View Full Version : Installation and Deployment

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  1. Issues creating MySql Plugin on Windows
  2. Which Linux distribution is best for building compatible apps?
  3. VS add-in: _(QTDIR) instead of $(QTDIR)
  4. Problem Wtih Connecting MySQL Database on Windows
  5. Qt installation issue on Maemo
  6. Qt 3 on CentOS 5: page size incorrect
  7. Qt Help Missing on Clean Install
  8. Problem with the installation
  9. Qt, Windows, STL and headaches
  10. How to _only_ install docs in Linux?
  11. help for compile manually the Qt with Phonon
  12. x86 host, mips target
  13. Rebuild Qt 4.5.1 Static
  14. Qt 4.5.0 install directory change?
  15. I am Not able to install QSA in Qt4.4.3.
  16. Minimal Linux dist to run Qt-app from
  17. Qt\bin and Qt\qt\bin dll differences
  18. Qt 4.5.0 under gcc 3.4
  19. does qt 4.5.1 have the app environment like qpe?
  20. building qt statically
  21. Compile problem: Qt4.5.1 opensource, VisualStudio 2008 Standard
  22. Build Qt in Windows
  23. MySQL driver not loaded
  24. Building Static Qt App, how to proceed
  25. Getting Phonon working on windows XP
  26. Problem with Qt 4.5.1 and Windows 7 RC (Build 7100)
  27. [pls help] error install qt4.5 on freebsd 7.1
  28. getting MySQL to work with Qt
  29. Qt for linux OR Qt/Embedded??
  30. Qt Embedded and tslib?
  31. error while using confclean
  32. Error compiling Qt Creator src on windows
  33. collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  34. Installing qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.02.exe
  35. Error installing qt
  36. how to install LGPL version of Qt?
  37. I have a script named c in $PATH, make tries to use it, build fails.
  38. how to install qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.02.1.exe with qt-vs-addin-1.0.1.exe
  39. build fails: krb5.h include file missing
  40. How to link against a libqjpeg_debug.dylib?
  41. Huge Qt directory under Windows Vista
  42. Problems compiling QT4.3 on Solaris 10
  43. [SOLVED] 64 bit compiles under Visual Studio 2005
  44. Recommended Update Procedure
  45. several misc questions - static build, jpeg plugin, etc - please help a newbie!
  46. problem on static linking in Linux.
  47. Qt with Eclipse Galileo
  48. Updating creator
  49. problem with deploying static application in windows
  50. MySQL driver - Very strange problem. PLEASE HELP ME. Thanks.
  51. qmake post compile step
  52. assembler error in qt
  53. MySQL flugin, very strang problem. Please help me.
  54. Building Qt Kinetic (latest snapshot) with Qt SDK 2009.2
  55. Application crash in Vista
  56. Problem running QT4.5
  57. Issues Installing Qt 4.5 64-bit X11 on Fedora 10
  58. Image Rights
  59. ./configure failed for Fedora 10 32-bit
  60. Qt 4.5 Openssl problem
  61. How to include ActiveQt in my Qt development enviroment??
  62. How to compile my QtWebKit4.dll in Qt4.5
  63. Installing qt 4.5 on Mint 7
  64. Trying to build Qt4.5.1 static for win32-msvc2008
  65. Static application missing pcap functionality
  66. Qt plugins / dll help
  67. Nmake crashes with error U1077
  68. QApplication: No such file or directory
  69. Trying to "Hello World" from Qt + VC7 .Net 2003
  70. How to install MinGW in OpenSuSE???
  71. Phonon compilation VERY VERY URGENT!!!
  72. Possible explanation for compiling Qt with WebKit problems with Visual Studio 2008
  73. Qt, Eclipse, and MinGW configuration
  74. SQLite where are you
  75. Lack of icons and standard C++ libraries
  76. Deployment Questions
  77. Build Qt under cygwin with gcc
  78. Compiling Qt with Firebird support on Mac
  79. Only copying files using qmake
  80. qt + nmake problem witg release
  81. Configure options for deployment
  82. QT 4.5.1 failed to build with gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
  83. Qt Opensource 4.5.2 wont compile
  84. Qt Webkit
  85. Deploying Qt 4.5.1 Application on RHEL 5.. Pls Help
  86. Sdk
  87. Install qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.02.bin at Fedora 10
  88. How to optimize qt libs for embedded x86?
  89. Documentation Help in vs2005
  90. How to load a project into Qtcreator1.2
  91. Error during installation
  92. Qt Animation Framework install and examples?
  93. how to install QT on Ubuntu?
