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  1. What are your favourite C++ books?
  2. <vector>
  3. What are clock_t and time_t?
  4. K&R's strcpy function - problem with pointers
  5. loading array values directly
  6. math.h included, but fmod not available
  7. Problem with pointers while using localtime() and time()
  8. scanf not reading input correctly
  9. inside localtime() - wondering how to easily extract timezone difference
  10. C++ Library for serial communication
  11. SMTP & Attachments
  12. Basic question on new and delete
  13. typedef static const QString Tag;
  14. fstream -> stdout
  15. Is there a circular reference here?
  16. Maths in plain C++
  17. fftw unable to compile
  18. Objects and members
  19. Qt/C++ basic Q-s
  20. simple question on Class-Members
  21. How to use cmath.h with Qt OpenSource and minGW?
  22. Change frame rate
  23. Code comments
  24. creating a global instance
  25. array + template ?
  26. const member definitions in a class ....
  27. Templates : Help Please
  28. enum scope
  29. What default constructor?
  30. Creating a global array in my code???
  31. Multiple Inheritance
  32. Is there the static class in C++?
  33. fftw problem
  34. diffrence between void and virtual void
  35. Why use * ?
  36. <time.h>
  37. silly array element counter..
  38. QList<A*> indexOf
  39. Static field and public method
  40. Structs for C++ and Qt
  41. Array of linked lists
  42. Access Specifiers, Modifiers and Qualifiers
  43. undefined reference to fftw libraries
  44. virtual overloaded functions and base class function call...
  45. checking for null
  46. A simple question about setters
  47. C++ refactoring browser?
  48. Burn libs
  49. Linux API(?)
  50. Question about a handler of various types of parameters
  51. Datastructures: QT vs STD
  52. Simple question about heritances
  53. ::iterator
  54. convert iterator
  55. How to access a libsofa.a from a C++ program?
  56. vector memory allocation
  57. how to use enums
  58. Plugins
  59. association between 2 classes
  60. how to declare a friend variable ?
  61. Singleton pattern - end in recursion
  62. Current Time with microsecond precision on windows
  63. Is it possible to store pointers in a database ?
  64. Basic C++ doubts
  65. Module to process application parameters
  66. help on dll and .NET2003
  67. fftw help
  68. id3lib library problem
  69. Problem with dynamic_cast
  70. Array of Vectors
  71. declare array in a class
  72. Simple QProcess
  73. static & dynamic linking
  74. Beginner C++ question
  75. template parameter and conversion operator
  76. Std iterator as private member variable
  77. "New" operator
  78. pointers gone bad
  79. who can help me? It cost me many days.
  80. QList problem
  81. vector
  82. vector of objects
  83. model conception
  84. Associating file extensions
  85. operator<
  86. Problem of Core Dropped!
  87. lookup table
  88. I want to read a *.indd file, where can I find information about its format?
  89. precision problem - Help pls
  90. problem with array
  91. QR codes
  92. <vector> and new
  93. Speed penalty when using RTTI?
  94. Exception en point flottant!!!
  95. iterator
  96. How can i prevent class redefinition problem ?
  97. Map as return Type
  98. problem declaring a class
  99. sintax
  100. vector
  101. map
  102. Why can't I make dynamic_cast work properly?
  103. Problems calling C function in C++/Qt class
  104. c++ style
  105. vector of vector
  106. simple pointer question
  107. map question
  108. Weird compiler errors
  109. #include class
  110. runtime error
  111. Unable to use the operator== of QValueList
  112. Bring va_list args; to a QStringList or a qmap
  113. error:invalid use of member
  114. error compile
  115. Programming in Windows
  116. OSX Mac NSApplication class link?
  117. Mac openFileWithoutUI
  118. Sql Server and PDF files
  119. hint on OO
  120. Random No Generator in C/C++
  121. cast QString-GLenum
  122. question on vector an new
  123. GLenum
  124. cast
  125. math.h include error
  126. delete
  127. pointer/reference
  128. new e delete
  129. Creating, deleting folders with C++?
  130. float
  131. tricks when designing project file formats?
