View Full Version : No network when Modem Emulator connect to a real device

8th December 2007, 10:07
Dear sir,

display "No network "in qvfb when I runqtopia;
but the case is random, namely some time can diplay current network!

I only do these steps:
1. add physical serial port in VM and sure that it be in connected state
2. source_code_dir/configrure -phonevendors wavecom -multiplexers wavecom
3. make
4.make install

after above steps finish, i type:
1. export QTOPIA_PHONE_VENDOR=wavecom
2. export QTOPIA_PHONE_MUX=no
3 <scripts /> ./runqtopia

qvfb display "No network", however i mobile have Netwok!

my question is the case is occasional , what reason result in the case?

i trace the source code (qtopia-phone-commercial-src-4.2.2) and find qtopia will send some AT CMD in initial state; first CMD will write to serialport device, second,third...will send to Queue!
when accept a RX from serial port device, qtopia will delete the first CMD in queue then process the followed CMD!

But my run into case is that qtopia do not write second,third....CMD to serialport device after it have writted the first CMD to serialport device!
i doubt that there isnot response return from serialport device result in first cmd isnot deleted ; so the followed cmd arenot write to serialport device?

would you help me solve the case , thanks~~~

8th December 2007, 10:17
Dear sir,

please help me , thanks~~~~

refer to following URL:


8th December 2007, 15:28
Dear sir,

please help me , thanks~~~~

refer to following URL:
Please, don't start multiple threads on the same problem.

10th December 2007, 08:24

could you provide me some document to refer?