- What are your favourite C++ books?
- <vector>
- What are clock_t and time_t?
- K&R's strcpy function - problem with pointers
- loading array values directly
- math.h included, but fmod not available
- Problem with pointers while using localtime() and time()
- scanf not reading input correctly
- inside localtime() - wondering how to easily extract timezone difference
- C++ Library for serial communication
- SMTP & Attachments
- Basic question on new and delete
- typedef static const QString Tag;
- fstream -> stdout
- Is there a circular reference here?
- Maths in plain C++
- fftw unable to compile
- Objects and members
- Qt/C++ basic Q-s
- simple question on Class-Members
- How to use cmath.h with Qt OpenSource and minGW?
- Change frame rate
- Code comments
- creating a global instance
- array + template ?
- const member definitions in a class ....
- Templates : Help Please
- enum scope
- What default constructor?
- Creating a global array in my code???
- Multiple Inheritance
- Is there the static class in C++?
- fftw problem
- diffrence between void and virtual void
- Why use * ?
- <time.h>
- silly array element counter..
- QList<A*> indexOf
- Static field and public method
- Structs for C++ and Qt
- Array of linked lists
- Access Specifiers, Modifiers and Qualifiers
- undefined reference to fftw libraries
- virtual overloaded functions and base class function call...
- checking for null
- A simple question about setters
- C++ refactoring browser?
- Burn libs
- Linux API(?)
- Question about a handler of various types of parameters
- Datastructures: QT vs STD
- Simple question about heritances
- ::iterator
- convert iterator
- How to access a libsofa.a from a C++ program?
- vector memory allocation
- how to use enums
- Plugins
- association between 2 classes
- how to declare a friend variable ?
- Singleton pattern - end in recursion
- Current Time with microsecond precision on windows
- Is it possible to store pointers in a database ?
- Basic C++ doubts
- Module to process application parameters
- help on dll and .NET2003
- fftw help
- id3lib library problem
- Problem with dynamic_cast
- Array of Vectors
- declare array in a class
- Simple QProcess
- static & dynamic linking
- Beginner C++ question
- template parameter and conversion operator
- Std iterator as private member variable
- "New" operator
- pointers gone bad
- who can help me? It cost me many days.
- QList problem
- vector
- vector of objects
- model conception
- Associating file extensions
- operator<
- Problem of Core Dropped!
- lookup table
- I want to read a *.indd file, where can I find information about its format?
- precision problem - Help pls
- problem with array
- QR codes
- <vector> and new
- Speed penalty when using RTTI?
- Exception en point flottant!!!
- iterator
- How can i prevent class redefinition problem ?
- Map as return Type
- problem declaring a class
- sintax
- vector
- map
- Why can't I make dynamic_cast work properly?
- Problems calling C function in C++/Qt class
- c++ style
- vector of vector
- simple pointer question
- map question
- Weird compiler errors
- #include class
- runtime error
- Unable to use the operator== of QValueList
- Bring va_list args; to a QStringList or a qmap
- error:invalid use of member
- error compile
- Programming in Windows
- OSX Mac NSApplication class link?
- Mac openFileWithoutUI
- Sql Server and PDF files
- hint on OO
- Random No Generator in C/C++
- cast QString-GLenum
- question on vector an new
- GLenum
- cast
- math.h include error
- delete
- pointer/reference
- new e delete
- Creating, deleting folders with C++?
- float
- tricks when designing project file formats?
- warning
- problem with an include
- runtime error <vector>
- member
- including
- pointer
- name of exported dll functions
- How much inheritance do you use?
- cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const Square' to 'Square &'
- Random no. generation using QT3??
- virtual members
- how to insert an ' in a database
- copying and assignment constructors
- Free code coverage analyzers
- Memory leak
- Reverse engineering tools
- clock() function
- Qt + gSoap + Visual Studio 2005
- templates and Q_OBJECT
- problem with vector
- converting unix exe to windows binary
- problem with namespaces
- a C .exe doesn't read writeToStdin
- condused with copy construcotrs
- how to write a structure in a shared mem segment.
- could somebody please explain const to me?
- Problem regarding C++ STL
- constructors, new, return
- virtual constructor
- MYSQL Triggers??
- Problem regarding DLL
- c++ char to Int
- Building a third party library
- to use a dll (.NET)
- getchar()
- Design help please
- fstream open/close
- array of pointers to functions
- c++, placement delete upon exception
- IO Control Mechanism (Hardware Data Access)
- C++ question?
- warning C4251:
- data at fifo's receiving end has arrived?
- weird error
- dealing individual objects
- undefined symbol in library
- problem using template
- stack
- .Net & C# question
- Basic C++ doubt
- problem of how to get drive
- How To Extract A File
- how to notify an application when a usb flash drive gets connected..
- How I can retrive information abt file.
- Iostream cout on loop same line
- problem converting string-char-int
- runtime error
- is ther any function which use int 8 bytes
- libmingw32.a problem
- const function parameter problems
- how to write a template function in a form..
- Static functions and class members
- OpenGL glGet problem
- string to char*?
- C++ and default values for functions
- saving a c string of variable length in a shared memory?
- problem with storing greek chars to a buffer (os linux)
- multiple "shells"
- Question about pointer to class
- inheritance, pure virtual
- linking fftw 3.0.1
- page faults
- Why forward declaration ?
- QT Program debug,GDB on Linux
- Pointer to a 2D array of pointers ??
- Coding style about pointer
- Usb Peer To Peer
- Crypto++ and Qt3.3.5
- global variable
- How to determine memory usage?
- String encryption - suggestions asked
- vector of vector size
- basic inherited or vector problem?
- failing to achieve desired size of a BitField structure
- problem with vector of vectors
- is it legal to declare a pthread_t variable as local?
- costructor/destructor problem
- Conventional Class Aggregation
- simple question on pointer-arrays
- double precision or what?
- reading DVD data and mpeg2 streams
- problem with pointer-reference
- performance - call function
- Accessing to a static variable from the same class
- Subclass
- Version control - what to use?
- cout problem
- Portable Console Password Prompt
- Readline command error
- 3D rendering of a pool table
- Forward declaration with std namespace
- insert in a vector of vector
- Libraries (or other methods) for coding and decoding in H263 or similar
- Omitting private part of a class definition
- How to read/write sets of orderded numbers in binary
- Segmentation Fault
- Window OS make distclean && qmake && make one line
- Variable question
- A question of style and design
- Unresolved externals
- Unicode + plain C++
- Is there any way to synchronize the display of images
- limit memory allocation
- Defining data format in c++
- system-independent C++ data types
- Macro used for debugging
- Adding dll files to the PATH variable in Microsoft VS .NET 2003
- Build rules: Please assist
- distinguish windows and unix in Makefile