View Full Version : qmake multiple INCLUDEPATH in Linux

14th November 2007, 10:22
Hi All,

I have more than one include path in qmake,like below

qmake -project "INCLUDEPATH+=../include" "INCLUDEPATH+=../interface"

../include and ../interface are my directory structures,

I tried the above with different orders, its taking only include directory not interface directory.

The same is working in Windows but not in Linux !
If anybody knows how to resolve please reply,

14th November 2007, 10:28
Try this:
qmake -project "INCLUDEPATH+=../include ../interface"

14th November 2007, 10:39
sorry I tried this options already

I tried even

qmake -project INCLUDEPATH+=../include ../interface

qmake -project INCLUDEPATH+=../interface ../include

and same options with 2 INCLUDEPATH

For all cases it's taking only ../include

I didn't get what is the problem here ? Is there any restriction like directoryname should include ..

How its working in windows!?

14th November 2007, 10:47
Which version of qmake you are using? It works fine for me with qmake 2.01 (Qt 4.3.2) under Linux.

14th November 2007, 11:28
I am using Qt4.3.0 in Linux

14th November 2007, 11:32
Try upgrading then.

14th November 2007, 11:54
then is this problem with only Qt4.1?

Ok i will upgrade and let you know..

14th November 2007, 11:54
For me "qmake -v" outputs exactly the same version, 2.01a, for both Qt 4.3.0 and 4.3.2.

I tried even

qmake -project INCLUDEPATH+=../include ../interface

qmake -project INCLUDEPATH+=../interface ../include
Just to assure, these did actually have quotes around the include path part, right?

14th November 2007, 11:57
I am using Qt4.3.0 in Linux

then is this problem with only Qt4.1?
So which one is it? There's quite a big difference between 4.1 and 4.3.

14th November 2007, 12:11
sorry , I am wrong i am using 4.3.0 ..

14th November 2007, 18:47
There seems to have a simpler way...

Just do "qmake -project", then edit the generated file and add the path?

15th November 2007, 04:25
I tried with by editing generated .pro file , I need this to achieve by qmake option itself,
If any body have idea reply.

15th November 2007, 10:38
As J-P noticed, you must be doing something wrong, because it works for him in Qt 4.3.0. Did you remember to surround the variable with quotes?