate Class/Method from Dll hex address
- Customized build (problems, bugs, patches, licencing issues...)
- Windows Qt SDK's QtCreator erroneously generating bcc32 makefiles
- Postgres
- SDK vs. own compilation
- Self contained, small as possible app.
- Problem with Qt console
- PostgreSQL driver and Window 7
- How to make MAC version of Windows QT application
- Procedure entry point not found
- MySQL Plugin Deployment
- Deploying sqlite app
- Problem building QMYSQL
- Installation Guide
- Cannot build anytin'...Qt Creator 1.2.1
- Missing doc\html directory after Windows Vista 4.5.3 install (LGPL)
- Error in compiling OpenSSL & Qt statically
- Can't get Qt SDK to compile (Windows)
- Setup Qt 4.5.2 Visual Studio Integration
- Deploying on Windows
- How-to Rebuild Qt with "Default" Options?
- Problem in building outside source directory(loading qrc files fails)
- find bin, lib and include locations
- windows 7 install problem
- Proper installation of QT 4.6 on Snow Leopard?
- The Qt version is not installed
- Multiply defined symbols found - compiling with VC++
- Undefined reference to crt
- Manual Uninstallation
- SQL Connection Problem
- QMake for non-qt projects
- Lib not found in execution.
- Question about LGPL 2.1
- Need info about databse in qt4
- Cannot load SQL driver in Visual C++ (but works in QtCreator)
- Qt 4.3.0 to 4.5.3 Windows Visual Studio
- Open CV integration In QT ?
- Where is "configure" on Macintosh ?