View Full Version : Read Data in formated manner

1st January 2008, 12:15
Hi All,

I am using Qt 4.3 , I want to read some data from QFile in some formatted manner ,

For example

I have Some string like following in my file,


I want to read the integers placed between my String.

that may be any number of digit , My output will like following

a=123 , b= 2 ,c=34 and d=1234 (assume a b c d are integers)

My format specifier for this o/p is :"V%d.%d.%d.%d"

I tried QTextStream but i didn't find any methods to get data in Formated manner?

If anybody knows please help me ?

1st January 2008, 12:28
Use QString.
split() remove() and toInt() methods.