View Full Version : where is a utility - qconfig?

16th November 2007, 15:27
I am using qtopia-core-opensource-4.3.2.
The documentation shows that we can use "qconfig" to configure our own qconfig-my.h so that we can do as:
./configure -qconfig my -embedded arm
However I can find this qconfig utility in the package?
Could anyone tell me where it is?
Thanks in advance.

16th November 2007, 16:53
Check subdir tools/qtconfig in the source tarball.

17th November 2007, 16:26
Thanks for your reply.

I didn't find "qconfig" executable file in tools/qconfig/, however there are some files in this folder:
linux-insb:/opt/qtopia-core-opensource-src-4.3.2/tools/qconfig # ls
LICENSE.GPL feature.h featuretreemodel.h main.cpp
feature.cpp featuretreemodel.cpp graphics.h qconfig.pro

18th November 2007, 09:02
Sorry, I can't check it myself right now, but I believe the DESTDIR variable in .pro is "../../bin" which means the binary will appear into $QTDIR/bin once you compile the project.

19th November 2007, 13:37
I confirm that "qconfig" has not been compiled although there are relavent source codes in tools/qconfig directory.
I think "qconfig" should not be cross-compiled. It seems belong to Qt rather than Qtopia.

22nd November 2007, 06:44
That is correct, build the qconfig utility from your Qt installation, then prepare the features for Qtopia using it.

27th November 2007, 14:18
Thank you. e8johan.