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  1. Building 64bit Shared Qt Dlls on 64bit Win7 for Visual Studio
  2. Msvc10 toolchain always spend the same time when compiling....
  3. QT 64 bit app crashes entire computer
  4. Qt static with MYSQL
  5. qt5 qtwebkit compile problem
  6. How to make use of the INSTALL_ROOT that resides in generated Makefiles?
  7. QtCreator and OpenCV, .dll missing
  8. Urgent. Need help!!! Compile Pyqt4 error. ;(
  9. Can remote compiler work over a slow internet connection?
  10. Problem with .exe file in debug folder?
  11. qt.config Plugins
  12. Deploying QT App using ODBC driver
  13. Installing MySQL drivers for QT
  14. Having trouble getting Qt installed
  15. Problem with installing Qt Mobility 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 11.04
  16. deployment qml-quick3d mysql on windows
  17. Creator does not see 4.8.0
  18. Dynamic vs. static in Linux (DLL analogs in Linux)
  19. Coexistence of 32- and 64-bit Qt for Windows
  20. Problem compiling QT 4,8,0 in windows 7 x64 with visual studio 2010
  21. Qwt installation
  22. Qt Creator/g++ compile issue on OS X (.o file missing)
  23. QT Framework in RHEL 5
  24. compiling Qt with Solaris Studio 12 (on Linux)?
  25. Problems on installing Qt4.8 on Fedora 16
  26. Finished my project, how do I distribute it?
  27. Building Debug QwtScaleDiv LNK 2005 error
  28. Finally relased my app, but there is a problem with Flash Player????
  30. Symbol not found: _kMDItemDownloadedDate on Snow Leopard
  31. What are the bare minimum libraries I need to install to use PySide?
  32. Problems on compiling Qt4.8 on Windows 7 x64 with VC2008
  33. Missing files when building Qt 4.8 mac against 10.5
  34. QT libraries msvc10 + qtcreator ms+ msvc10 express + msdk 7.1 . GLU Problem...
  35. Non-commercial Qt for Windows, 32-bit only ?
  36. Win 7 , Ms compiler, too slow .....
  37. 'successfully' installed mobile applications do not launch
  38. Uninstall Old Versions of Qt?
  39. No wonder there are no 64-bit Qt binaries for Windows...
  40. What packages to run Qt4 apps?
  41. configure qt, static build
  42. QT SDK installation fail on mac OS X
  43. cross compiling Qt-3.3.8 for powerpc
  44. Remote compiler not available after installation on linux
  45. Debugger: None of the debugger engines [...] capable of debugging binaries
  46. installing QML canvas plugin in windows platform
  47. Deployment using VS2010
  48. Look and Feel with static Qt
  49. Application 32/64 bits with VS2005/Qt 4.3
  50. OpenCV 2.3 64bit Libraries Don't work on Nokia QT
  51. stdout symbol cannot be resolved - QT, Eclipse, Ubuntu
  53. Qt 4.8, mac and sqldrivers...
  54. qtCreator wont compile Hello World Program
  55. Qt5 qtwebkit build error: "Project Error: To build QtWebKit with Qt 5 you need ICU."
  56. Debugger crashes on QApplication
  57. NMAKE LNK errors
  58. qmake and nmake (wrong path to Qt in makefile)
  59. Cannot mix incompatible Qt library
  60. Qt 4.8.0 installation (Windos Xp 32 and MSVC 2008)
  61. Need to make my project file work on both Windows 7 and Mac 10.6
  62. QtOpenCL installation
  63. OpenCV cvSmooth not working in Qt, but OK in Visual C++ 2008
  64. Building from source option setting
  65. Qt 4.8 missing toolchain for mingw
  66. Cross compile errors: Qt 4.8 libs for arm with phonon using marvell tool chain
  67. Boost: use it with Qt
  68. Deploy QT on various Linux distributions
  69. Build 32-bit Qt on 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  70. Qt on Ubuntu 10.04 from Ubuntu packages?
