- Building 64bit Shared Qt Dlls on 64bit Win7 for Visual Studio
- Msvc10 toolchain always spend the same time when compiling....
- QT 64 bit app crashes entire computer
- Qt static with MYSQL
- qt5 qtwebkit compile problem
- How to make use of the INSTALL_ROOT that resides in generated Makefiles?
- QtCreator and OpenCV, .dll missing
- Urgent. Need help!!! Compile Pyqt4 error. ;(
- Can remote compiler work over a slow internet connection?
- Problem with .exe file in debug folder?
- qt.config Plugins
- Deploying QT App using ODBC driver
- Installing MySQL drivers for QT
- Having trouble getting Qt installed
- Problem with installing Qt Mobility 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 11.04
- deployment qml-quick3d mysql on windows
- Creator does not see 4.8.0
- Dynamic vs. static in Linux (DLL analogs in Linux)
- Coexistence of 32- and 64-bit Qt for Windows
- Problem compiling QT 4,8,0 in windows 7 x64 with visual studio 2010
- Qwt installation
- Qt Creator/g++ compile issue on OS X (.o file missing)
- QT Framework in RHEL 5
- compiling Qt with Solaris Studio 12 (on Linux)?
- Problems on installing Qt4.8 on Fedora 16
- Finished my project, how do I distribute it?
- Building Debug QwtScaleDiv LNK 2005 error
- Finally relased my app, but there is a problem with Flash Player????
- Symbol not found: _kMDItemDownloadedDate on Snow Leopard
- What are the bare minimum libraries I need to install to use PySide?
- Problems on compiling Qt4.8 on Windows 7 x64 with VC2008
- Missing files when building Qt 4.8 mac against 10.5
- QT libraries msvc10 + qtcreator ms+ msvc10 express + msdk 7.1 . GLU Problem...
- Non-commercial Qt for Windows, 32-bit only ?
- Win 7 , Ms compiler, too slow .....
- 'successfully' installed mobile applications do not launch
- Uninstall Old Versions of Qt?
- No wonder there are no 64-bit Qt binaries for Windows...
- What packages to run Qt4 apps?
- configure qt, static build
- QT SDK installation fail on mac OS X
- cross compiling Qt-3.3.8 for powerpc
- Remote compiler not available after installation on linux
- Debugger: None of the debugger engines [...] capable of debugging binaries
- installing QML canvas plugin in windows platform
- Deployment using VS2010
- Look and Feel with static Qt
- Application 32/64 bits with VS2005/Qt 4.3
- OpenCV 2.3 64bit Libraries Don't work on Nokia QT
- stdout symbol cannot be resolved - QT, Eclipse, Ubuntu
- Qt 4.8, mac and sqldrivers...
- qtCreator wont compile Hello World Program
- Qt5 qtwebkit build error: "Project Error: To build QtWebKit with Qt 5 you need ICU."
- Debugger crashes on QApplication
- NMAKE LNK errors
- qmake and nmake (wrong path to Qt in makefile)
- Cannot mix incompatible Qt library
- Qt 4.8.0 installation (Windos Xp 32 and MSVC 2008)
- Need to make my project file work on both Windows 7 and Mac 10.6
- QtOpenCL installation
- OpenCV cvSmooth not working in Qt, but OK in Visual C++ 2008
- Building from source option setting
- Qt 4.8 missing toolchain for mingw
- Cross compile errors: Qt 4.8 libs for arm with phonon using marvell tool chain
- Boost: use it with Qt
- Deploy QT on various Linux distributions
- Build 32-bit Qt on 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Qt on Ubuntu 10.04 from Ubuntu packages?
- New to Qt
- Qt Creator + gdcm (Grassroots DICOM): can't link libraries?
- Including qjpeg4.dylib in OSX bundle & so under Linux
- SSH connection failure N9 Qt Creator
- Windows: Installing qwt on QtSDK 1.2.0
- No text displayed in widgits after installing Qt on Sun Solaras 8
- error: ‘QWSLinuxInputKeyboardHandler’ does not name a type
- Error during Qt SDK Installation
- Migrating from [ Qt 4.4 + VS 2005 ] - to - [ Qt 4.8 & vs 2010 ]
- Qt Mac dyld Library not loaded
- Ssl library problem
- Visual Studio 2010 + dynamic libraries
- Mac: Debugging Qt and plugins
- Make-engine error
- problems building the QMYSQL plugin on Windows 64 using MinGW 64
- Problems building from source with -no-gui configure option
- Qt 4.8: QLabel not showing SVG, QButton does
- Nessecitas/Android - some (very) basic questions
- Developping a setup for Vista/Seven
- How can I create a .run file?
