- qt4.5.2 install on hp-ux 11.iv3
- How to run my Qt programme on an old CentOS
- Problem installing QCA-OSSL (part of the Qt Cryptographic Architecture) plugin
- info.plist QtCore question
- The QT creater doesn't on every restart on linux 64 bit machine.
- Problems installing Qt 4.7.1 MinGW: Incompatible w32api version
- problem to install qt mobility 1.1.0
- Things to inlcude in an LGPL distribution
- Qt 4.7: why is QtHelpd4.dll required?! (Windows deployment)
- How to install Qt 4.7 from binary on Ubuntu 11.04
- How to compile 64bit qt lib on windows server 2003 ?
- Qt Creator/MingGW on Windows - Problems with XML, OpenGL, etc. modules
- Visual studio 2010 interference
- Problem while compiling corelib with sh4-linux-g++
- ld: warning: directory '/tmp/qt-stuff-6474/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0/
- undefined reference to `QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::create()'
- Problem building the OCI Plugin on Windows
- failed to compile qt mobility 1.1.0 (with qt 4.7.1, msvc2005)
- Cannot compile thread support in qt-embedded
- Mac binary version?
- Reduce build times on Windows
- Cross compiling Qt X11/Win/Arm on Ubuntu 64 bit
- Qt Setup Help
- Qt 4.7 - Mac OS X - Might be loading two sets of Qt binaries into the same process
- So dose the mysql of qt surpport the WINDOWS CE or not?
- gif files don't show after compiling with py2exe (using PyQt)
- Qt 4.7 and Visual Studio 2010 - cannot launch compiled Qt Applications
- Adding Qt to Path not working
- Installing QT4.7 for Cocoa
- New Mac Install: QT Creator crashes when opening the CppEditor.
- Undefined reference in static binding in Linux
- building qt statically on Mac OSX
- How to Configure a debian package in Qt
- mkspec issue with double QT installation
- Debug libraries
- Huge Mac .dmg files, can anything be done to make them smaller?
- Problem about QT dynamic lib's soft link files?
- Is 4.7.1 available for Linux?
- Fail to Qt 4.7.1 in windows with MinGW
- Qt 4.6.2 Mac Installation fails .
- QMySQL Driver available for MacOsX form .dmg?
- QML windows XP deploy
- Failed to build Qt 4.7.1 in a shadow build with feature tuning
- License
- Creating RPMs for Qt apps
- How to install Qt for Windows Mobile standard and professional
- linker error when installing 4.7.1
- Mac using qmake, Qt version 4.7.1
- Getting linker errors trying to build formerly working programs under 4.7.1
- Is it possible to compile Qt 4.7.1 on Linux using gcc 3.3.3?
- fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libgles_cm.lib
- How to run a debug app linked against a release binary
- Deploying Win7 built Qt app in Win XP
- Qt4VSAddin with VS10 - Error about missing assembly "stdole" on VS startup
- configure fails if .svn folders exist
- Issues upgrading Ubuntu (9.10 to 10.04) and Qt (4.5.2 to 4.6.2)
- dll error in deployment
- MySQL 5.5 plugin
- Configure & Build Minimal Qt 4.7.2 on Mac OS X ( 10.5 )
- Qt Creator 2.1.0 and Qt 4.7.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.6
- Qt 4.7.2 - Definitely something wrong with macdeployqt
- qt + mingw + visual studio header files
- VirtualBox Win7 QT Setup with Visual Studio 2008 Pro 32/64 bits
- Deploying Qt Assistant on Windows
- Qt Creator 2.0.1 and Qt 4.7.0 on Ubuntu 10.10 Code completion issue
- Font problem when deploying a Qt-based application to Ubuntu 10.10
- Why does the QtSDK 1.1 install in a few minutes, whereas Qt4.7.1 install takes hours?
- Where is Qt Creator in 4.7.1?
- QtCreator can't find Qt + failed uninstall of earlier version
- Qt for iPhone,iPod,iPad
- How to make my Qt project executable
- Problem deploying a two library + executable application to windows
- QtSDK 1.1 - Missing examples and demos?
