View Full Version : VS2005 Integration vs the Various Other IDEs

1st January 2008, 05:19
For just Windows developement, how to the various IDEs:

Monkey Studio

compare with Visual Studio 2005 integration? Are these more up-to-date? Is VS more "polished"?

In one of the Trolltech videos, the presenter said that VS has problems dereferencing pointers when you hover the mouse over a variable during debugging? Do these IDE's have these types of problems?

1st January 2008, 07:39
For just Windows developement, how to the various IDEs:

Monkey Studio

compare with Visual Studio 2005 integration? Are these more up-to-date? Is VS more "polished"?

Well, I'm sorry to say it, but they don't. If you can use VS, then do it.
I see you mentioned VS integration. That is just an extension that comes with Qt commercial and works only with non-Express versions of Visual Studio.
You were probably talking about VS Express.

In one of the Trolltech videos, the presenter said that VS has problems dereferencing pointers when you hover the mouse over a variable during debugging? Do these IDE's have these types of problems?

Yes, that is true and it happens because Qt classes are implemented with pimpl. There is no way the IDE would know to what classes to cast the private data. It works perfectly for other types of classes.
Of course, it works even for Qt classes if you perform an explicit cast on the private data: press ctrl-alt-q on the pointer and cast its private data to the appropriate class.

I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Open Source IDEs don't have the same behavior.

Another option for you is Eclipse CDT. Trolltech even provides a free Eclipse Integration, pretty much similar to the commercial one, for VS. Debugging support in Eclipse is as best as the one VS, although it currently works with Qt + MinGW.

5th January 2008, 05:08
Thanks marcel.

I'm evaluating VS Integrated.

So I guess a better question is, which is better: VS Integration or Eclipse CDT?

You seem pretty knowlegable about VS Integration. I would like to execute a macro or perhaps some other way in VS (or Eclipse) that will do the following:

I would like to have the cursor in a function definition/declaration in a .h file and hit some hot key that would switch to the corresponding .cpp file and shell out the implemetation or even better shell out all the unimplemented definitions.

For example:

in myclass.h:

class SJMyClass : public QWidget
void doSomething(int cnt);

Have cursor somewhere on that line and hit Ctrl + c (Class completion in Delphi does this)
and the following happens:

1) Switch to myclass.cpp
2) Scroll to bottom and insert:

void SJMyClass::doSomething(int cnt)
//place cursor here.

Is something like this doable? Any hints on how to get there?
From Class View, VS has Add Function which is somewhat close but it can only handle native C++ types (best I can tell) and it is still clumsy compared to what I described above. (Delphi does this beautifully)
Also, I tried playing around with macros in VS2005 and best I can tell macros dont work with the Qt Integration.


10th January 2008, 09:22
From my point of view Eclipse is very usefull :) I use it on Windows and Linux with Eclipse Qt Integration.