View Full Version : Installation and Deployment

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  1. qt4.5.2 install on hp-ux 11.iv3
  2. How to run my Qt programme on an old CentOS
  3. Problem installing QCA-OSSL (part of the Qt Cryptographic Architecture) plugin
  4. info.plist QtCore question
  5. The QT creater doesn't on every restart on linux 64 bit machine.
  6. Problems installing Qt 4.7.1 MinGW: Incompatible w32api version
  7. problem to install qt mobility 1.1.0
  8. Things to inlcude in an LGPL distribution
  9. Qt 4.7: why is QtHelpd4.dll required?! (Windows deployment)
  10. How to install Qt 4.7 from binary on Ubuntu 11.04
  11. How to compile 64bit qt lib on windows server 2003 ?
  12. Qt Creator/MingGW on Windows - Problems with XML, OpenGL, etc. modules
  13. Visual studio 2010 interference
  14. Problem while compiling corelib with sh4-linux-g++
  15. ld: warning: directory '/tmp/qt-stuff-6474/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0/
  16. undefined reference to `QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::create()'
  17. Problem building the OCI Plugin on Windows
  18. failed to compile qt mobility 1.1.0 (with qt 4.7.1, msvc2005)
  19. Cannot compile thread support in qt-embedded
  20. Mac binary version?
  21. Reduce build times on Windows
  22. Cross compiling Qt X11/Win/Arm on Ubuntu 64 bit
  23. Qt Setup Help
  24. Qt 4.7 - Mac OS X - Might be loading two sets of Qt binaries into the same process
  25. So dose the mysql of qt surpport the WINDOWS CE or not?
  26. gif files don't show after compiling with py2exe (using PyQt)