- Eclipse Qt Plugins not working
- GLIBCXX error on RHEL5 while installing Qt 4.7.1
- Compiling Qt with VS2010 and MySQL
- Compilation fail with VC2010
- error emerging from qhelpgenerator
- Building static Qt. Error 126 invalid argument
- QT4 and Fedora x86_64
- Serial communication program in QT
- collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
- Qt in VS does not create an .exe
- Problems running applications .exe
- QT4.4.3 Compilation : undefined symbol reference QIconvCodec::QIconvCodec()
- Problem to compile static QT 4.7.2 with mingw32
- Problem with compiling MySQL Plugin (Win7 x64)
- Qt add in Visual Studio 2010 problem
- OCI Driver and MinGW
- Different behaviour of QtCreator than explained in the manual
- QtCore4.dll, same SDK installation, different behavior in different windows systems
- no .lib files.
- qt binaries for visual studio 2008 & open ssl
- Qmysql
- problem using mysql plugin
- How to build Qt on Solaris?
- problem using mysql plugin (version 2)
- qmake - multiple definition ?
- How to configure after build
- Qt/Mac : Localization of Application Menu gone after "macdeployqt"
- wwWidgets and Qwt plugin for eclipse?
- Building Qt 4.7.2 on Solaris 10 (CC)
- Build issues when qextsrialport.h is included in Linux prog
- Disable qt-assistant on Mac Os X
- Problem deploying qt application using qsqlite on Windows XP/7
- Building qt-sql-mysql on Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010
- Jom/nmake is unable to compile
- Newbie help again please! (Win XP SP3)
- QMYSL driver for Mac OS X
- Yet *another* MYSQL drivers not loaded issue
- Installing Qt SDK 1.1 on Linux Cent OS 5.5
- Cannot assemble static app with WebKit and Phonon
- Qt 4.7.2 on Solaris
- I've qtcored4, need qtcored
- Error nmaking 4.7.2 with msvs2010
- Install 2 versions of QT in Ubuntu
- Cannot run my app
- Background music
- V2010 - how to integerate Qt4.7.2 help into IDE?
- Where is "configure" on Debian 6.0?
- VS2005 Qt versions error - Qt version is not compatible
- Replace -qt-zlib version from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5
- QMySQL Help! driver will not install
- Problems with QT embed 4.7.2 for linux
- Trouble configuring Qt 4.7.2 Windows Binary
- MSVS2010 Proffesional - Cmd - Qt Community Edition SRC - Failure to Build 4.6.1
- out of memory when reading translations.pro (configure)
- Cant install qt in windows xp
- QT and windows nt4
- error while compiling qtmobility from source
- Help about Phonon::MediaObject::errorString () Description
- Microsoft Visual C++- Runtime Library Error while deploying Qt Application
- Qt SDK 1.1 missing driver
- How do I change the Bundle identifier in Info.plist for an OS X distribution?
- how to get(download) MMF and Helix phonon backend and install on device?
- To detect 32 bit or 64 bit platform in .pro file
- QtSDK 1.1 fails to download
- How to run shell command after compile finished in pro file?
- link errors in qt shadowbuild
- Building Qt for 64 bit windows.
- Cross compiling Qt for mingw64 from Linux.
- Deploying application from Visual Studio 2008 with Add-In compl. stucked and confused
- Mac deployment problem
- Building qt 4.7 in windowd xp
- "cannot find -lqsqlodbc" error while compiling the qt application statically....
- Error building qt windows 7: ld.exe: cannot find ljscore
- cannot uninstall qt 4.7.3
- Is Windows Development even possible with QT?
- undefined references to mysql
- The file 'devices.xml' containing the device SDK configuration could not be found
- Does Qt 4.7.3 build under VS2010 EXPRESS Edition?
- Compile static version of Qt and wiki tutorial
- Trying to build customized 4.7.2 on a G4 iMac running Leopard (10.5)
- Running example project with mingw gives "... exited with code -1073741792" error
- Qt4.7.1 integration with visual studio 2005
- error loading statically linked Qt app
- Stuck at 'Create new project' screen in Carbide.c++
- The installer crashes with GLib-GIO:ERROR
- Compile error in Qt 4.7.3 with mingw
- no valid QT installations found
- Install on Ubuntu
- Qt Mobility license on Windows/Mac/Linux
- QT Creator 2.2.0 Ubuntu cannot run
- Deploy a Qt application and get error of "The file could not be read" on Ubuntu.
