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  1. Troble installing qwt (1 replies)
  2. QT6.6 : QOPCUA Open62541 security support (0 replies)
  3. QT6.6 : QOPCUA Open62541 Build issue (1 replies)
  4. Failed to build qt 6.6.0 from source (0 replies)
  5. Is Python 2 still a must to build webengine? (2 replies)
  6. Qt5 and Visual Studion 2022 (7 replies)
  7. Qt and Web Assembly - Installation, running examples and openCV (3 replies)
  8. compile mySQL plugin - mysql_config not found (4 replies)
  9. Failed to build Qt 6.3.0 from source on Ubuntu 22.04. (0 replies)
  10. Deploying Linux app - undefined symbol (0 replies)
  11. Failed to build Qt 6.2.2 on Ubunbu 20.04 ... (1 replies)
  12. deploy vcpkg dependencies in QtCreator-Cmake (2 replies)
  13. Install Qt 5.14 or later in Linux Ubuntu 20.04 (1 replies)
  14. Deploying app using windeployqt does not open up application. (0 replies)
  15. Setting up a PPA for Qt-based application on Ubuntu (0 replies)
  16. The application unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) (1 replies)
  17. Qt Installer Framework : Syntax for addElevatedOperation (Windows) (1 replies)
  18. PyQt5 5.15.2 Raspberry Pi issues (0 replies)
  19. Qt finding header files (0 replies)
  20. QwtPolar Install (4 replies)
  21. Windows requires DLL not listed by windeployqt (3 replies)
  22. DLL required by windows but not listed by windeployqt.exe (0 replies)
  23. skipping incompatible /usr/lib/qt-4.7/Desktop/Qt/473/gcc/lib/libQtGui.so (0 replies)
  24. Unable to build / compile Hunspell lib for spell checking (3 replies)
  25. Static Build Issue on QT 5.15.0 (4 replies)
  26. Deploying a QApplication inside a DLL -> platform plugin not found even if here (3 replies)
  27. silently install the external installer(vcredist_x64) with CPACK (1 replies)
  28. android build failed (1 replies)
  29. QtCreator seems to have problems with the code model on Ubuntu 20.04 (3 replies)
  30. error while installing qt4 on kali linux 2020.2 (0 replies)
  31. Newbie needs help building a static release program (4 replies)
  32. Newie needs help building a static release program (0 replies)
  33. qt-everywhere 5.14.1 build error under MSYS2 (2 replies)
  34. Support both openSSL1.1 and openSSL1.0, is it possible? (0 replies)
  35. How to force update of custom maintenance tool? (1 replies)
  36. QtIFW translation subsystem does not work correctly (3 replies)
  37. Install Qt from source - Enable Python3 and Disable Python2? (0 replies)
  38. Buliding Webengine failed in Qt5.13 on Windows using MSVC2017 (0 replies)
  39. Add item (string) to QListWidget at Dynamic Page in QtIFW application (0 replies)
  40. Qt3d with web assembly. (1 replies)
  41. Compatibility of El Capitan Qt-based apps on new catalina (0 replies)
  42. Qt Installer Framework - Forcibly install new component? (1 replies)
  43. The sheer size of QT5.x (0 replies)
  44. How to resolve OpenSSL library dependency ? (6 replies)
  45. Qt application in embedded linux startup (3 replies)
  46. qtbase5-private-dev qt include in 5.11.1 (1 replies)
  47. libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.12' not found error (6 replies)
  48. "unoptimised APK" when publishing qt android app in play console (0 replies)
  49. Google console Warning "Unoptimised APK" when reviewing apk release (0 replies)
  50. MySQL driver not loaded on Certain OS (0 replies)
  51. Build TIFF image format with JPEG support (0 replies)
  52. qt5-5.12 - Why are all directories empty? (2 replies)
  53. Member reference type issue with shared library (1 replies)
  54. OpenEXR to QImage (9 replies)
  55. Qt WebEngine ICU data not found (0 replies)
  56. QT Installer Framework Wizard buttons missing (0 replies)
  57. QtWindeploy (0 replies)
  58. Creation SQLITE database (0 replies)
  59. Problems after building Qt 5.11.2 open source 32 bit with MSVC 2017 (3 replies)
  60. Qt Installer not working in Squish (0 replies)
  61. How to Upgrade From 5.11 to 5.12? (1 replies)
  62. Configuring build (0 replies)
  63. [solved] mingw32 with Qt 4.7.0 - QMYSQL driver not loaded (0 replies)
  64. package deploy, failed to pull (1 replies)