  27. Qt 4.7 and Visual Studio 2010 - cannot launch compiled Qt Applications
  28. Adding Qt to Path not working
  29. Installing QT4.7 for Cocoa
  30. New Mac Install: QT Creator crashes when opening the CppEditor.
  31. Undefined reference in static binding in Linux
  32. building qt statically on Mac OSX
  33. How to Configure a debian package in Qt
  34. mkspec issue with double QT installation
  35. Debug libraries
  36. Huge Mac .dmg files, can anything be done to make them smaller?
  37. Problem about QT dynamic lib's soft link files?
  38. Is 4.7.1 available for Linux?
  39. Fail to Qt 4.7.1 in windows with MinGW
  40. Qt 4.6.2 Mac Installation fails .
  41. QMySQL Driver available for MacOsX form .dmg?
  42. QML windows XP deploy
  43. Failed to build Qt 4.7.1 in a shadow build with feature tuning
  44. License
  45. Creating RPMs for Qt apps
  46. How to install Qt for Windows Mobile standard and professional
  47. linker error when installing 4.7.1
  48. Mac using qmake, Qt version 4.7.1
  49. Getting linker errors trying to build formerly working programs under 4.7.1
  50. Is it possible to compile Qt 4.7.1 on Linux using gcc 3.3.3?
  51. fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libgles_cm.lib
  52. How to run a debug app linked against a release binary
  53. Deploying Win7 built Qt app in Win XP
  54. Qt4VSAddin with VS10 - Error about missing assembly "stdole" on VS startup
  55. configure fails if .svn folders exist
  56. Issues upgrading Ubuntu (9.10 to 10.04) and Qt (4.5.2 to 4.6.2)
  57. dll error in deployment
  58. MySQL 5.5 plugin
  59. Configure & Build Minimal Qt 4.7.2 on Mac OS X ( 10.5 )
  60. Qt Creator 2.1.0 and Qt 4.7.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.6
  61. Qt 4.7.2 - Definitely something wrong with macdeployqt
  62. qt + mingw + visual studio header files
  63. VirtualBox Win7 QT Setup with Visual Studio 2008 Pro 32/64 bits
  64. Deploying Qt Assistant on Windows
  65. Qt Creator 2.0.1 and Qt 4.7.0 on Ubuntu 10.10 Code completion issue
  66. Font problem when deploying a Qt-based application to Ubuntu 10.10
  67. Why does the QtSDK 1.1 install in a few minutes, whereas Qt4.7.1 install takes hours?
  68. Where is Qt Creator in 4.7.1?
  69. QtCreator can't find Qt + failed uninstall of earlier version
  70. Qt for iPhone,iPod,iPad
  71. How to make my Qt project executable
  72. Problem deploying a two library + executable application to windows
  73. QtSDK 1.1 - Missing examples and demos?
  74. Eclipse Qt Plugins not working
  75. GLIBCXX error on RHEL5 while installing Qt 4.7.1
  76. Compiling Qt with VS2010 and MySQL
  77. Compilation fail with VC2010
  78. error emerging from qhelpgenerator
  79. Building static Qt. Error 126 invalid argument
  80. QT4 and Fedora x86_64
  81. Serial communication program in QT
  82. collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  83. Qt in VS does not create an .exe
  84. Problems running applications .exe
  85. QT4.4.3 Compilation : undefined symbol reference QIconvCodec::QIconvCodec()
  86. Problem to compile static QT 4.7.2 with mingw32
  87. Problem with compiling MySQL Plugin (Win7 x64)
  88. Qt add in Visual Studio 2010 problem
  89. OCI Driver and MinGW
  90. Different behaviour of QtCreator than explained in the manual
  91. QtCore4.dll, same SDK installation, different behavior in different windows systems
  92. no .lib files.
  93. qt binaries for visual studio 2008 & open ssl
  94. Qmysql
  95. problem using mysql plugin
  96. How to build Qt on Solaris?
  97. problem using mysql plugin (version 2)
  98. qmake - multiple definition ?
  99. How to configure after build
  100. Qt/Mac : Localization of Application Menu gone after "macdeployqt"
  101. wwWidgets and Qwt plugin for eclipse?
  102. Building Qt 4.7.2 on Solaris 10 (CC)
  103. Build issues when qextsrialport.h is included in Linux prog
  104. Disable qt-assistant on Mac Os X
  105. Problem deploying qt application using qsqlite on Windows XP/7
  106. Building qt-sql-mysql on Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010
  107. Jom/nmake is unable to compile
  108. Newbie help again please! (Win XP SP3)
  109. QMYSL driver for Mac OS X
  110. Yet *another* MYSQL drivers not loaded issue
  111. Installing Qt SDK 1.1 on Linux Cent OS 5.5
  112. Cannot assemble static app with WebKit and Phonon
  113. Qt 4.7.2 on Solaris
  114. I've qtcored4, need qtcored
  115. Error nmaking 4.7.2 with msvs2010
  116. Install 2 versions of QT in Ubuntu
  117. Cannot run my app
  118. Background music
  119. V2010 - how to integerate Qt4.7.2 help into IDE?
  120. Where is "configure" on Debian 6.0?
  121. VS2005 Qt versions error - Qt version is not compatible
  122. Replace -qt-zlib version from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5
  123. QMySQL Help! driver will not install
  124. Problems with QT embed 4.7.2 for linux
  125. Trouble configuring Qt 4.7.2 Windows Binary
  126. MSVS2010 Proffesional - Cmd - Qt Community Edition SRC - Failure to Build 4.6.1
  127. out of memory when reading translations.pro (configure)
  128. Cant install qt in windows xp
  129. QT and windows nt4
  130. error while compiling qtmobility from source
  131. Help about Phonon::MediaObject::errorString () Description
  132. Microsoft Visual C++- Runtime Library Error while deploying Qt Application
  133. Qt SDK 1.1 missing driver
  134. How do I change the Bundle identifier in Info.plist for an OS X distribution?
  135. how to get(download) MMF and Helix phonon backend and install on device?
  136. To detect 32 bit or 64 bit platform in .pro file
  137. QtSDK 1.1 fails to download
  138. How to run shell command after compile finished in pro file?
  139. link errors in qt shadowbuild
  140. Building Qt for 64 bit windows.
  141. Cross compiling Qt for mingw64 from Linux.
  142. Deploying application from Visual Studio 2008 with Add-In compl. stucked and confused
  143. Mac deployment problem
  144. Building qt 4.7 in windowd xp
  145. "cannot find -lqsqlodbc" error while compiling the qt application statically....
  146. Error building qt windows 7: ld.exe: cannot find ljscore
  147. cannot uninstall qt 4.7.3
  148. Is Windows Development even possible with QT?
  149. undefined references to mysql
  150. The file 'devices.xml' containing the device SDK configuration could not be found
  151. Does Qt 4.7.3 build under VS2010 EXPRESS Edition?
  152. Compile static version of Qt and wiki tutorial
  153. Trying to build customized 4.7.2 on a G4 iMac running Leopard (10.5)
  154. Running example project with mingw gives "... exited with code -1073741792" error
  155. Qt4.7.1 integration with visual studio 2005
  156. error loading statically linked Qt app
  157. Stuck at 'Create new project' screen in Carbide.c++
  158. The installer crashes with GLib-GIO:ERROR
  159. Compile error in Qt 4.7.3 with mingw
  160. no valid QT installations found
  161. Install on Ubuntu
  162. Qt Mobility license on Windows/Mac/Linux
  163. QT Creator 2.2.0 Ubuntu cannot run
  164. Deploy a Qt application and get error of "The file could not be read" on Ubuntu.
  165. Cocoa code support in Qt 4.3.3
  166. Rebuild QT 3.1.2 with VS2010
  167. Qt 4 assistant does not start
  168. Running the Emulator
  169. Qt Integration with Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition, how do I do this correctly?
  170. Build issues on Windows 7 with VS 2008
  171. building qt statically help
  172. mingw gcc 4.6 and qt 4.7.3
  173. Qt 4.7.3 support of Tiger 10.4
  174. Help!!!Problems in building Qt4.7.3 for Vxworks.. cross compile
  175. Linking Error Qt OpenCV
  176. is there no "configure" file in qt sdk 1.1.2?
