- How to install and configure QT for symbians on Opensuse 11.2
- Qt 4.6 mingw, windows xp, no gui (backgorund image) on another computer
- Norton Internet Security
- Missing entry point in QTCore4.dll
- Reduces size of mac application
- upgrading qt4 on a Fedora 8 system
- Compile Qt 4.6.2 with VS2008 - exception in release build, debug ok
- QDebug(),Debugging and Eclipse
- MacOS linking plugins
- Qt Upgrade Repository..
- Installation problem : Qt4.6.1 problems when using nmake
- Byte Order Error Cross-Compiling
- 32 or 64bits
- Installing Qt using gcc, g++ 4.5.0 and Msys-1.0.14 fails!
- Qt 4.7 64bit msvc2010 Tools crash
- Multi language translation
- Static Qt with static CRT (VS 2008)
- [Qwt] Make problem with Qwt on QtCreator-Windows 7
- Problems creating Qt 4.6.3 static with MinGw
- Problem with CentOS5.5
- cannot compile QT 4.6 as static - uic3 error stops compilation
- qt-vs-addin-1.1.5 crashes visual studio
- install fontconfig
- Ubuntu 8.10 install - fails on QTWebkit No such file or directory
- Creator 2.0 problem
- Segfault when running debug in Win7 x64 (gdb-MinGW)
- MYSQL plugin seems to be built properly, but not loaded in QtCreator [Windows]
- Qt Visual Studio Add-in for Visual Studio 2010??
- ssl problems on deployment
- compile / link error mingw-make release
- Building an application using static QT libraries on Linux openSuse 10.2
- Unable to Build Qt Scenegraph
- Entry point not found
- qtsdk installtion works,but nothing comes like qtcreator-urgent
- qt.conf (again) on windows
- Qt on mac ( Could not find make command ) problem ..
- Problem building Qt on MS windows server 64bit system
- QtSVG build incorrectly
- Compiling QT programs in Visual C++ 2008 by including batch files, reloaded projects
- Upgrading from PyQt 4.5 to PyQt 4.7
- Qt Nokia SDK 1.0 (beta) on Mac os X Snow Leopard
- build qt-everywhere-opensource-src and SQL Driver
- Not able to open Qt Mobility applications on Nokia N97 Device!
- Cant build Qt project
- Qt 4.6.3 slower than 4.6.2
- qt-4.7 pkgconfig QtGui.pc incorrectly includes Carbon framework, when built w/cocoa
- Qt with Phonon and Glib
- How to deploy?
- Qt 4.7 beta 2 - QtWebkit link issue 64-bit Windows & VS 2008
- Legaly deploy QT lgpl
- assistant -collectionFile - The specified colkection file could not be read
- Deploy from ubuntu QT to any PC statically?
- Automate Response To Questions During Configure
- Qt installation on Nokia N78
- Qt Visual Studio Add-In Problems
- Qt in Android Possible?
- Building QT Staticly - QT 4.7.0 + WinXP + MinGW
- Precompiled libs - Cocoa - ppc/i386/x86_64 ??
- Gif plugin loaded but QImage cant read gif file.
- QT Visual Studio Add-in (1.5.1) does not detect Qt installation even by manually
- Building QT Staticly issue [The syntax of the command is incorrect.]
- qmake doesn't make a 'make' file
- Changing Path to Trolltech.conf
- MySql plugin
- Qt/Embedded installation Failure
- Qt Designer can't find files
- qdevelop won't provide code complete
- Any recent qt framework on opensolaris install problem
- Not able to run fancy browser and demo browser example applications
- fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler
- Is qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.04.bin broken?
- Incompatible MSVCRT.dll
- Create project release build using Qt Static and QSerialDevice as a staticlib
- WinXP, VS 2005, Platform Builder, Win CE 6.0, QT 4.6.3 - how to install ?
- Including the QT libraries
- Qt Creator Mac/Windows VM shared build
- Multiple Qt Versions on OS X?
- how to statically compile a program with qt libs?linux platform
- how to compile phonon-backend statically on linux?
- Qt 4.6.3 installation and compatibility issue
- Can I link shared library in static build program?
