View Full Version : [QT 4] QTextEdit performance

3rd March 2006, 16:30
:eek: I tell ya what I am not that impressed with the QTextEdit performance. I have a thread running some code and all it does is send a msg to my GUI (append to QTextEdit) and it doesn't update at all until after my thread is completed.

I've read that other people have said the performance is bad but was told to use a QTable.

Why use a QTable when QTextEdit is really what I want? hmm... :confused:

Is there a way to improve the speed of updating. I have a QProgressbar and it gets a call at the same time I send a call to the QTextEdit (while the progressbar updates great the textedit does not.)


3rd March 2006, 16:52
:eek: I tell ya what I am not that impressed with the QTextEdit performance. I have a thread running some code and all it does is send a msg to my GUI (append to QTextEdit) and it doesn't update at all until after my thread is completed.

I've read that other people have said the performance is bad but was told to use a QTable.

Why use a QTable when QTextEdit is really what I want? hmm... :confused:

Is there a way to improve the speed of updating. I have a QProgressbar and it gets a call at the same time I send a call to the QTextEdit (while the progressbar updates great the textedit does not.)


Seems to work fast enough for me. The "qQpp->processEvents();" call updates the QTextEdit control as fast as the Windows events que will allow.

ui.leStatus->setText("Preparing XTab Report...");

3rd March 2006, 17:12
hmmm, I am using the QTextEdit::append(QString); I wonder if that is why.....

it would look like this:

for(int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
my_qtext_edit_ptr->append(tr("this is another line %1").arg(x));

QTextCursor cursor(my_qtext_edit_ptr->textCursor());
cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor);

// although I've had this in there it didn't seem to help much


I will go and try this exact thin and post my results....
And thanks for replying to my post.

3rd March 2006, 17:24
Good test, I set it up and it ran like I expected it to (fast and good.) But then I started to change things. What I have is a thread, right, so the way my thread sends the message back is threw and signal and a slot.

I placed within my thread the for loop and had it send back the message back via emit and it gave the display. So, would it be in the emit or would it be within the thread?

My thread is very simple thread.

// with in the basic run I have
for(int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
send(tr("I want more lines\nthis is another line %1").arg(x));

// where send is a function

void my_thread::send(QString msg)
emit send_msg(msg);

now my connect on my gui looks like this

connect(mp_thread, SIGNAL(send_msg(QString)), this,

// and my funciton

void my_gui::append_output(QString out_msg)

QTextCursor cursor(output_text->textCursor());
cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor);

Chicken Blood Machine
3rd March 2006, 18:39
// with in the basic run I have
for(int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
send(tr("I want more lines\nthis is another line %1").arg(x));

What happens if you put a sleep(0) in that loop?

3rd March 2006, 18:59
I placed a dealy for a second and it improved the look of it but still lagged down.

So yes, if I slowed down added/emit call then it will have time to update. I was thinking that maybe the QTextEdit has a lower priority then that of the Thread or even the progress bar for that matter.

I haven't tried it yet but was thinking of placing the thread at a low priority (not sure if this will fix things or even how low to put it.)

Any ideas?

Chicken Blood Machine
3rd March 2006, 19:22
I placed a dealy for a second and it improved the look of it but still lagged down.

sleep(1) is okay, but I specifically meant sleep(0), this causes the thread to yield to any other running threads and continue execution as quickly as possible. It's a common technique in thread management. Your sleep(1) will cause a 1-second delay between iterations of the loop, even when it is not necessary.

I'm not sure that your problem is to do with threading anyway. It maybe just that QTextEdit cannot handle new data and repainting at the rate that you are sending it. Have you tried using setUpdatesEnabled(bool) to periodically allow the widget to redraw?

Matt Smith
4th March 2006, 23:22
I have a huge problem with QTextEdit's performance also. Text editing is a major part of my app and when typing text into a QTE widget, you notice a lag between you typing and the letter appearing. This leads to a reduction in typing accuracy as well. It's very irritating. Trolltech said in the changelog that the widget in 4.1.1 had improved performance, but I don't notice it. (I use Qt/Mac but when using it on X11 similar problems appear.) The problem is sometimes worse than at other times.

6th March 2006, 19:27

I can also confirm the bad QTextEdit performance here on linux.
As said before, sometimes there's just a lag in typing, sometimes there is no lag. The bigger the text gets, the worse the problem. Even 50k or less gets slow here. This is very odd because I have 3.2ghz and a text widget (just showing regular text) shouldn't show any noticable slowdown, even with megs of text inside. Let's just hope 4.2 will fix the issue..