  177. Upgrading to the latest version
  178. Deploying an application on a different PC
  179. Deploying Phonon application
  180. Pyside needs QT?
  181. Compiling from source Qt 4.7.3 with win32-msvc2010 in Win7x64
  182. Setting up Debug / Release Qt Libraries on Linux
  183. configure is not recognized
  184. App found qsqlite4.dll driver file but still "Driver not loaded"
  185. Problems when running "configure -static" for 4.7.3
  186. creating installation packages
  187. adob flash and javascript plugin for QWebkit
  188. qml deployment problem
  189. QMysql path not found
  190. Missing manifest for QtCore4d.dll
  191. Cannot resolve the symbols from a custom dll
  192. copy deployment folder error
  193. QT3/QT4 Simultaneous
  194. error while running a GUI application in mini2440 board
  195. Build Qt 4.7.3 Using VS2010 Under Windows7..
  196. Using QtSDk with Mysql 64bit
  197. qt libraries with vs2010 32bit
  198. Publish Symbian(Qt-based) Application Locally
  199. Solution to qtbase (5.0) build error with mingw32-make
  200. "Cannot find -lqjpeg" error when compiling QT application in static mode
  201. Mac OS X - portable Qt application
  202. compiler and app error with qtcreator 2.3 and 4..7.4
  203. What is the proper way to deploy a qt application
  204. error while compiling qtbase with mingw32-make
  205. My 3rd party library RPATH problem (Linux)
  206. Qt-Creator 2.3.0 README and .pro files Differ in version checks
  207. win 7 vs2010 nmake fatal error U1077
  208. Qt 3.3.5 compilation issue
  209. Problem with installing Qt on XP
  210. Qt 4.7.4 - problem with libpng
  211. No valid qt versions found. Please add a qt verstion in tool/options
  212. qt 4.7.4 or qt 4.8 qmake macx-xcode create invalid xcode 4 project - OS Lion
  213. compiling Qt on i386 to x86_64
  214. Compile issues - collect2: ld returned 5 exit status
  215. 4.7.1 imageformats/qjpeg[d]4.dll unloaded
  216. installing and using multiple Qt versions
  217. Where's the app bundle looking for my media folder? Ok on Qt Creator not in Terminal.
  218. Multiple Qt in same application?
  219. configure embedded QT4.7.4
  220. Configure keeps using g++ and not mingw32-g++-dw2
  221. Webkit and Javascript Debugger
  222. Configure uses -lQtCore and -lQtGui while only -lQtCore4 and -lQtGui4 exist
  223. configure with mysql and postgres on win 7 vs 2008 x64
  224. Newbie to linux - installed qt but couldnt find standart libraries
  225. Can't see container contents, QStrings when debugging
  226. Qt Mobility Multimedia Modul on Windows 7 doesnt work
  227. How many people are currently working with mingw ?
  228. What windows sdk are the right for Qt msv2008 ?
  229. QtMove: Move Qt build everywhere
  230. I'm interested to buy/use QT. What I need from microsoft ?
  231. Problem with self compiled QTCreator
  232. building a static lib with links to other static libs
  233. qt-everywhere qmake -spec
  234. Windows CE + Application does start
  235. Deploying Qt App. on different Symbian devices
  236. Installing Qwt 5.2.2 on Red Hat 9 + Qt 3.1
  237. SerialProgramming qextserialport or QSerialDevice?
  238. Qt Assistant Deployment doesn't display gif/jpg images
  239. Erroneous paths of qt libraries on Mac
  240. [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Linux
  241. MMX, 3DNOW!, SSE and SSE2 supprot
  242. To build Universal Application using Qt4.6 on SnowLeopard!
  243. Qt-Eclipse integration problem
  244. Error when installing PyQt4
  245. My QT built with msvc20010 does not create QtOpenGLd4.dll ???
  246. Shadow build of Qt 4.7.4 failing due to syncqt not running
  247. ARM Executable for QT applications for IMX53
  248. Adding MinGW to build configuration in Qt Creator
  249. Mysql at OSX
  250. Problem running Qt application with Matlab dll - write access violation