View Full Version : QProgressBar + Mac OS X

12th December 2007, 18:51
Hi everyone.

I have a problem with QProgressBar in QTableWidget. It doesn't want to scale :confused:
On Windows it works the right way. I don't know what to do

12th December 2007, 19:09
How did you do it? With delegate or cell widget?

13th December 2007, 12:18
I did it with setCellWidget method

13th December 2007, 14:29
Well, I would recommend using the delegate approach. It's much more light-weight. :) Check out the torrent example (http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/network-torrent.html).

14th December 2007, 13:37
Could you tell me more about this "delegate aproach" ?

14th December 2007, 13:41
Take a look at TorrentViewDelegate::paint() in mainwindow.cpp (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/network-torrent-mainwindow-cpp.html). This approach makes it possible to render progress bars in item views without need of flooding it full of rather expensive index widgets. Also, there is no need to explicitly maintain geometry of index widgets (which seems to cause problems in your case).