  65. Qt cannot find header files but has autocompletion (2 replies)
  66. Successfully build Qt from source, but installation "Error copying" ... (0 replies)
  67. Query about converting application code for german region language. (0 replies)
  68. bitbake failed on ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'weston-examples' (0 replies)
  69. Mac deployment: Using Qt from a framework - QFactoryLoader anyway looks in non-Qt app (0 replies)
  70. Qt charts - licensing issue (1 replies)
  71. problems installing qtservice windows 7 Qt 5.4.1 (4 replies)
  72. Qt 5.10.0 with -sql-mysql using mingw32 Windows (1 replies)
  73. Compiling and Installing 5.9.3 Static (0 replies)
  74. Qt 5.9.2 WebEngine build fails with Visual Studio 2017 (0 replies)
  75. MySQL driver building error (1 replies)
  76. mysql plugin not compiling from source (4 replies)
  77. Windows package manager (0 replies)
  78. Fail to install using online tool (3 replies)
  79. Qt with android 5.9.0 installation Problem. (3 replies)
  80. Start-up license (0 replies)
  81. android problem (0 replies)
  82. Adding support to new components after building (1 replies)
  83. QWT Installation (1 replies)
  84. Qt in given path was build using MinGW (4 replies)
  85. error when building project when executing step 'qmake' (9 replies)
  86. Resources missing after macdeployqt (0 replies)
  87. Trying to compile Qt 5.9.1: No such file or directory (6 replies)
  88. Change Installed File Permissions (1 replies)
  89. libGL.so.1 not found:Qt GUI app in docker with centos (1 replies)
  90. Plugin "qtquickcontrolsplugin" not found (0 replies)
  91. Cannot build Qt SIP project on Windows: gives linkage errors (metacast,metacall,etc) (0 replies)
  92. Cross Compile Ubuntu 16.04 and BBB running Debian 8.8 w/ Touchscreen (1 replies)
  93. python 2.7.12 and PyQt4 UNICODE (UCS2) failure (0 replies)
  94. QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded with certain OS (2 replies)
  95. Run QT --without-gpu ? (0 replies)
  96. Ubuntu 14.04 machine with ATI graphics card - ALL QT APPS FLICKER (0 replies)
  97. Text not show (1 replies)
  98. What is my compatibility issue here? (1 replies)
  99. How do I see QWT widgets in QT creator? (1 replies)
  100. Installed 5.9 beta, uninstalled, now Maintenance Tool wants to update docs/examples (0 replies)
  101. Run dll with qwindows.dll dependency (0 replies)
  102. qt-vs-addin-1.1.9.exe download link (0 replies)
  103. error: undefined reference to. Where? (4 replies)
  104. How to compile Qt 5.8 statically with PostgreSQL plugin in VS2015 (0 replies)
  105. Can't find QtMultimedia on my Ubuntu installation of Qt (0 replies)
  106. .exe NOT A VALID win32 APPLICATION (0 replies)
  107. Software Licensing Question (6 replies)
  108. Can't run minGW compiled exe files on windows after Qt 5.8.0 installation. (2 replies)
  109. Problem with dependency on shared library and internal class (6 replies)
  110. Mac build from git tag 5.8.0 reports 5.8.1? (0 replies)
  111. QT 5.8 deployment crash on AMD drivers (0 replies)
  112. How to compile a project, with the same folder structure as the source code. (4 replies)
  113. Problem when deploy release Qt 5.7 (0 replies)
  114. problem running and debugging using qt under windows (0 replies)
  115. Building from source, QWebEngineView missing (0 replies)
  116. Debugger Finished (without deploying) (0 replies)
  117. Setting Xcode development team (0 replies)
  118. Qt 5.7.1 static build Win7 error : qabstractanimation.cpp (0 replies)
  119. Installer framework CreateDesktopEntry help (3 replies)
  120. Deployed qt app on Mac can't load mysql driver (1 replies)
  121. Complete rebuild of precompiled QT binaries necessary to applay patch? (1 replies)
  122. Over 100mb of dependencies with Qt? (4 replies)
  123. self-compiled wwWidgets 4 (msvc 2013 32-bit) prevents designer from starting up (0 replies)
  124. How to change Debug version (from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0) in existing project? (2 replies)
  125. Imediate Program Crash (2 replies)
  126. Qt - undefined reference to QJsonValue::toString (1 replies)