- QT localisation on Mac platform
- Problem with QPixmap after deployment on Windows
- Mac OSX - No documentation after source build
- Does Phonon need compilig or building?
- Mac OSX: QList<(type)>::detach_detach.* coming up unresolved.
- How to install QT 4.6.3 under Windows 7
- Buillding QT WebKit for Windows CE
- No debugging after install
- How to Install qt in windows?
- Qt Designer with style windows 98/2000
- win:cpy execs & dlls to clean machine - get "can't open application database" error
- Broken Qt
- N97 mini resets when running deployed version QSolitaire 1.2.
- Could not find mkspecs for your QMAKESPEC(symbian-sbsv2), how to setup Qt for symbian
- QSA for Qt3 - where to get?
- Problems while compiling QT on Windows with MS VC2008 support
- AES-256 encrypted SQLite databases with SQLCipher
- Qt Creator and using an external library under windows
- MySQL Driver not loaded on PC without Qt
- Static build of Qt-4.6.3 fails with MinGW
- How to use QT 4.6.3 with GCC 4.5.0 under windows xp?
- Build Qt with OpenGL ES support on Windows
- Qwt Errors in designer after installation
- What other libs to link with Libpq in Ubuntu?
- Qt supports which Linux?
- Cannot load Qt Plugin in Visual Studio!
- error installing qt-mobility with qt 4.7 on Windows 7
- Deploying qt application under mac osx
- Add new Qt version.
- compile todo plugin in qtcreator
- cannot find -lQtMessagingd
- Configure with minGW fails on Win7 x64
- Application won't static compile under KDE4
- Wht packages(Ex:GCC,....) do we require to install qt sdk?
- Deploying a Qt / OpenCV application in Mac OS X
- Problems with Qt Mobility compiling!
- [PyQt4] PyQt4 + gcin issue
- compile error moving to other machine
- qt installation problem with mingw 5.1.6
- demos/sqlbrowser is not loading the MySQL plugin
- Qt 4.7.0 source compilation errors (MSVC 2010, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit)
- Using static libs (*.a) in pro file
- Desperate for help~~~ Qt 4.6.2 deployment
- Visual Studio Plugin Issues (4.7)
- Configuring Qt fow Wince (QtNetwork4.dll unresolved externals)
- How to Qt4.7 Source with Visual Studio 2010
- Need help in deploying the Qt app to real symbian device
- App Trk installation failed (Nokia E65)- Certificate error
- Unable to debug simple Qt application on any of the target?
- Installation newest Qt on Debian Squeeze
- Qt, Windows 7, Dependency Walker and Deployment Problems
- How to know the options with which Qt is configured?
- problem compiling qt application using static external libraries
- Unable to run debug exe of Qt application in visual studio 2008
- Error -"QT version is not properly installed, please run make install" on Windows XP
- What's inside the installed Qt folder
- Qt Mobility 1.1 Building error
- Why could be interesting to use MSVC and QT ?
- Qt installation in Linux
- Building a static mysql driver
- Visual Studio Plugin (1.1.6) crashes Visual Studio (2010)
- Deploy app in Linux
- qt eclipse integration error with mingw includes
- Qt 4.7.0 statically compiled and Qt Creator
- Compiling QT for embedded arm
- Qt 4.7.0 compiles all tools and examples, but they all crash on running
- Deploying first Windows app.... compiled... now what.
- LibQxt won't build with Qt 4.7.0 on Win7
- Distribution and license LGPL
- QtService Installation Problem: occurred while nmake.
- Trouble deploying on Windows
- HowTo get work Microsoft VS 2010 and Qt Visual Studio Add-in?
- Did Qt 4.7 break my software?!
- Runtime error QtGui4.dll VS2008
- qt and vs
- building error: Segmentation fault
- Where is the command line for qmake commands?
- QtService Library (dll) for windows
- Qmake command not recognized
- After qmake I always need to change the .vcproj settings. How can I avoid it?