  94. Fail to compile something rely on Qt4
  95. phonon - mingw
  96. S60 tower installation nightmare
  97. 64-bit PyQt4 on Mac?
  98. Qt command prompt - "'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command..."
  99. Visual Studio Add-in
  100. Compilation and distribution
  101. gmake error
  102. macdeployqt doesn't work at all.
  103. How to configure Qt to work with MinGW-64?
  104. QtKinetic with QtCreator
  105. Deployment Procedure On Windows On Linux and Windows
  106. Qt 4.5.2 doesn't compile - namespace: QtCppIntegration
  107. Mac OS X and closed source apps deployment?
  108. Applications built for different QT versions
  109. Create a windows application with sqlite
  110. UIc'ing files
  111. Folder structure of Qt SDK
  112. Compiling wih phonon on windows
  113. Building Qt with SSL Support
  114. Building a sqldriver (QIBASE) in windows msvc++2008
  115. No installation step when compiling Qt on Windows?
  116. Building Qt 4.5.2 with GCC 4.3.0 on Windows Vista
  117. how to disable building some parts of qt
  118. confused about licenses ...
  119. run-time vs linked OpenSSL support
  120. Don't configure under vs command prompt when building gcc (mingw) version of qt
  121. WebKit compilation error with GCC
  122. cannot find -lQtGui -QT Beginner Help Needed
  123. qmake doesn't respect QMAKESPEC variable
  124. What constitutes valid Qt folder?
  125. How can I compile qmake alone?
  126. Qt and VC++ instalation problem
  127. Building QT4 without libfreetype, on Solaris
  128. phonon4qtmingw.zip - a magical package!
  129. Problems with nmake: vc90.pdb header file incorrect
  130. Possible to compile Qt 4.5 source with msvc 2010 beta?
  131. Qt/X11 source-distro apps corrupting KDE Desktop background
  132. Explain Qt library sizes, please
  133. What DLL...
  134. compile Qt failed!
  135. installing qt using
  136. Using shared for debugging and static for deployment
  137. QMake and GIF Support
  138. How to install phonon on qtx11-4.5.2 in linux..?
  139. can not open QtGuid.lib
  140. Qt library version probelm
  141. Problem with Compiling and installation with VS 2008
  142. To compile qtopia qtopia-opensource-src-4.3.2 for Host
  143. building a plugin for MySql
  144. Error while compiling qt
  145. Small Libraries
  146. Commercial and LGPL
  147. final version can't open jpeg
  148. QT 4.5 + .config problem with Basic XLib?
  149. Building qt out of source
  150. compile error. with vs2003 and vista.
  151. upgrading Qt in linux
  152. how to uninstall qt4.5.2
  153. Difference between QtCore4.lib and QtCore.lib
  154. Installing Qt without root privileges
  155. How to use Qt with Visual Studio 2008?
  156. ./libQtCore.so.4.5.2: Accessing a corrupted shared library
  157. Building release in Eclipse
  158. Translation for qt based libraries
  159. deployment size issues, please help
  160. install Qt Designer standalone?