- Getting errors while trying to compile Qvfb from Qt/X11 environment
- Make Qt4.8.1 on Linux, generate dynamic library error!
- install qt sdk on ubuntu without desktop environment
- Create MYSQL files on Mac OS X Lion for QtSDK
- Necessitas: dynamic_cast_will_always_fail / How to set QMAKE_CXXFLAGS
- Missing library? "cannot find -lQtMessaging"
- error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _IID_ID3DXEffec tStateManager
- "application has encountered a fatal error" on a Necessitas AVD
- Fresh Install - No Valid QT VersionSDKMaintenanceTool
- QtCreator 2.3.0 compile under Solaris 5.10
- Compile and Run Qt programs in ubuntu 12.04
- Port Qt on Android without using Ministro.apk
- QSystemStorageInfo not recognized during compile
- Qt Command Prompt
- Licensing Question
- Android Installation - how and where to add/store changing user files?
- How have the GDB debugging Qt-Creator 2.5.0 or 2.4.1 with MinGW 4.4 on Windows XP
- Errors while cross compiling Qt
- Correct DLLs for simple Windows deployment
- cmake and include "xxx.moc"
- Bundle SDL Framework in Bundle
- installing and configuring Qt on a laptop running Ubuntu 12.04
- Rebuilding Qt from source
- Application is fully functional ONLY on my laptop
- Undefined symbol: _ZN9QlistData11detach_growEPii
- Qt mobility installation in sdk 1.2
- Problems with installing Qt Mobility 1.2
- cross compiling with static libraries
- QT SDK on Windows 7 64-bit QSsslConfiguration Error
- Link error on Mac OS X for QX11Info::display()
- cannot connect to mysql in QT 4.7.2
- how to switch from 4.7 to qt 5?
- Installing QT on Windows CE
- Kapture installation requires qmake-qt4
- Qt Compilation Problem with OpenGL ES 2.x
- Qt 4.6.4: conversion from JSC::UString to WebCore::String
- How to install Qt ARM version with phonon support?
- How to compile openCV with qmake
- Linking with QtWebKit
- gdb debugger helper problems
- pre-compiled Qt SDK installation - always segmenation feults
- Using Qt 4.8.2 with OpenCV 2.4 Library Problem
- Compiling Qt 4.8.2 results in "ld.exe: final link failed: Memory exhausted"
- don’t use but need to run application?
- Configure environment for Qt Tool Chains to be automatically picked up
- Qt4.8.0 and Qjoypad issues
- Qt 4.8.2:make Qt for mini2440,and something was wrong with Vector.h
- Problem while building Qt5 with cmake
- problem with installation on wt windows 7 x64
- macdeployqt errors
- Huge problems while installing QMYSQL driver
- 4.7.4 MSVC2010 after config/build GUI application can't find 'stddef.h'
- Odd Issue installing MySQL @4
- Packaging resources into already made exe
- signing Qt apps for the Mac
- Error during Qt5 Beta compilation
- Need Help in Distributing a Basic QT Application
- Cannot run executable release application (only while Qwt is used)
- QtOpenCL and Fedora 17
- Qt Installation and VC2008
- Build Qt 4.8.2 in mac osx 10.8 with macport
- Qt 5.0.0 Beta QtWebKitd5.lib is MISSING
- Qt creator update for harmattan developement
- qvalidator error on static msvc2010 compilation
- QtOpenCL on Windows VS2010 - Wont build
- MySql driver compile problem (QtSDK/QtSources 4.8.1 and msvc 2010)
- Qt 5 build : qtlocation linking failure
- Rebuilding QtSDK for MySql support
- Qt 5.0.0 beta1 application deployment problem
- qt 4.8 from git doesn't compile
- Qt 5 build using clang/llvm on Linux
- QMAKE FLAGS in qmake.conf for solaris-cc-64 uses old flags
- my application won't work on same system
- My QT project does not run on MSVC2010
- cannot compile Qt mobility in Ubuntu
- Can't install qt 5 on OS X - "cant invoke otool" error
- Use qt library compiled on another machine
- Qt + OpenCV 2.4.2 wont work at all
- cross compiling qt (linux/mingw -> windows): various undefined references
- QWT Installation QT Designer Plugin
- Can't get configire to work building 4.8.3
- Qt Installer Framework: Documentation about using scripts is wrong?