- Installing SQL dirvers
- How to tell Qmake to include ws2_32 in visual studio project
- Compile and Install files on qmake
- Unable to animate QColor with statically compiled QtEmbedded
- Cannot run example from Welcome Page
- Library build from imported makefile project
- how to deploy qt based application with oracle plugin
- Compile qt 4.6.3 with mingw on windows - how to get rid of VS includes?
- Run my program on a different computer?
- QT Embedded Installation Problem
- Latest QT Runtime Library RPM's ?
- can't nmake qt (version 2010.05)
- Compile Qtcreator with mingw ?
- Packaging with the qmake INSTALLS variable
- Build QT Embedded Linux Ubuntu Error ?
- Qt 4.7-stable build - errors...
- Using QDesigner Plugin
- Tons of unresolved externals when building a dll and statically built Qt 4.7.0
- Getting mysql_error@4 when building SQL driver on Windows
- I can not Deploying application for ubuntu
- Thoughts on building Qt and QtCreator on Windows using MinGW
- Build QVFB deviceskin.h X11 Lib ?
- QTCrearor - compiled with mingw error with QTcore4.dll ...
- QNetworkConfigurationManager problem after qt build
- Is remote device testing sufficient for ovi store publishing?
- Windows 7 Deployment
- Qt-X11 & QT Runtime library RPM's... or SRPMS
- Could not find make command: (QT Creator)
- how to avoid creating Makefile for an subdir
- qt4.6.3 compilation error
- Build Qt3d with Visual Studio 2005
- cannot find lfreetype. but it exist. what the !???
- Mac App Store
- Problems in Ubuntu 10.10
- After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?
- help - need to build Qt libraries on 64Bit VS2008
- Qt 4.7.1 and sudden requirement of libgles_cm.lib (OpenGL ES)
- Qt 4.7.1 libgles_cm.lib for OpenGL ES can't be opened
- This is a tutorial for Custom Widgets Plugin and/or compile QTcreator under mingw.
- Trojan in Qt 4.7.1 Windows Installer (Non Creator) downloaded from Qt Website
- Qt 4.7.1 on Windows7 (64Bit)
- Problem w/ static deployment (4.6.2 on Windows)
- Linker problem - xrender
- How to find *.dll and *.so files which should be packed with Distribution Package?
- Paths & enviroment settings
- Build qml statically
- test my QT application
- Static linking of libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll mingwm10.dll
- How to use QConfig to reduce the size of my Qt application?
- how to debug qtwebkit in windows?
- Qt internal error: qt_menu.nib could not be loaded
- QT4 Embedded custom build issue
- Qt Visual Studio Add-In problems
- Error-"QT version is not properly installed,please run make install" on Ubuntu 10.10
- MySQL driver installation on Qt 4.7.0
- QGLWidget release build problem
- Linking fail when compileing Qt 4.7.1 with VS2010 on win 7 x64
- Launching GUI application on different X11 display
- Windows 7 to Embedded Linux
- Compiling QT on AIX 6.1
- QT apps crashing on Snow Leopard 10.6.5
- Qt on Meego
- How to remove 4 in QtCore4.dll
- Releasing application is not retard-proof.
- Qt on Window Mobile problem
- install target for configure.exe
- Distributing software with MySQL connections across different MS OS:es
- How to install files only if they were modified?
- Compiling Qt on Mac puts /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-${QT_VERSION} into framework
- MySql plugin on Mac OS X
- centos 5.5: can see qt designer, but not qt creator on menu
- Generating a QT Build
- Qt + MySQL problem
- Qt libraries 4.7 for VS-2008 - Please help. Would it work with VS 2010
- built qt4.7.1 libraries and qt-mobility with Visual studio, now wat to do to make mob
- Anything to worry about re installing Qt apps on a virtual Linux server?
- What's the diff between 2010.03 and 2010.04 versions?
- Can't build samples
- Error while statically compiling qt
- Issues deploying a Qt-Creator-Project on Linux
- default target in generated makefiles
- Visual Studio 2010 Add-In - unable to create project
- QtDesigner not in Qt ?
- Deploy qt
- how to deploy a qt app
- Uable to debug :(
- RHEL 5.4 64bit installing qt binary
- QtAppWrapper Error - Qt VS integration bug?