  71. New to Qt
  72. Qt Creator + gdcm (Grassroots DICOM): can't link libraries?
  73. Including qjpeg4.dylib in OSX bundle & so under Linux
  74. SSH connection failure N9 Qt Creator
  75. Windows: Installing qwt on QtSDK 1.2.0
  76. No text displayed in widgits after installing Qt on Sun Solaras 8
  77. error: ‘QWSLinuxInputKeyboardHandler’ does not name a type
  78. Error during Qt SDK Installation
  79. Migrating from [ Qt 4.4 + VS 2005 ] - to - [ Qt 4.8 & vs 2010 ]
  80. Qt Mac dyld Library not loaded
  81. Ssl library problem
  82. Visual Studio 2010 + dynamic libraries
  83. Mac: Debugging Qt and plugins
  84. Make-engine error
  85. problems building the QMYSQL plugin on Windows 64 using MinGW 64
  86. Problems building from source with -no-gui configure option
  87. Qt 4.8: QLabel not showing SVG, QButton does
  88. Nessecitas/Android - some (very) basic questions
  89. Developping a setup for Vista/Seven
  90. How can I create a .run file?
  91. Getting errors while trying to compile Qvfb from Qt/X11 environment
  92. Make Qt4.8.1 on Linux, generate dynamic library error!
  93. install qt sdk on ubuntu without desktop environment
  94. Create MYSQL files on Mac OS X Lion for QtSDK
  95. Necessitas: dynamic_cast_will_always_fail / How to set QMAKE_CXXFLAGS
  96. Missing library? "cannot find -lQtMessaging"
  97. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _IID_ID3DXEffec tStateManager
  98. "application has encountered a fatal error" on a Necessitas AVD
  99. Fresh Install - No Valid QT VersionSDKMaintenanceTool
  100. QtCreator 2.3.0 compile under Solaris 5.10
  101. Compile and Run Qt programs in ubuntu 12.04
  102. Port Qt on Android without using Ministro.apk
  103. QSystemStorageInfo not recognized during compile
  104. Qt Command Prompt
  105. Licensing Question
  106. Android Installation - how and where to add/store changing user files?
  107. How have the GDB debugging Qt-Creator 2.5.0 or 2.4.1 with MinGW 4.4 on Windows XP
  108. Errors while cross compiling Qt
  109. Correct DLLs for simple Windows deployment
  110. cmake and include "xxx.moc"
  111. Bundle SDL Framework in Bundle
  112. installing and configuring Qt on a laptop running Ubuntu 12.04
  113. Rebuilding Qt from source
  114. Application is fully functional ONLY on my laptop
  115. Undefined symbol: _ZN9QlistData11detach_growEPii
  116. Qt mobility installation in sdk 1.2
  117. Problems with installing Qt Mobility 1.2
  118. cross compiling with static libraries
  119. QT SDK on Windows 7 64-bit QSsslConfiguration Error
  120. Link error on Mac OS X for QX11Info::display()
  121. cannot connect to mysql in QT 4.7.2
  122. how to switch from 4.7 to qt 5?
  123. Installing QT on Windows CE
  124. Kapture installation requires qmake-qt4
  125. Qt Compilation Problem with OpenGL ES 2.x
  126. Qt 4.6.4: conversion from JSC::UString to WebCore::String
  127. How to install Qt ARM version with phonon support?
  128. How to compile openCV with qmake
  129. Linking with QtWebKit
  130. gdb debugger helper problems
  131. pre-compiled Qt SDK installation - always segmenation feults
  132. Using Qt 4.8.2 with OpenCV 2.4 Library Problem
  133. Compiling Qt 4.8.2 results in "ld.exe: final link failed: Memory exhausted"
  134. don’t use but need to run application?
  135. Configure environment for Qt Tool Chains to be automatically picked up
  136. Qt4.8.0 and Qjoypad issues
  137. Qt 4.8.2:make Qt for mini2440,and something was wrong with Vector.h
  138. Problem while building Qt5 with cmake
  139. problem with installation on wt windows 7 x64
  140. macdeployqt errors
  141. Huge problems while installing QMYSQL driver
  142. 4.7.4 MSVC2010 after config/build GUI application can't find 'stddef.h'