- Qt 4.8.3 with Visual Studio 2012 does not compile the webkit
- Can't build Qt in Windows from source, Perl installed but still can't find headers
- Can't build OpenCV example using Qt
- Error while installing Qt from source (4.7.4)
- How to install QtSDK and QtCreator?
- Difficulties compiling qt statically
- App doesn't start on other machines. QtSql4.dll, exception code 0x0000005
- Qt 4.8.2 on linux
- Qt Config on Visual 2012
- XP specific issue executing statically linked app
- Build qt 4.8.3 with openssl with VS2012
- libqxt, QT Creator can not find it!!!
- Qt distribution help
- Building Qtcreator 2.6 with qt5 alpha
- Building Qt 4.8.3 - cross-compile using MSVC 2010 x64 tools
- MSVC2008 : win 32 and win64 installation
- dont step into Qt source - Visual Studio
- Need a advise for building custom plugin with dependency
- QMYSQL available but not loaded ?
- build and run setting
- How to configure QtCreator on Windows with mingw
- Link to plugin as dynamic lib in another plugin
- Difference names for dll of debug and release
- how to complile mysqldriver (qmysql) in qt5?
- MinGW: Plugin DLL not linking to application DLL
- Gotcha warning - Qt5 source build on Windows with Visual Studio
- Copy include/lib files into two directory won't copy dll files in second direction
- Fresh Install QT5 compiler issues.
- Building Qt5
- Build qt 5 with Visual Studio 2012
- Debug mode works but Relasemode returns 1
- Qt Creator 2.6.1 + Qt5.0 + MinGW 4.7: two small issues
- configure error - qtbase/configure not found. Did you forget to run init-repository?
- Static QT & QSslSocket
- MinGW-ing Qt
- windows.h : no such file or directory...
- Qt4.8 to Qt5 configuration help needed, my config does not apply
- QT VS addin , can't see any text on VS2005,VS2008
- Qt libraries 5.0.0 for Windows (VS 2010 406 MB) - Installation
- .lib and .a file considerations when using DLLs?
- QT5: Where are the multimedia libraries?
- QT5 + MS SDK 10 ... How to set environment and /or jom Error2
- Qt5 source build problem on Windows
- Where I can specify debug and release folders name and the place of them ?
- Release mode fails to execute
- -1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. -- Solution
- Problems building Qt 5 static with MSVC 2010
- QT4.8.3+Windows Static Libs Building Project problem
- Unable to deploy Matlab Built C LIbrary onto Qt Platform
- Qt 5.0.0 Build Issues Mingw
- Unable to link to VTK library
- Building Qt 5.0 from source creates many errors
- Is it possible to build Qt 5 without opengl or webkit using Win SDK?
- [Qt 5.0] Can't find Qt Creator?
- Lnk 2019
- Display issue on Ubuntu
- DBUS error on Debian Wheezy
- Qt 5.1.0, when will be release time?
- [Qt 5.0] Build and Compile Static Qt Libraries Error
- QT4: Deploying QT Assistant inside Mac OS X bundle
- qt5/mingw64 project compilation error
- QT static build
- Installing QT 5.0 and QT3D on Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit
- Qt 4.8.1 + OpenCv - Why does release app require QtTest4.dll
- Building Qt 5 examples with Visual Studio 2010
- Trouble configuring Qt
- QT deployment - problem with libraries
- Problem building qtwebkit in QT5
- Qt Creator 5.0.1 and OpenCv 2.4.3 mingw x86
- How to configure for Windows XP target when building with MSVC2012?
- cannot run qtCreator after installation
- Intallation of qt 5.0.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.7)
- Building the QMYSQL plugin on Windows using MinGW - Wiki
- The installer could not find a valid c:\MinGW32\include\w32api.h
- qt plugins being used??
- Qt 5.0.1 MinGW - programs does not launch - exited with code 0xc0000139
- How to specify qmake-generated target in a platform independent way
- Yet another windows deployment issue