View Full Version : qmake: add to project but do not compile

8th November 2007, 15:16
Hello everyone,

I am using Qt 4.3.2 with Visual Studio 2005 on WinXP Pro.

Is it possible to setup a .pro file to add a source file to a project so that it appears in Visual Studio but not to compile that file when the solution is build?



8th November 2007, 15:30
try to compile the project using a simple qmake -project, qmake yourpro.pro, make and then refresh your visual, is you source file present into the pro?

8th November 2007, 16:03
Sorry I don't think I quite follow your solution. What I want to be able to do is see a source file in the Visual Studio project browser but not have that file built when I build the entire solution. I want to do this because, based on a solution level configuration, certain files need to be either included or omitted from the build. However, I would still like these files to appear in the project browser.

Currently, qmake -tp vs -r project.pro is run to generate the sln and vcprog files and then the development environment is started.