View Full Version : Are "negative filters" possible??

30th November 2007, 20:43
This is how you can set filters on your QStringList (filenames).

QStringList mylist;
mylist << "*.jpg" << "*.bmp";

This is how you can set filters on your QString (filenames of a given folder).

QString mystring = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
tr("Open Image"), QDir::current().dirName(), tr("Image Files (*.jpg *.bmp)"));

I wonder if it is also possible to set negative filters? Instead of declaring what you want to see, I'd like to declare what I DON'T want to see? Does anyone know the syntax? For example: I don't want to see a file named "file.bmp", but "*.bmp" is allowed.

30th November 2007, 21:23
Take a look at QStringList::filter().