  161. Error while compiling a new basic project
  162. c++ templates , inline functions and Qt GNU LGPL v. 2.1
  163. Qt and Visual Studio Express Edition 2008
  164. Building a single module
  165. Qt and Eclipse problem
  166. Include path confusion in Qt with Eclipse
  167. Eclipse debugging: Unable to create variable object
  168. Qt creator: Error trying to open designer
  169. Qt for s60 installation
  170. Installing MySQL
  171. What should be the text of Qt credit in a project?
  172. QT minimum build to start developing
  173. LGLPL licensing for commercial application
  174. Installing SQLite
  175. Building Qt 4.6 on Windows (msvs 2008)
  176. Qt with 64-bit Windows
  177. Application deployment on Mac OS X (10.5)
  178. Cant find make command: mingw32-make.exe
  179. Problem compiling QDB2 SQL driver
  180. Problems generating Mysql Server 4.1 Plugin
  181. Use static plugins in dynamic Qt project
  182. snow leopard broke my QT
  183. qt 4.5.2: make fails
  184. Making MySQL plugin work on a windows x86 enviroment
  185. Instalation and Setting Qt4 on WindowsXP
  186. Error During ./Configure Command
  187. Qt Embedded cross compiler make fails
  188. Qt-App on macosx10.5(intel) not running under 10.3.9 with G4
  189. Can't cross compile with dbus
  190. modules do not work with ruby (windows)
  191. Qt 4.5.0 Required
  192. Building Qt creator from gitorious main branch
  193. Plugin SQLite/Mysql non trouvés
  194. Coexisting static and shared builds of QT on windows
  195. deploying qtconfig
  196. OpenVG EGL supprt in 4.6.0-tp1 + OpenGL questions
  197. Qt4.5.0, vc2005express and purify
  198. Problems building PyQGLViewer
  199. PyQt4 on Snow Leopard in 64 bit
  200. Problem building open source SDK 2009.3.1
  201. Failed build of SDK 2009.3.1
  202. Deployment platform displays style? differently than development platform-ubuntu 8.04
  203. problem installing QtWebKit and CutyCapt on Centos
  204. problem building 2009.3.1 with visual studio 2010 beta
  205. OpenGL frame rate
  206. Deploying an application on windows
  207. Does qt support Trubo explorer 2006 ????
  208. Qt 4.5.2 compile fails on opensolaris
  209. Qt4 on Snow Leopard with 32-bit (Core Duo) processor
  210. Cannot Build Static Libs On OS X Due To Assistant.app
  211. QT4.5 VS2005 Integration License-Problem
  212. configuration failure due to spaces in path
  213. Locate Class/Method from Dll hex address
  214. Customized build (problems, bugs, patches, licencing issues...)
  215. Windows Qt SDK's QtCreator erroneously generating bcc32 makefiles
  216. Postgres
  217. SDK vs. own compilation
  218. Self contained, small as possible app.
  219. Problem with Qt console
  220. PostgreSQL driver and Window 7
  221. How to make MAC version of Windows QT application
  222. Procedure entry point not found
  223. MySQL Plugin Deployment
  224. Deploying sqlite app
  225. Problem building QMYSQL
  226. Installation Guide
  227. Cannot build anytin'...Qt Creator 1.2.1
  228. Missing doc\html directory after Windows Vista 4.5.3 install (LGPL)
  229. Error in compiling OpenSSL & Qt statically
  230. Can't get Qt SDK to compile (Windows)
  231. Setup Qt 4.5.2 Visual Studio Integration
  232. Deploying on Windows
  233. How-to Rebuild Qt with "Default" Options?
  234. Problem in building outside source directory(loading qrc files fails)
  235. find bin, lib and include locations
  236. windows 7 install problem
  237. Proper installation of QT 4.6 on Snow Leopard?
  238. The Qt version is not installed
  239. Multiply defined symbols found - compiling with VC++
  240. Undefined reference to crt
  241. Manual Uninstallation
  242. SQL Connection Problem
  243. QMake for non-qt projects
  244. Lib not found in execution.
  245. Question about LGPL 2.1
  246. Need info about databse in qt4
  247. Cannot load SQL driver in Visual C++ (but works in QtCreator)
  248. Qt 4.3.0 to 4.5.3 Windows Visual Studio
  249. Open CV integration In QT ?
  250. Where is "configure" on Macintosh ?