  127. QT Creator drop down menu empty (0 replies)
  128. CentOS 6: QMYSQL driver not loaded, available driver: (none) (1 replies)
  129. Difference between two Qt4.8.6 (0 replies)
  130. develop with Qt in the "cloud" (0 replies)
  131. QT Creator not working in Debian (0 replies)
  132. Qt 5.7 clang build broken on OS X 10.11.6 (4 replies)
  133. Deploy on Ubuntu without root (2 replies)
  134. Qt Quick controls 2.0 and 16.04 lTS. (1 replies)
  135. downloading the QT 4.8.6 full software design kit (1 replies)
  136. Building Qt4.X ... (2 replies)
  137. no opengl on "bitbake b2qt-embedded-qt5-image"...help (1 replies)
  138. Error with BluetoothChat (4 replies)
  139. Error no file at “/usr/lib/<libs>” when executing macdeployqt (0 replies)
  140. No svg-icons (2 replies)
  141. Building Qt 5.7 on Ubuntu 14.04 (3 replies)
  142. Export QT project to work on other pc by using visual studio 2013 (1 replies)
  143. Static Linux Builds (13 replies)
  144. How to Build Qt4.7.3 version with visual studio 2013? (0 replies)
  145. integration of VTK into QT - VS2013 : CMake Error - Qt5WebKitWidgets (3 replies)
  146. Undefined reference with Qt 4.8.6 and Intel icc (3 replies)
  147. Qt creator crash under Centos (2 replies)
  148. Qt installation under Linux (3 replies)
  149. Installing Qt 4.6.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 with Intel icc (0 replies)
  150. Can't build QT 5.6.1 and 5.7.0 from sources (3 replies)
  151. Qt On Linux ( CentOS ) Not Picking Up 5.6.1 (4 replies)
  152. linking static libraries - standalone exe under windows (2 replies)
  153. Failure to make and install Qwt on Windows with mingw (0 replies)
  154. linking error for JavaScriptCore during QtWebkit5.2.0 compilation (0 replies)
  155. cross compiling Qt for Raspberry Pi - missing libs (0 replies)
  156. Integrate Qt to Eclipse Mars 2 (1 replies)
  157. how deploy program (2 replies)
  158. QT C++ Empty Console when compiling in Debug mode (0 replies)
  159. Buid error: collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status (0 replies)
  160. this application has failed to start because it could not find or load the qt ? (1 replies)
  161. The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) (3 replies)
  162. Qt Debug Error on MS Visual Studio 2015 (0 replies)
  163. Deploying shared lib application (1 replies)
  164. Qt android and debugging in Windows (0 replies)
  165. Rebuild Qt 4.3.4 with MS VS 2015 (3 replies)
  166. Qt for Android - "Bundle Qt Libraries in APK" - Is it considered as dynamic linking? (0 replies)
  167. Qt for Android / Qt Creator - What is the Correct Option to Dynamically Link? (0 replies)
  168. How to determin the build-combinations of a given Qt app (2 replies)
  169. Building Qt statically (3 replies)
  170. Qt application development without MSVC on Windows (3 replies)
  171. QtFIW on Mac and package structure (0 replies)
  172. Qt 5.6 mingw doesnt support webenginewidgets? (1 replies)
  173. maintenancetool --checkupdates flag returns nothing (2 replies)
  174. App no longer working after upgrade to Qt 5.5.1 (3 replies)
  175. Qt5.5.1: QtCreator fails at startup with undefined symbol: XIQueryVersion (2 replies)
  176. Qt online installers list all repos (1 replies)
  177. Qt program does not run on my tablet (Win 8.1 32bit) (4 replies)
  178. Deploying PyQt5 QtQuick application with pyinstaller: 'module "QtQuick" not installed (1 replies)
  179. Unable to build 5.5.1 (Windows) (0 replies)
  180. Problems with qTouchEvent with different use of qmake (4 replies)
  181. Problem deploying Qt app (plugin) (4 replies)
  182. Cmake Qt5 Windows EXTREMELY SLOW moc.exe (0 replies)
  183. which component to disable to reduce the size of program? (3 replies)
  184. "Nothing to be done for `first'" message when 'make' qwt (1 replies)
  185. Help - App reference framework which are missing (5 replies)
  186. Qt dependent dll regarding (2 replies)
  187. Windows System Requirements as Target for binary Qt Application (2 replies)
  188. Custom build - webengine libraries not copied to installation (1 replies)
  189. Compiling QtWebEngine --> Undefined reference to dbus (1 replies)