- Cocoa code support in Qt 4.3.3
- Rebuild QT 3.1.2 with VS2010
- Qt 4 assistant does not start
- Running the Emulator
- Qt Integration with Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition, how do I do this correctly?
- Build issues on Windows 7 with VS 2008
- building qt statically help
- mingw gcc 4.6 and qt 4.7.3
- Qt 4.7.3 support of Tiger 10.4
- Help!!!Problems in building Qt4.7.3 for Vxworks.. cross compile
- Linking Error Qt OpenCV
- is there no "configure" file in qt sdk 1.1.2?
- Upgrading to the latest version
- Deploying an application on a different PC
- Deploying Phonon application
- Pyside needs QT?
- Compiling from source Qt 4.7.3 with win32-msvc2010 in Win7x64
- Setting up Debug / Release Qt Libraries on Linux
- configure is not recognized
- App found qsqlite4.dll driver file but still "Driver not loaded"
- Problems when running "configure -static" for 4.7.3
- creating installation packages
- adob flash and javascript plugin for QWebkit
- qml deployment problem
- QMysql path not found
- Missing manifest for QtCore4d.dll
- Cannot resolve the symbols from a custom dll
- copy deployment folder error
- QT3/QT4 Simultaneous
- error while running a GUI application in mini2440 board
- Build Qt 4.7.3 Using VS2010 Under Windows7..
- Using QtSDk with Mysql 64bit
- qt libraries with vs2010 32bit
- Publish Symbian(Qt-based) Application Locally
- Solution to qtbase (5.0) build error with mingw32-make
- "Cannot find -lqjpeg" error when compiling QT application in static mode
- Mac OS X - portable Qt application
- compiler and app error with qtcreator 2.3 and 4..7.4
- What is the proper way to deploy a qt application
- error while compiling qtbase with mingw32-make
- My 3rd party library RPATH problem (Linux)
- Qt-Creator 2.3.0 README and .pro files Differ in version checks
- win 7 vs2010 nmake fatal error U1077
- Qt 3.3.5 compilation issue
- Problem with installing Qt on XP
- Qt 4.7.4 - problem with libpng
- No valid qt versions found. Please add a qt verstion in tool/options
- qt 4.7.4 or qt 4.8 qmake macx-xcode create invalid xcode 4 project - OS Lion
- compiling Qt on i386 to x86_64
- Compile issues - collect2: ld returned 5 exit status
- 4.7.1 imageformats/qjpeg[d]4.dll unloaded
- installing and using multiple Qt versions
- Where's the app bundle looking for my media folder? Ok on Qt Creator not in Terminal.
- Multiple Qt in same application?
- configure embedded QT4.7.4
- Configure keeps using g++ and not mingw32-g++-dw2
- Webkit and Javascript Debugger
- Configure uses -lQtCore and -lQtGui while only -lQtCore4 and -lQtGui4 exist
- configure with mysql and postgres on win 7 vs 2008 x64
- Newbie to linux - installed qt but couldnt find standart libraries
- Can't see container contents, QStrings when debugging
- Qt Mobility Multimedia Modul on Windows 7 doesnt work
- How many people are currently working with mingw ?
- What windows sdk are the right for Qt msv2008 ?
- QtMove: Move Qt build everywhere
- I'm interested to buy/use QT. What I need from microsoft ?
- Problem with self compiled QTCreator
- building a static lib with links to other static libs
- qt-everywhere qmake -spec
- Windows CE + Application does start
- Deploying Qt App. on different Symbian devices
- Installing Qwt 5.2.2 on Red Hat 9 + Qt 3.1
- SerialProgramming qextserialport or QSerialDevice?
- Qt Assistant Deployment doesn't display gif/jpg images
- Erroneous paths of qt libraries on Mac
- [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Linux
- MMX, 3DNOW!, SSE and SSE2 supprot
- To build Universal Application using Qt4.6 on SnowLeopard!
- Qt-Eclipse integration problem
- Error when installing PyQt4
- My QT built with msvc20010 does not create QtOpenGLd4.dll ???
- Shadow build of Qt 4.7.4 failing due to syncqt not running
- ARM Executable for QT applications for IMX53
- Adding MinGW to build configuration in Qt Creator
- Mysql at OSX
- Problem running Qt application with Matlab dll - write access violation