View Full Version : No Windows taskbar entry on new process.

Khal Drogo
16th November 2007, 13:27

I need to start an application using QProcess, and i need that application not to have a windows taskbar entry.

How to do it? Thank you.

Khal Drogo
17th November 2007, 09:39
In case it needed further clarification:

I would like the functionality which one normally achieves by applying the Qt::Tool window flag to a window, i.e. there isn't any taskbar entry for the window on the windows taskbar.

Unfortunately this does not work if i try to start a new application, and try to apply it to that application's main window, so that application doesn't produce a taskbar entry at all.

Please suggest another way.
Thank you.

17th November 2007, 16:09
I doubt that will be possible in Qt. That application is not under your control. You might be able to do it with WinAPI.

Khal Drogo
18th November 2007, 17:11
Thank you.

I ended up using the following, in case anybody else will need it:

HWND appWindow = FindWindow(NULL, static_cast<LPCWSTR>(title.toStdWString().c_str()));
long exStyle = GetWindowLong(appWindow, GWL_EXSTYLE);
exStyle &= ~WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
SetWindowLong(appWindow, GWL_EXSTYLE, exStyle);