View Full Version : QLabel array

27th December 2007, 12:33
I have a QLabel array in my program. I declare it like this.
QLabel *pixmapLabels [5] [2];
How can I increase the size of that array at runtime?

my code is like this

int NumStates_New = files.size()/2;

if ( files.size()%2 >0 ) NumStates_New++;

QLabel *pixmapLabels [ NumStates_New ] [2];

it is working in Linux. But in windows it display error like this

error C2057: expected constant expression
error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
error C2133: 'pixmapLabels' : unknown size

Please help me to solve this

27th December 2007, 12:40
See Generic Containers (http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/containers.html) and QVarLengthArray.

PS. Could you wrap code blocks inside
-tags, thank you.

// code here