  190. What to install??? (QT+MinGW-w64 in Win7) (5 replies)
  191. QtWebEngine for 32 bits target application on Mac (1 replies)
  192. GL/gl.h not found (0 replies)
  193. Installing Qt DataVisualization (1 replies)
  194. platform plugin windows (0 replies)
  195. Static compiling of SSL dependencies (1 replies)
  196. Fix message on the Qt website (1 replies)
  197. Qt 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 upgrade (1 replies)
  198. Difference between Qt dll files placed in MinGW and QtCreator directories (1 replies)
  199. How to run Qt apps on Debian? (1 replies)
  200. Qt has not been ported to this OS (1 replies)
  201. QTIFW 2.0.1 Translation issue using control script (0 replies)
  202. windows deployment of Qt<while Font class usage> (4 replies)
  203. QML with setContextProperty deployment (2 replies)
  204. Rendering Error using FileDialog on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) (4 replies)
  205. Qt5.5.1 Win32 App Developed by VS2013 Template "Qt Quick2 Application" Deploy Issue (1 replies)
  206. Is Qt creator executable directly execute on ARM board (2 replies)
  207. FT_New_Face failed with index 0:2 error while execute QT creator executable (0 replies)
  208. Deploying files with Qt application (0 replies)
  209. qml in golang (0 replies)
  210. link problem - /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL (2 replies)
  211. A web testing framework installation issue (0 replies)
  212. qt-creator on Raspberry Pi 2 (Unknown modules; designer) (2 replies)
  213. Problems in installing Qt 5.5 under Linux 14 ( virtual box ) (1 replies)
  214. Ubuntu 14.04 mysql driver not loaded (0 replies)
  215. Qt 5.4.2 build problem on Ubuntu 14.04 (1 replies)
  216. QFileDialog crashes with MSVC 64bit (1 replies)
  217. qt enterprise virtual keyboard example error (2 replies)
  218. Unable to reference external library (1 replies)
  219. CDB Debugger makes my Qt program crashing instantly (0 replies)
  220. Segmentation fault when installing QtIFW on Linux (1 replies)
  221. Qt 5 compile for WinCE 6.0, with VS 2008. IFailDialog not defined. (1 replies)
  222. Random QtMultmedia build issues with QtWebkit5 parallel builds (0 replies)
  223. Static Qt 4.8 with WebKit (1 replies)
  224. Barrier to using Qt - requirement for others do download Qt dev environment (1 replies)
  225. trying to deploy QT App with 4.8.7 and LionOS 10.7.5 (0 replies)
  226. Statically link QtQuick into statically linked Windows executable? (0 replies)
  227. Qt 5.5 android deployment - Exit code: 1 (1 replies)
  228. Create Lib using Qt (0 replies)
  229. Build standalone QT program using gnuplot-iostream (1 replies)
  230. Qt 5.5 build problems on windows (3 replies)
  231. QML: module "QtQuick.Controls" plugin "qtquickcontrolsplugin" not found on iOS (0 replies)
  232. QT gui application not starting automatically on startup in ubuntu 14.04 (3 replies)
  233. Cannot compile Qt 5.5 Opensource mysql plugin (1 replies)
  234. Kit can't detect my compiler(s) and debugger. (9 replies)
  235. Qt Widgets Application on Android Not Working (0 replies)
  236. Postgres drivers are not working with my QT project (1 replies)
  237. Installed Qt 5.3.0 but Apps asking for Qt 5.3.1 (0 replies)
  238. Trying to build Qt-SQL-driver-plugin for SQLite-DB with SQLCipher-extension (1 replies)
  239. Error to codesign the app for OSX (1 replies)
  240. qwindows platform plugin with minimal dependencies? (1 replies)
  241. Specific extra LIBS folder for Release and Debug when Building Qt (0 replies)
  242. Getting error: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkitwidgets in QT 5.2.1 in Ubutu 12.04 (1 replies)
  243. how to install qt-every-where 4.8.x on Ubuntu 14.04? (3 replies)
  244. Can somebody help me with a link to downloading the Qt Libs for Ms Visual Studio 2010 (1 replies)
  245. Building Qt from source with different versions of gcc (0 replies)
  246. runing qt application on Ubuntu (2 replies)
  247. Distributing 32bit binaries (5 replies)
  248. OpenGL program on other PC (1 replies)
  249. trying to compile Calligra (0 replies)
  250. installing qt4.8 on 32b on linux RedHat5 64b machine (3 replies)