  132. warning
  133. problem with an include
  134. runtime error <vector>
  135. member
  136. including
  137. pointer
  138. name of exported dll functions
  139. How much inheritance do you use?
  140. cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const Square' to 'Square &'
  141. Random no. generation using QT3??
  142. virtual members
  143. how to insert an ' in a database
  144. copying and assignment constructors
  145. Free code coverage analyzers
  146. Memory leak
  147. Reverse engineering tools
  148. clock() function
  149. Qt + gSoap + Visual Studio 2005
  150. templates and Q_OBJECT
  151. problem with vector
  152. converting unix exe to windows binary
  153. problem with namespaces
  154. a C .exe doesn't read writeToStdin
  155. condused with copy construcotrs
  156. how to write a structure in a shared mem segment.
  157. could somebody please explain const to me?
  158. Problem regarding C++ STL
  159. constructors, new, return
  160. virtual constructor
  161. MYSQL Triggers??
  162. Problem regarding DLL
  163. c++ char to Int
  164. Building a third party library
  165. to use a dll (.NET)
  166. getchar()
  167. Design help please
  168. fstream open/close
  169. array of pointers to functions
  170. c++, placement delete upon exception
  171. IO Control Mechanism (Hardware Data Access)
  172. C++ question?
  173. warning C4251:
  174. data at fifo's receiving end has arrived?
  175. weird error
  176. dealing individual objects
  177. undefined symbol in library
  178. problem using template
  179. stack
  180. .Net & C# question
  181. Basic C++ doubt
  182. problem of how to get drive
  183. How To Extract A File
  184. how to notify an application when a usb flash drive gets connected..
  185. How I can retrive information abt file.
  186. Iostream cout on loop same line
  187. problem converting string-char-int
  188. runtime error
  189. is ther any function which use int 8 bytes
  190. libmingw32.a problem
  191. const function parameter problems
  192. how to write a template function in a form..
  193. Static functions and class members
  194. OpenGL glGet problem
  195. string to char*?
  196. C++ and default values for functions
  197. saving a c string of variable length in a shared memory?
  198. problem with storing greek chars to a buffer (os linux)
  199. multiple "shells"
  200. Question about pointer to class
  201. inheritance, pure virtual
  202. linking fftw 3.0.1
  203. page faults
  204. Why forward declaration ?
  205. QT Program debug,GDB on Linux
  206. Pointer to a 2D array of pointers ??
  207. Coding style about pointer
  208. Usb Peer To Peer
  209. Crypto++ and Qt3.3.5
  210. global variable
  211. How to determine memory usage?
  212. String encryption - suggestions asked
  213. vector of vector size
  214. basic inherited or vector problem?
  215. failing to achieve desired size of a BitField structure
  216. problem with vector of vectors
  217. is it legal to declare a pthread_t variable as local?
  218. costructor/destructor problem
  219. Conventional Class Aggregation
  220. simple question on pointer-arrays
  221. double precision or what?
  222. reading DVD data and mpeg2 streams
  223. problem with pointer-reference
  224. performance - call function
  225. Accessing to a static variable from the same class
  226. Subclass
  227. Version control - what to use?
  228. cout problem
  229. Portable Console Password Prompt
  230. Readline command error
  231. 3D rendering of a pool table
  232. Forward declaration with std namespace
  233. insert in a vector of vector
  234. Libraries (or other methods) for coding and decoding in H263 or similar
  235. Omitting private part of a class definition
  236. How to read/write sets of orderded numbers in binary
  237. Segmentation Fault
  238. Window OS make distclean && qmake && make one line
  239. Variable question
  240. A question of style and design
  241. Unresolved externals
  242. Unicode + plain C++
  243. Is there any way to synchronize the display of images
  244. limit memory allocation
  245. Defining data format in c++
  246. system-independent C++ data types
  247. Macro used for debugging
  248. Adding dll files to the PATH variable in Microsoft VS .NET 2003
  249. Build rules: Please assist
  250. distinguish windows and unix in Makefile