View Full Version : QSqlQuery problem

14th December 2007, 23:09
Hi, I have the code:
QString CMerchandizeBrowser::getMerchandizeName(QString strPicPath)
Q_ASSERT(strPicPath.size()>0); // assertion test
// use query
QSqlQuery useQuery("USE merchandize;");
qDebug() << useQuery.lastError(); // debug
// query string;
QString queryString("SELECT * FROM `eros`.`merchandize` WHERE PicPath=\"%1\";");
qDebug() << "queryString:" << queryString; // debug
QSqlQuery query(queryString); // executes sql query
//Q_ASSERT(query.value(iMerchandizeFieldNAME).toStri ng().size()>0); // assertion test
qDebug() << query.lastError(); // debug: shows error
qDebug() << query.value(iMerchandizeFieldNAME).toString(); // debug
return(query.value(iMerchandizeFieldNAME).toString ()); // returns merchandize name

and after qDebug() << query.lastError() I get:
warning: QSqlError(-1, "", "")

The connection to database is ok, I've double checked. What is wrong, please help!

14th December 2007, 23:15
I don't think you need ";" appended to the query string. I think it is added automatically.
Remove it and see if there's any difference.

14th December 2007, 23:21
Same result. And in both cases, I also get following warning in debugging process:
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record

14th December 2007, 23:26
Everything is OK with the query, so the problem must be somewhere else. Double check you database connection... What happens if you pass the database as the second parameter to QSqlQuery.

14th December 2007, 23:40
God damn, upon seinding paramaters to database, as 3rd paramater I've sent hostname instead of database name and normally, database was not activated. Marcel, thanks!!!!

But on the other hand, I have one more question. I have another function that retreives data from another table and it has been working perfectly before I've corrected this glitch with database paramaters. How is that possible?

14th December 2007, 23:50
I don't know... Magic?
Maybe that database was the default schema for the user you connected with...

14th December 2007, 23:59
I will dig into this, it'a possible nasty bug, and let me report what I've discovered.

15th December 2007, 13:46
warning: QSqlError(-1, "", "")
This actually means that there is no error.

QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
You don't invoke QSqlQuery::next() before value().

Also better use bindValue() to avoid SQL injection:

QSqlQuery q;
q.prepare( "SELECT * FROM `eros`.`merchandize` WHERE PicPath= :path" );
q.bindValue( ":path", strPicPath );
if( q.exec() ) {
while( q.next() ) {
// ...
else {
// error

18th December 2007, 08:39
I have another big problem with QSqlQuery.
I'm binding values using bindValue() function. Inside exec() function driver()->formatValue() function is called for each binded value, so each '\' becames '\\'.
Is theer any way to avoid such behaviour?

(I have standart_conforming_strings = on in my postgres.conf so I don't need escaping '\' characters)

18th December 2007, 09:51
Try to use this style

GetQry = ( char *) malloc ( ( 50 * sizeof ( char ) ) + 1 );

strcpy(GetQry, "select * from TableList where id > ");
TmpQry = ( char * ) realloc ( GetQry, sizeof( char ) * ( strlen(GetQry ) + strlen(TID) + 1 ) );

GetQry = TmpQry;
strcat(GetQry, TID);

and execute that string GetQry


18th December 2007, 11:33
GetQry = ( char *) malloc ( ( 50 * sizeof ( char ) ) + 1 );

strcpy(GetQry, "select * from TableList where id > ");
TmpQry = ( char * ) realloc ( GetQry, sizeof( char ) * ( strlen(GetQry ) + strlen(TID) + 1 ) );

GetQry = TmpQry;
strcat(GetQry, TID);
Don't even dare to write such horrible things in a Qt-based code.

18th December 2007, 13:25
I have another big problem with QSqlQuery.
I'm binding values using bindValue() function. Inside exec() function driver()->formatValue() function is called for each binded value, so each '\' becames '\\'.
Is theer any way to avoid such behaviour?

(I have standart_conforming_strings = on in my postgres.conf so I don't need escaping '\' characters)
I think you should contact the Trolls as this is something that should be fixed in Qt code before standard_conforming_strings becomes "on" by default.