  143. Odd Issue installing MySQL @4
  144. Packaging resources into already made exe
  145. signing Qt apps for the Mac
  146. Error during Qt5 Beta compilation
  147. Need Help in Distributing a Basic QT Application
  148. Cannot run executable release application (only while Qwt is used)
  149. QtOpenCL and Fedora 17
  150. Qt Installation and VC2008
  151. Build Qt 4.8.2 in mac osx 10.8 with macport
  152. Qt 5.0.0 Beta QtWebKitd5.lib is MISSING
  153. Qt creator update for harmattan developement
  154. qvalidator error on static msvc2010 compilation
  155. QtOpenCL on Windows VS2010 - Wont build
  156. MySql driver compile problem (QtSDK/QtSources 4.8.1 and msvc 2010)
  157. Qt 5 build : qtlocation linking failure
  158. Rebuilding QtSDK for MySql support
  159. Qt 5.0.0 beta1 application deployment problem
  160. qt 4.8 from git doesn't compile
  161. Qt 5 build using clang/llvm on Linux
  162. QMAKE FLAGS in qmake.conf for solaris-cc-64 uses old flags
  163. my application won't work on same system
  164. My QT project does not run on MSVC2010
  165. cannot compile Qt mobility in Ubuntu
  166. Can't install qt 5 on OS X - "cant invoke otool" error
  167. Use qt library compiled on another machine
  168. Qt + OpenCV 2.4.2 wont work at all
  169. cross compiling qt (linux/mingw -> windows): various undefined references
  170. QWT Installation QT Designer Plugin
  171. Can't get configire to work building 4.8.3
  172. Qt Installer Framework: Documentation about using scripts is wrong?
  173. Qt 4.8.3 with Visual Studio 2012 does not compile the webkit
  174. Can't build Qt in Windows from source, Perl installed but still can't find headers
  175. Can't build OpenCV example using Qt
  176. Error while installing Qt from source (4.7.4)
  177. How to install QtSDK and QtCreator?
  178. Difficulties compiling qt statically
  179. App doesn't start on other machines. QtSql4.dll, exception code 0x0000005
  180. Qt 4.8.2 on linux
  181. Qt Config on Visual 2012
  182. XP specific issue executing statically linked app
  183. Build qt 4.8.3 with openssl with VS2012
  184. libqxt, QT Creator can not find it!!!
  185. Qt distribution help
  186. Building Qtcreator 2.6 with qt5 alpha
  187. Building Qt 4.8.3 - cross-compile using MSVC 2010 x64 tools
  188. MSVC2008 : win 32 and win64 installation
  189. dont step into Qt source - Visual Studio
  190. Need a advise for building custom plugin with dependency
  191. QMYSQL available but not loaded ?
  192. build and run setting
  193. How to configure QtCreator on Windows with mingw
  194. Link to plugin as dynamic lib in another plugin
  195. Difference names for dll of debug and release
  196. how to complile mysqldriver (qmysql) in qt5?
  197. MinGW: Plugin DLL not linking to application DLL
  198. Gotcha warning - Qt5 source build on Windows with Visual Studio
  199. Copy include/lib files into two directory won't copy dll files in second direction
  200. Fresh Install QT5 compiler issues.
  201. Building Qt5
  202. Build qt 5 with Visual Studio 2012
  203. Debug mode works but Relasemode returns 1
  204. Qt Creator 2.6.1 + Qt5.0 + MinGW 4.7: two small issues
  205. configure error - qtbase/configure not found. Did you forget to run init-repository?
  206. Static QT & QSslSocket
  207. MinGW-ing Qt
  208. windows.h : no such file or directory...
  209. Qt4.8 to Qt5 configuration help needed, my config does not apply
  210. QT VS addin , can't see any text on VS2005,VS2008
  211. Qt libraries 5.0.0 for Windows (VS 2010 406 MB) - Installation
  212. .lib and .a file considerations when using DLLs?
  213. QT5: Where are the multimedia libraries?
  214. QT5 + MS SDK 10 ... How to set environment and /or jom Error2
  215. Qt5 source build problem on Windows
  216. Where I can specify debug and release folders name and the place of them ?
  217. Release mode fails to execute
  218. -1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. -- Solution
  219. Problems building Qt 5 static with MSVC 2010
  220. QT4.8.3+Windows Static Libs Building Project problem
  221. Unable to deploy Matlab Built C LIbrary onto Qt Platform
  222. Qt 5.0.0 Build Issues Mingw
  223. Unable to link to VTK library
  224. Building Qt 5.0 from source creates many errors
  225. Is it possible to build Qt 5 without opengl or webkit using Win SDK?
  226. [Qt 5.0] Can't find Qt Creator?
  227. Lnk 2019
  228. Display issue on Ubuntu
  229. DBUS error on Debian Wheezy
  230. Qt 5.1.0, when will be release time?
  231. [Qt 5.0] Build and Compile Static Qt Libraries Error
  232. QT4: Deploying QT Assistant inside Mac OS X bundle
  233. qt5/mingw64 project compilation error
  234. QT static build
  235. Installing QT 5.0 and QT3D on Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit
  236. Qt 4.8.1 + OpenCv - Why does release app require QtTest4.dll
  237. Building Qt 5 examples with Visual Studio 2010
  238. Trouble configuring Qt
  239. QT deployment - problem with libraries
  240. Problem building qtwebkit in QT5
  241. Qt Creator 5.0.1 and OpenCv 2.4.3 mingw x86
  242. How to configure for Windows XP target when building with MSVC2012?
  243. cannot run qtCreator after installation
  244. Intallation of qt 5.0.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.7)
  245. Building the QMYSQL plugin on Windows using MinGW - Wiki
  246. The installer could not find a valid c:\MinGW32\include\w32api.h
  247. qt plugins being used??
  248. Qt 5.0.1 MinGW - programs does not launch - exited with code 0xc0000139
  249. How to specify qmake-generated target in a platform independent way
  250. Yet another windows deployment issue